Insanity Calendar

Here is a link to print out the Insanity calendar!


  • I am starting Insanity today! I have done the fitness test yesterday and plan to complete this. Any motivation or tips, I would love

    Goal: 175 pounds (start 213)
  • wiscck
    wiscck Posts: 185 Member
    I ordered the DVDs a few days ago, and I'm going to start when I get them and when I'm done with 30 Day Shred. I'm looking forward to it!
  • It's definitely a challenge, but you can do it!! I had started this about a year ago, and saw some results after only 2 weeks. I unfortunately let some personal things stop me, but I'm ready to get back into it. You got this!

    Don't give up - that's my biggest tip. Don't get discouraged if you can't do the whole video. Take it at your own pace and stay safe. Take breaks when you need to, but push yourself. You can do it!
  • MsPhatchick
    MsPhatchick Posts: 2 Member
    I'm actually starting tomorrow, I did the fit test last week.

    SW 216
    CW 195
    GW 160
  • Apple1234
    Apple1234 Posts: 20 Member
    I started insanity last monday its been hard but awesome! I def need additional support and motivation to get through it. Ive done the 30 day shred a few times before this but thought I wanna push myself and dig deeper! Good luck everyone :)
  • kandalure
    kandalure Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the calender! I've been meaning to get started with insanity and I guess with a new calender and a support group I am now out of excuses. I'll be doing the fit test tonight!
  • Good luck! On to the first real day today! I have only gotten through 11 days of this program in the past and would love to get through the whole thing! New calendar, new group, no excuses for me either! ;)
  • And I agree with Gettinitin82! Go at your own pace. Don't get discouraged! This workout is HARD. I have done the 30 day shred, and this workout is so much more intense than Jillian, and I think that the results prove that! DIG DEEPER!!!!
  • Healthy_Hunnie
    Healthy_Hunnie Posts: 60 Member
    Hey All!

    I just started the second month of insanity this week! I am extremely happy with my results so far. I lost 10 lbs in the first month, and shockingly enough, I feel most of my results set in during the recovery week. DO NOT SKIP IT. Its awesome, it burns, it's challenging, but its not cardio intense.

    I have tried to do this program before and failed. PLEASE stick with it. You wont regret it. Here's a little bit about myself.. I know I am a naturally lazy person since my freshman year of college ended. I began a relationship with a guy who ate whatever and wasnt extremely active. I fell into the same schedule as him and it DEFINITELY caught up. Not his fault at all, I just got extremely relaxed about my work outs and diet. I gained about 30-35 lbs. Heck, maybe even 40. I was so disappointed with myself. I tried to do p90 and I attempted insanity before but it wasnt clicking.

    I am now dating a great guy that encourages and motivates me to work out WITH him. I have seen all of my results while dating him. He is the reason I have been able to stick with it. BUT because I am a lazy person, I know my excuses. I wake up at 5 am every morning to get these work outs done before I leave for work at about 7:30. If you can get your butt out of bed, I highly suggest you do it and get it done with. You feel better through out the day and dont dread going home after a long day. AM work outs leave you with no excuses. You didnt have a bad day, you didnt eat terribly yet, you just got some sleep, and ITS A BRAND NEW DAY! What more could you ask for?? :)

    Anyways, I am 6'1 (yes extremely tall) and started the program at 193 lbs. My last weigh in I was at 182. My profile picture is a before and after so far. Remember, one month of insanity so far. I am extremely happy with the results and hope they motivate everyone to DIG DEEP their first month with the program.

    Dont let the second month scare you. I was terrified to begin it this week, but it hasn't been too horrible. Yesterday was my birthday and I was given a heart rate monitor watch and chest strap. IT IS AWESOME. If you can get one, I would strongly suggest it. It tells you exactly how many cals you burned, where your heart beat is at, and yells at you if you are slacking OR if you are working too hard and need to take a break. The watch I got was made by Polar. You can find them on amazon and Ebay.

