Daily Check-In



  • ajones1227
    ajones1227 Posts: 180 Member
    Lower focus complete and I definitely didn't give it my all as I was almost 100 calories short of the last time I did this same workout. I also cut the 3 minute cool down short.
  • Natural_K
    Week 3 begins and I got a little off track again on Thursday so now I have identified my trigger day. Over the weekend I indulged maybe a little too much celebrating my best friends bridal shower and my brother-in-laws birthday. This week I am pushing harder to correct all those empty calories I drank. :ohwell: Have an awesome day everyone!
  • Zakiya05
    Zakiya05 Posts: 36 Member
    Week 3 begins and I got a little off track again on Thursday so now I have identified my trigger day. Over the weekend I indulged maybe a little too much celebrating my best friends bridal shower and my brother-in-laws birthday. This week I am pushing harder to correct all those empty calories I drank. :ohwell: Have an awesome day everyone!

    Ha, ha, you and me both. I know it's all downhill now until after New Year's. Just have to amp up the workouts. All the celebrations that involve yummy food and empty calorie drinks is approaching. I am planing on indulging but not over indulged. Like for example I am limiting myself to three pieces of halloween candy a day instead of 6 or more, lol. Or if I go to a costume party this month, I am limiting myself to two drinks and not the usual 4+, lol.

    Anyhow, on to week 3!!! I'm headed to DC for my friend's bday. Any anytime I go to DC (which is pretty often), I just get ignorant. But ignorant in moderation, lol. The last time I went I was very happy with how I did, while of course I was over my calories, I wasn't insanely over. Plan to do the same this time. I brought my workouts with last time, which I think really helped keep me "focused" I'll do the same this time.

    Don't worry about having a little fun now and in here, it's what keeps you on the wagon. A too strict diet is bound to crash burn and fail at some time. If you like drinking alcohol, drink alchol...in monderation. A drink or two here and there doesn't make someone fat overnight.
  • Zakiya05
    Zakiya05 Posts: 36 Member
    I don't check into this thing daily, but I do at least once a week. Just finished Speed 1.0 Alpha, and as one of my other MFP friends was saying this is the best out of the Alpha series. I love the streach breaks in between. Just what I need to carry me over to the next move. What is your fav workout in Alpha month?
  • kritney
    kritney Posts: 132 Member
    Hi everyone! Got off track a bit but am back now. Just finished lower focus and am still feeling it! I'm in week 3 which is usually where I start to lose steam but that is NOT going to happen with T25! I am committed to finishing the whole program and rockin my results!
  • sandeerah
    Hmmm, not sure what my favourite workout is in Alpha. I don't mind Total body, but really I hate the walking planks in it. I just cant do them.
    I just did lower focus this morning, it is not too bad. I had a good Ab Curcuit the other day. Tough, but felt good, IYKWIM.

  • sandeerah
    How is everyone going? :happy:
    I am up to my last week. Week 5 starts tomorrow.
    3 lots of total body workouts, it will be a tough one.
    Take care everyone
  • sandeerah
    This is it! My last day of Alpha. To be honest, I am glad, I think I know the dvd off by heart by now and sometimes Sean T irritates me.
    On to Beta on Wednesday. It makes me kind of nervous. I haven't looked at it yet, but I can only imagine it is going to get harder! :noway:
    My stats haven't been anything to write home about. I have lost 1cm in hips, and gained 1cm in the thigh. All the rest, including weight, has stayed the same at 64
    How are you all going?