Saturday 5th October - 3rd week weigh in



  • rosehippy77
    rosehippy77 Posts: 54 Member
    start 157
    week 2 - 159
    week 3 - 155.5


    And the zipper went up on the dress I am wearing for my brother's wedding next week, plus there's room to spare too! Had to have the bust taken in an inch either side! So so pleased, especially as I had gone up a couple of pounds last week.
    I will be super careful all week to watch my food intake, keep fluids up and keep on running!
    Really looking forward to the meal at the wedding next week! :drinker:
  • bottemil13
    bottemil13 Posts: 21 Member
    Finally found my scale in storage so i can weigh myself when i wake up now (instead of at the gym!)

    SW: 170
    W1 169
    W2 169
    W3: 167.6

    down 2.4! Not as much as i wanted after 3 weeks but its still progress.
  • chacha34
    chacha34 Posts: 17 Member
    SW: 198
    W1: 195
    W2: 193
    W3: 196
  • MommaRobs
    MommaRobs Posts: 24 Member
    SW 218
    LW 215
    CW 214.6

    Come on really? I am staying under my calorie goal, not by much, usually less than 100 calories, but I should be losing over a pound a week. I have increased my exercise to more cardio. I'm so discouraged. Suggestions?
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    Phoopie Doop! No change ( again)..... Just lazy......
    No excuse. Gotta get pushing.
  • lesaw01
    lesaw01 Posts: 207 Member
    SW = 222
    Week 1 = 218
    Week 2 = 216
    Week 3 = 216

    Bummer of a week but I didn't make good food choices and wasn't able to make it to the gym like I needed to. Hopefully this week will be better.
    GRTFULDD1 Posts: 47 Member
    SW -253
    WK 0 -250.5
    WK 1 -246
    WK2 -242
    WK3 -240

    Total so far 13 pds
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    Well done everyone!

    start - 145.8
    week 1 - 145
    week 2 - 145
    week 3 - 144
  • hoshaugh73
    hoshaugh73 Posts: 255 Member
    SW: 160
    W1: 158
    W2: 157
    W3: 156

    4 lbs so far and I can already tell a difference in the fit of my clothes! Clothes around my waist are noticeably looser. I wish everyone good luck in week 4!!!
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    gw: 150
    week 0: 170
    week 1: 170
    week 2: 168
    week 3: 169.5

  • SW: 151.4
    W1: 149 (-2.4)
    W2: 148.2 (-.8)
    W3: 148.2 (-0)
    Total loss: 3.2

    I'm not sure why I didn't lose this week ... I was always below my calorie goal and kept up with my running. Not sure what happened. :/
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    Week 0 SW- 179
    Week 1 - 178
    Week 2- 177
    Week 3 - 176
    Total loss - 3lbs
    Christmas GW- 159
  • hulamedulla
    hulamedulla Posts: 15 Member
    SW: 159.4
    Week 1: 160.4
    Week 2: 159
    Week 3: 158

    Good luck in week 4, everyone!
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    Starting Weight: 174.2
    Week 1: 172.2
    Week 2 : No weigh in due to binging
    Week 3: 171.4

    Total lost in Challenge: 2.8lbs
    Goal Weight: 160
  • wendyn1998
    wendyn1998 Posts: 41 Member
    Total loss-6.6lbs
  • sw 220
    cw 214
    gw 185
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,202 Member
    SW - 164
    Week 1 - 164
    Week 2 - 162
    Week 3 - 161. 2

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Candue
    Candue Posts: 14 Member
    Congratulations to everyone!

    This is my first weigh-in.

    October 5: 169.6
    September 29: 172.2

    Total Loss In Challenge: 2.6 lbs
    Goal: 149
  • simplybe13
    simplybe13 Posts: 24 Member
    Christmas challenge start weight = 242 lbs

    week 3 weight in = 233lbs

    Well done everybody!!!
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    SW 218
    LW 215
    CW 214.6

    Come on really? I am staying under my calorie goal, not by much, usually less than 100 calories, but I should be losing over a pound a week. I have increased my exercise to more cardio. I'm so discouraged. Suggestions?