    I am really excited to see what my 2nd month's results are. I think they are going to be CRAZY. I would love to see everyone elses if they have them. :)

    Feel free to ask me any questions. I am NOT a pro. I can only explain my experience and what I have done so far, but I'd love to help in anyway I can.
  • kandalure
    kandalure Posts: 28 Member
    OMG, I just did the fit test and I forgot how HARD this program can be! Guess I will just have to DIG DEEPER for day 1 tomorrow.

    Insanity day 63, I'm coming for you!
  • Hi Cnjorda!

    Thanks for your great post! I am inspired by your story! Congratulations on a great first month and 10 pounds lost! I am also happy to hear that you are in a healthy relationship! Are you also changing the way your eat?

    I am restarting Insanity after not doing it for over a year! Last time, I never made it past the third week. This time, I am inspired because I want to really get into shape for lots of things: better sleep, better energy throughout the day, a healthy body for many of my friends' upcoming weddings, etc.

    I am a high school teacher in my 3rd year of teaching, and often find myself exhausted at the end of the day. I work out in the afternoons after school, and need to keep my motivation strong. I am 5'3" and want to lose about 15-17 pounds. I came back to Insanity after trying out Jillian's 30 day Shred because Insanity is a WAY harder workout. I LOVE the feeling of knowing I worked out hard.

    I was exhausted after the Plyo-Cardio workout last night. But after the workout I always feel guilty that I didn't keep up. I usually go slower and have to take rests. What has your experience been regarding pausing when needed? I know I will get stronger and not need to pause as much, but I don't want to hurt my results. Digging as deep as possible! ;)

    I am glad we are all here to motivate each other! Especially with holidays around the corner, I am going to need to push through the easy excuses of not working out during the holidays!

    Keep digging everyone!
  • Way to go, kandalure!!!! Gosh, I was sucking wind doing that fit test! Great job! Good luck today on your Plyo-Cardio Circuit workout! You got this!
  • Healthy_Hunnie
    Healthy_Hunnie Posts: 60 Member
    Hey Pomiliak,

    Sorry for the slow response. I dont get on my computer too often and havent really figured out the app on my phone besides adding to the daily diary.

    When it comes to the program, I will press pause when absolutely need it, but I try not to. Mainly because I do it before work and I just dont have the time to take a lot of breaks. But I probably squeeze in at least 2 extra 30-45 sec breaks where I will actually rewind/pause the DVD to give me more time. BUT i really dont think its a big deal to take a break during the work outs. You see the support group taking breaks and they are paid to look good doing this for all of us at home. haha. If they need a break, its not ridiculous for us at home to need a break as well.

    Also, I know how you feel when it comes to be disappointed if you didnt feel you pushed yourself hard enough. That is one thing I love about the Heart Rate Monitor Watch and chest band. It shows exactly where you are with your heart rate, it tells you how many cals you burn while you are working out so there is not guessing, and i think its much easier to feel better about a work out when you know what you have accomplished.

    I'm not sure what your money situation is, but I have seen the watches range from $60-$100+. Pretty sure the one I have is around $60. If you can squeeze it into a budget, or if you accomplish a fitness goal I totally suggest rewarding yourself with the watch to help you with your work outs.

    When it comes to diet.. I have been doing my own thing. I didnt follow the insanity nutrition plan. BUT i did set MFP to 1400 cal each day. When I didnt have the HRM telling me how much I burned, I guessed it was 400 cal/day on avg so I input that each day. Now that I have it and I am in the second month I have burned up to 800 cals in one session. I love to eat, so I love those days haha.

    But what I have done on a daily basis is wake up, work out, drink shakeology, then get ready for work and head out for the morning. In the morning I would break a protein bar into 2 and eat at 10:30 and 11:30 to fill up my stomach a little bit. The bar I use mainly is Met-Rx Protein Plus Protein Bar in "Creamy Cookie Crisp". It has a bunch of protein to fill you up without being an extreme amount of calories. For lunch Ill eat salads with mixed veggies, egg whites and a lower calorie dressing on the side to dip my fork in, subway fit sandwiches, or ill go out and monitor what I eat (usually eating only half a meal and saving the rest for later). Dinner is always a struggle for me because I eat with my parents who are mindful of what I am doing, but at the same time, they want good food. So I try to keep a good amount of my cals for dinner, which shouldnt be the case, but I need to be realistic. But If i can, Ill eat grilled chicken, steak, fish, mixed veggies, fruit, and/or salads. I try to stay away from white potatoes, bread, refined carbs.. you know the drill.

