Clean Eating Friend

LosingMandy Posts: 41 Member
Hi all,

Just looking for some new clean eating friends to add on mfp for inspiration. I've been in a plateau for a while and I want to shake it up to get the motivation to kick it in the *kitten* again.

A little bit about me - I try to eat clean as often as possible, but I'm still very much a beginner, and stuff up more often then not. I like trying new clean recipes to keep things interesting, latest one was a raw strawberry fudge.

I use supplements like protein powder, xtend and oxyelite. I find they help me kick the bad stuff.

I head to the gym usually at least four times a week, it's changed my life. I love it. But I still have a long way to go for fitness and weight wise.

Please add me if you think we could motivate and learn from each other. I desperately need some new inspiration.



  • Via88
    Via88 Posts: 46
    Hey Mandy,

    I literally just joined this group like 3 minutes ago lol. I just decided to day to try a clean eating lifestyle before I have also been in a plateau for a few months and i'm hoping this is what I need to kick things into gear and start seeing results on the scale! Feel free to add me for sure :) I'm looking for more recipes as well!
  • v6s30
    v6s30 Posts: 43
    Hey :) I am kickstarting the clean too :)
  • Nimhel
    Nimhel Posts: 22 Member
    I've been trying clean eating for a couple of weeks so far and I love it. I miss some things still, but for the most part, I feel better eating this way. I haven't had too much of a problem with the food, I just can't get my butt to the gym.
  • naanpocen
    naanpocen Posts: 11 Member
    I am new here too and also learning to eat clean. My husband is better than I am (has been at it for most of his adult life), but he lets me 'do my thing' which isn't a good thing sometimes, so I guess I need someone that would 'kick my butt' into doing wat is good for me (clean eating).
  • wutaday1
    wutaday1 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi all, I am going to begin eating clean as well. I have been eating processed foods too much lately again and need to get back to whole foods. :) Hope to learn more from this group and all of you!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I am new here as well. I started trying to eat cleaner around this time last year. I am look for support in this lifestyle and new ideas of way to eat clean that fit into a very busy life. I am a mother of 2 (3yo and 6months) working 40 hours a week so it is much easier to do the pre-packaged stuff or take out. I am determined to clean up our eating so as my boys grow older it will be second nature to them.
  • anawhatsme
    anawhatsme Posts: 261 Member
    i could use some support and encouragement also.
    i got a tosca reno book in january and pretty much jumped right into the whole clean eating thing.
    a couple weeks in, i was feeling great, losing weight, all was great.
    got some health issues and fell so off track.
    having a hard time getting back into it the same as i was.

    hoping to talk to like minded folks!
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    Clean eating vet here! Add me if you like :drinker:
  • TikkittyTack
    TikkittyTack Posts: 8 Member
    I would love a good few clean eating buddies myself. Have adhered to this lifestyle for a bit over 2months now. My body has never felt better.
  • BlueStar1989
    BlueStar1989 Posts: 130 Member
    I would love some clean eating buddies to help me stay on track while I start forming new habits and eating better diet.