    You say you increased your cardio. Maybe you are retaining water? Drink more water and see if that helps. I gained over 5 pounds since starting because I started a new workout and I was retaining water. This week I finally actually lost something (today).
  • Starting weight 180 lbs
    first week 178 lbs
    Second week 178 lbs
    Current weight 169 lbs

    So happy with my loss this week! Didn't do anything dramatic just cut out fast food and take out drank a lot more water and went for some long walks!
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    Week 0 weigh-in 177.0
    Week 1 weigh-in 176.8 . . . 0.2 lb loss. Alas, the plateau continues . . . kind of . . .
    Week 2 weigh-in 173.0 . . . 3.8 lb loss. Take that plateau!
    Week 3 weigh-in 171.2 . . . 1.8 lb loss. Just about made my goal of 2 lbs/week.

    total loss this challenge - 5.8 lbs . . . average loss/week 1.93 lbs
    total loss since starting the challenge with my son July 1st* - 31.2 lbs . . . average loss/week 2.4 lbs

    * to read about the challenge I have with my son checkout my blog entitled A Mom, Her Son & One Life Changing Wager (

    Great job takerbrat!! So awesome and I know that we started out at the same weight!
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    SW -253
    WK 0 -250.5
    WK 1 -246
    WK2 -242
    WK3 -240

    Total so far 13 pds

    Amazing loss!! Keep up the great work to you and everyone here!
  • MichiFfit
    MichiFfit Posts: 29 Member
    Week 3 182.2.
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    Wasn't at my computer yesterday, sorry I'm late. Great loss this week!

    9/14/2013 Week 0: 252.0 lbs
    9/21/2013 Week 1: 252.0 lbs
    9/28/2013 Week 2: 250.6 lbs
    10/5/2013 Week 3: 241.6 lbs

    Total loss for this challenge: 10.4 lbs
    Total to go: 9.6 lbs
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Great work everyone. And remember; weight loss isn't linear. I spent 4 months bouncing around in the same 5-7 lbs, but lost 2 sizes while doing so. And then, this week, the floodgates opened and I had the biggest drop in ages! I broke both the 180 lbs barrier AND the 60 lbs lost barrier. I don't know how long it's going to keep melting off like this, but I'm going to enjoy the ride while it lasts!

    Week 0: 182.0
    Week 1: 182.8
    Week 2: 180.0
    Week 3: 176.4

    Total lost during challenge: 5.6

    GW: 159.8

    Great success - Congrats! I see we weigh very similar and I know you are a runner, too. I may have to copy your diary!

    If you lived closer, I'd just invite you over! :D
  • stryla
    stryla Posts: 29 Member
    SW = 202.4

    Seem to be in a holding pattern for now. Going to try and kick it up a notch next week.
  • MommaRobs
    MommaRobs Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks, Care76 I will give that a try. I guess I thought if I was sweating more, I wouldn't retain water as much. I appreciate your suggestion.
  • ticiaelizabeth
    ticiaelizabeth Posts: 139 Member
    SW: 169.8
    W1: 165.4 (-4.4)
    W2: 163 (-2.4)
    W3: 161 (-2)
    Total challenge weight loss: 8.8 pounds
  • tugten
    tugten Posts: 73 Member
    SW 170
    CW 166

    I started this diet a week before Christmas Challenge started and I was late joining but I have the same high goals and hoping to lose 20 lbs by Christmas anyway. That would be a great accomplishment for me. My total goal is 30 lbs. I have struggled with these same 30 lbs for 10 years. It's time for a change now. Why now? In the last 10 years I went through a divorce, raised two great daughters to adulthood, conquered breast cancer (double mastectomy), retired from a 30 year career, said my final goodbyes to the greatest mother in the world (God rest your soul Mom) and just finished six operations in 18 months for breast reconstruction. I thank God I can do this next challenge now!