Introduce Yourself



  • Hey Josh, Welcome Aboard. I work in IT as well, I know the stuck behind a desk feeling all too well :)
  • 1) Your Name and Where You Live: Sandy, Minneapolis
    2) How is your current fitness? : Meh, it's decent :)
    3) What are your fitness goals? : Ultimately to feel better about myself, walk with confidence, lose about 25 pounds
    4) Do you have any physical limitations?: Just my flat feet! :)
    5) How is your nutrition? : Nutrition is great when I stay on MFP. The days I don't track end up being awful usually
    6) What is your biggest struggle : ACCOUNTABILITY!!! I need people to call me out when I don't track or post.

    Looking forward to getting fit with you guys!
  • Great to have you Sandy, the goal is to keep everyone here accountable :)
  • 1) Hi I'm Tarsha from West Palm Beach Florida.
    2) I'm just starting out and I'm a little bit nervous that I might have bitten off more than I can chew, but I love a challenge.
    3) I want to be healthy and have more energy for my kid and for myself.
    4) the only physical limitation I have is about 200 extra pounds of body fat.
    5) Although I recently joined MFP, I have been losing weight consistently for the past 6 months. I also have two pounds a week set as my weight loss goal. I've been watching my calorie intake.
    6) My biggest struggles are making time for me to workout consistently, & not that.negative voice in my head that tells me I'm crazy for even trying this @ this stage in the game. I'm.a firm believer in act as if you can until you do. Modified! modified, modified! :-) It's time for me to be true to my they say.& do what it takes to achieve my goals. Thx for letting me join you guys on this journey.
  • Forever99lbs
    Forever99lbs Posts: 57 Member
    1) Your Name and Where You Live?
    From UK

    2) How is your current fitness?
    Not so good. I've been slacking a lot

    3) What are your fitness goals?
    Trying to lose the last 17-18lbs before I get married

    5) How is your nutrition?
    I barely eat and when I do I just binge

    6) What is your biggest struggle?
    Biggest struggle has to be my eating disorder (bulimia and starving myself)

    EDIT- 183days until I get married
  • Glad to have you on board, and congrats on the upcoming wedding :)
  • Never2Late2BU
    Never2Late2BU Posts: 14 Member
    Hello All

    1) Your Name and Where You Live

    My name is Sondra I live in Michigan

    2) How is your current fitness?

    I would say I'm the type who starts a fitness program get 1 or 2 weeks in then stop.....

    3) What are your fitness goals?

    1. To actually start and finish T25!
    2. In 10 weeks I would like to be at least 15 - 20 lbs smaller
    3. Be a healthy eater

    4) Do you have any physical limitations?


    5) How is your nutrition?

    Not good

    6) What is your biggest struggle

    My mind.....
    I self talk myself out of being a health person.
  • Hey everyone,

    1) Your Name and Where You Live

    Sarah, Egypt

    2) How is your current fitness?

    Been better. Used to work out 4-5 times a week, but fell off the wagon 4 months ago. Still 55 pounds overweight.

    3) What are your fitness goals?

    Losing 65 pounds and toning up.

    4) Do you have any physical limitations?

    A kneecap injury.

    5) How is your nutrition?

    Meh. Quit dieting when I couldn't work out anymore, but started again this week - thanks to the flu!

    6) What is your biggest struggle

    Finding the energy to work out after a long day at work (desk jobs are too boring!) and eating healthy.
  • spx911
    spx911 Posts: 19 Member
    1) Your Name and Where You Live - Susan from Texas
    2) How is your current fitness? - Pretty bad. I have started going to the gym and using the weight machines, but that is only recently. Started T25 on Monday (10/7/13).
    3) What are your fitness goals? To finish Alpha and Beta - even if I have to use the modified versions of the exercises 90% of the time. Then, I'd like to try it again with little to no use of the modified exercises. Ultimately, I have about 60 pounds that have been 'hanging on' for over 10 years. The additional 25lbs have slowly been creeping on the last 5 years or so.
    4) Do you have any physical limitations? None, beside lack of willpower.
    5) How is your nutrition? I have recently been cleaning up my diet. Cutting sugar, no sodas, more water, small portions.
    6) What is your biggest struggle - My biggest struggle is sticking with a fitness routine and healthy eating long enough to see results. I think once I can see results (like maybe losing a pant size) I will be more determined to continue.
  • alphansojd
    alphansojd Posts: 1 Member
    1) Your Name and Where You Live ....Alphanso, Tampa
    2) How is your current fitness? ...not good
    3) What are your fitness goals? ... 185 and a 6 pack
    4) Do you have any physical limitations? I have knee issues some days
    5) How is your nutrition? getting better
    6) What is your biggest struggle... I bake/cook
  • welcome guys, glad to have you
  • akopesky
    akopesky Posts: 42 Member
    Hi All, I started T25 yesterday 10/8. Would love to follow along to keep the motivation going.