    Also, while I try to be mindful, I am no where near as strict on the weekends when I am visiting my BF. He is awesome and always makes a wonderful meal on friday for when I get in town, but then after its more relaxed because he is in a college town. But I really hope this helps and I know I rambled a little bit (or alot) haha. But I am more than happy to go into more detail about what I have done so far.

    Ultimately, I really think getting up in the morning and doing it before my day starts has been the biggest factor in my success so far. I still struggle getting up in the morning, but then I ask myself whats more important. an extra hr of sleep, or being healthier, feeling better, and looking better? That luckily has been enough to get me out of bed and up (even if its later than planned).

    Hope everyones work outs are kicking butt (or creating one ;) )

    I am no pro, but Id love to help anywhere I can, so message me!
  • Thanks for the breakdown of your nutrition information. It helps! MFP has me on 1200 calories, but I NEVER stick to that. I am usually between 1400 and 1500, and I guess that Insanity is 300-400 calories burned. Sounds like I should invest in a heart rate monitor! I am going to purchase one this week! I still never know how much to trust calories burned on those, but it is likely more accurate than me just guessing!

    Great job getting the workouts done in the morning! I do it RIGHT after my work day - I find that I am just not as strong in the mornings. My weak time of the day eating-wise is right after work. I am a high school teacher, so during the day I am so busy that I sometimes don't even have time to eat everything I have packed for lunch (oatmeal and banana, apple, cottage cheese, and a salad with chicken and avocado). I like to eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch each day to take the guesswork out of calorie counting. But when I get home I am so hungry! I have to figure out a good snack that works for me and fuels my workout. I like the Think Thin bars (I have half as well before a workout for a snack). They are great because there is NO sugar, 20grams of protein, and they are gluten free. Dinner time I usually have a protein and vegetable, and then always fight a losing battle with my sweet tooth.

    Weekends are so tough eating with family events and outings with the BF and friends. Which is why I tend to feel guilty Sunday night when I have eaten poorly (usually I don't even track on MFP) and haven't worked out. But rest days are important so you don't burn out!

    In week 2 I am feeling a little less of a struggle in the warm up, which is always tough for me! But I am still not moving as fast as I can on that third round! I know I'll get there though! It has only been a week! Cardio circuit last night KILLED me. All the push-ups and floor sprints. I feel like I am on the floor half the time trying to catch my breath! I am looking forward to feeling myself get stronger as the weeks go on!
  • Healthy_Hunnie
    Healthy_Hunnie Posts: 60 Member
    lol, i still struggled with the warm up even the last week of the first month. I was proud of myself when I could get through the first two rounds without having to stop and gasp for breath. My cardio endurance is absolutel horrible. It will probably never be something I brag about.

    I completely understand how you feel about weekend tracking. This past weekend was absolutely horrible for me. I went to 2 special dinners that were not normal for me. I totally ended up going 1,000 cals over my limit for the week as a whole, now this week I need to cut where I can to make up for it.

    Isnt it funny how easy it is to over eat, yet, so hard to cut? I wish it were the other way around.

    Also - just a pointer for the HRM. It is actually calculating your cals burned based off your heart rate. It takes in your personal information, you enter where your heart rate should be and it will tell you when you are within the zone or even over. Ive been yelled at to take a break and I have also been yelled at to pick it up. I like having it, and I think its pretty accuarte because of the info it asks you to input.

    Doing your work out during your weak eating time is always a great idea. Chances are you wont be as hungry after an intense work out, and if you are, well you should eat anyways to refuel your body. Totally a win win situation in my opinion :)

    also.. the link below is the exact polar watch I have, in case you are interested in checking it out
  • Cnjorda: Awesome! I am looking at the link on Amazon now for the HRM. Looks like a great on, thanks! I like that it "yells" at you! I probably need that!