    1) Your Name and Where You Live - Amanda -Houston, Tx
    2) How is your current fitness? - I run 2-3 times a week. Wanting to add more exercise in.
    3) What are your fitness goals? - Lose 20 more lbs by the end of Dec.
    4) Do you have any physical limitations? - no
    5) How is your nutrition? Decent
    6) What is your biggest struggle - Not being consistent with diet or exercise. Would love to be able to do both at the same time. If I eat really well, my exercise slacks off. If my exercise routine is going well, I tend to splurge too much on food.
  • Hi, I'm still thinking about ordering the program. I've never been able to commit to a workout before and don't want to waste my money if I can't find it within myself to do this.

    1) Your Name and Where You Live - Lindsay, Barrie Ontario Canada
    2) How is your current fitness? - I'm very overweight. I can climb 2 flights of stairs. I walk 2x a day for 25 minutes each
    3) What are your fitness goals? To get healthy before I do more permanent damage to my body, ultimate weight loss goal of 135 lbs, 20 down so far
    4) Do you have any physical limitations? I was in a car accident 4 years ago and love to use my injuries as an excuse. I have problems with both hands and knees.
    5) How is your nutrition? It's OK, I'm not a veggie lover. I could definitely stand more fruit. I stay within my MFP limits most days.
    6) What is your biggest struggle - Motivation!!
  • Welcome, let me know if you have any questions about T25, I am a coach and might be able to help you out.
  • Meli_999
    Meli_999 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone! I started Focus T25 on Monday (10/14)

    1) Your Name and Where You Live - Melissa, Dominica, Caribbean
    2) How is your current fitness? Intermediate
    3) What are your fitness goals? My immediate fitness goal is lose 30lbs.
    4) Do you have any physical limitations? No physical limitations
    5) How is your nutrition? Improving. I try my best to stay away from processed foods
    6) What is your biggest struggle? Finding healthy meals that both my family and I would enjoy.
  • gercker5
    gercker5 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi! I started on 9/30 but just stumbled upon this group. :smile:

    1) Your Name and Where You Live -- I'm Jennifer and I live in Michigan

    2) How is your current fitness? -- Before starting T25 (started 9/30) I just did Zumba once or twice a week, and treadmill or bikes at the Y.

    3) What are your fitness goals? -- When all is said and done I would like to be down 50lb and have toned muscles

    4) Do you have any physical limitations? -- no

    5) How is your nutrition? -- Getting better. Very rarely fast food, no boxed meals or frozen meals, trying to eat clean as best I can. I need to up the protein and lower the carbs. I did my BMR and TDEE so I am on the right track for my calorie goals now.

    6) What is your biggest struggle -- Eating enough protein and lowering my carbs. I have been eating more for the last few weeks (when I did my BMR/TDEE I was eating way under where I should have been and is likely a huge reason for me not losing).
  • Panama_frank
    Panama_frank Posts: 19 Member
    1) Your Name and Where You Live -- I'm Frank and I'm from Massachusetts

    2) How is your current fitness? -- When I went into the military (12 years ago) I weighed 182 now I'm 30 pounds heavier and I need to lose it desperately.

    3) What are your fitness goals? -- I want an attainable reasonable goal to start - I'd say lose 20 lbs in 10 weeks (T25)

    4) Do you have any physical limitations? -- no; although my knee bothers me after some T25 workouts but I just modify

    5) How is your nutrition? -- Getting better. I start with cream of wheat/oatmeal and fruits in the mornings. Lunch is followed by a Vega One shake mixed with a Fiber Supplement.

    6) What is your biggest struggle - Eating Dinner and eating Late. I usually eat my most calories during this time and look for snacks.