    That is a good point about eating during your weak time. I have to discipline myself to just start the workout and work through or ignore the "hunger" I feel. Usually after Insanity I just want to guzzle water and am never hungry right away anyways.

    SO glad to hear I am not the only one dying during the warm-up. By round 3 I am really working/dying. It really helps to hear from you that your results happened during/after recovery week. It keeps me motivated to just keep going. I tend to, like I said, get discouraged if I don't see results or if I eat poorly or skip a workout one day. But knowing that you saw results keeps me pushing through!

    I can tell that Insanity is already becoming part of my daily life! We (partner and I) recently bought a condo and one of my requirements was that we live on the ground floor so I can workout! Last time I attempted Insanity, my downstairs neighbors begged me to stop! Haha.

    Special dinners are important! I NEVER want to become one of those people who doesn't enjoy herself because she is so body obsessed. BUT I do need to be more conscious. I feel like tracking on MFP and working out helps me be mindful of how difficult it is to stay under calorie budget and how hard it is to burn those calories!

    I find that through MFP I am learning that I tend to go way over my sugars intake. i think it is from fruit....working on analyzing things like that, but before I do I think I still need to focus on good calorie budget and intake!

    DIG DEEPER!!!!
  • Hey guys, I love seeing you talk about Insanity. I am on only day 8 but I am still sticking it through. I have done insanity almost 5 times but don't make it past the second week because of school or some stupid mistake. I am going to do it now though because I just feel like I have no energy and unhappy with my body as a whole.

    I saw someone posted about gaining weight after being with a significant other. I have gained 40 pound since I have started dating my husband about 4 years ago. I have been counting my calories and try to stick with the goal but it can be extremely difficult for me. Also being a graduate student in the medical profession I am expected to be in good shape while having a good performance at school which is hard for me to balance.

    I noticed someone was talking about a diet. If you download the "Insanity Tracker" on a smart phone it will tell you what your caloric intake should be. Mine says 1700 but I cut it down to 1300. Also this app shows how far I have gone, my fit tests, and so much more. I really like it to keep on track. Anyways keep posting because the motivation is great!
  • Healthy_Hunnie
    Healthy_Hunnie Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for sharing the "insanity tracker" I will definitely be looking into that!

    BUT..Dont be discouraged! YOU CAN DO IT. If I can stick with it, you can. You need to make it to that 1st recovery week. I promise you will see results and you will be so happy. You will feel better, you will look better, and your outlook on life will improve. Gettign past the first two to three weeks is the hardest part, but if you make it past it, you wont want to miss any work outs.

    It really sucks, but I make myself get up at 5:00-5:20 am to work out each morning because I know thats the only time I will actually get it done. You just need to find what fits your schedule. I have talked to others and they will eat after work/school becasue that is the time they want to binge eat. I think thats a great idea because you wont be eating, are burning cals instead, and after a work out you should eat something but you will want it to be healthy because you just put in so much work. You can always try that if you arent crazy like me and get up super early.
  • Healthy_Hunnie
    Healthy_Hunnie Posts: 60 Member
    also - who is the app by for the insanity tracker?
  • I'll look into the Insanity Tracker, too! Thanks!

    And yeah, keep pushing through. I was reading an interview with Shawn T. and he said that most people quit in the 1st or 2nd week. Try to get to that third week - by the end it will start being more of a habit. I have started and stopped Insanity three times. This time I actually made it through - I am in the recovery week 5 - and it really is true that eventually it becomes second nature. Isn't it true that you have to do something a minimum of 25 times before it becomes a habit!?

    The Recovery Week is still tough in a few parts, but it is SUCH a welcome break from the daily routine that pounds your body. I a SO nervous for Max workouts! I threw my scale out a month ago! I may regret that, but I don't think I have lost weight. I am STARTING to see a few smallllll changes in my body. But a lot of people say month 2 is what really starts making changes. If I finish Insanity, I am considering doing another recovery week and starting again so I don't lose my endurance and I want to challenge myself to do the program again even stronger!

    That's what got me through the hard days/weeks - just think of all the work you will lose if you stop. The more days you put in, the less likely you will be willing to give up all that work! Keep digging!!!!