If you signed up for a race before you finished C25K

teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
:flowerforyou: I'm very proud of you. Seriously. That shows how determined and serious you are about this. Good luck! :smile:


  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I agree! I haven't done a proper race yet and I graduated a month ago lol
  • whirlybirdknits
    whirlybirdknits Posts: 23 Member
    I signed up before I finished, but I was on week 6 or 7, so not really all that far from finishing.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I agree! I haven't done a proper race yet and I graduated a month ago lol
    LOL. It's okay. You don't really have to race. I didn't use this program so that I could do an actual race. I just wanted to run for more than 30 seconds at a time. LOL. As long as you completed the program and are still making use of what you learned, then that's all that matters. :smile:
    I signed up before I finished, but I was on week 6 or 7, so not really all that far from finishing.
    That's okay. You hadn't finished the program, but you believed in yourself enough to sign up and/or pay the fee. :smile:
  • badwolfIO
    badwolfIO Posts: 74 Member
    I signed up for one after week 1!!!
    I've never run before in my life. I'm going through a "what the heck were you thinking" phase now, but I'm on week 4 and determined NOT to loose my $50.
    I have lots of time... it's not until January 1st, but I'm sure I'll make it.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    I did!

    I signed up in week 2, My next run is the W5D3 20 minute run.

    My run is on October 22, a Halloween run, I'm dressing up as a runner, my goal is to run the entire run, I'm not worried about my time.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I signed up for one after week 1!!!
    I've never run before in my life. I'm going through a "what the heck were you thinking" phase now, but I'm on week 4 and determined NOT to loose my $50.
    I have lots of time... it's not until January 1st, but I'm sure I'll make it.
    :laugh: Yes, money is a big motivator, isn't it. Good luck. And, wow, signing up after one week when you hadn't been a runner. If you're anything like the rest of us non-runners, the first wk probably kicked your butt. Very proud of you. :smile:
    I did!

    I signed up in week 2, My next run is the W5D3 20 minute run.

    My run is on October 22, a Halloween run, I'm dressing up as a runner, my goal is to run the entire run, I'm not worried about my time.
    Not too far away. You're dressing up as a runner for the race? I'm picturing tube socks and sweatbands. Be sure to post pics and update us. :laugh:
  • TraciDeAnne
    TraciDeAnne Posts: 2 Member
    I did a 5K this weekend on what was Week 5, Day 1. (It was a small-town celebration and I had to be there anyway because my daughter was playing in the band and I thought: "What the heck!") I knew I wouldn't be able to run it all and didn't expect to. My goal was to run 50%/walk 50%, but I ended up walking WAY more than 50% and was one of the last to finish.

    BUT - instead of being discouraged, I'm actually more motivated than ever! All the experienced runners were very nice and nobody looked down their nose at the chubby girl who couldn't even run a quarter of a mile. The air of excitement at the starting line was a rush and the sound of people cheering along the sides was simply thrilling. :bigsmile:

    I ended up with raging shin splints - my own fault for doing most of my running on a treadmill - and I now know how important it is to log miles outside, because treadmills and asphalt are totally different animals, lol. Live and learn!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Well, I just restarted C25K last Thursday, and the run I'm looking at is Oct 27th. Which doesn't give me enough time to graduate before the run. Sooo, I'm going to check in on how I'm doing later in the program, and if I think I can do it - I'm signing up!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I did!

    I signed up in week 2, My next run is the W5D3 20 minute run.

    My run is on October 22, a Halloween run, I'm dressing up as a runner, my goal is to run the entire run, I'm not worried about my time.

    Get a run skirt and sweaty bands!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I did a 5K this weekend on what was Week 5, Day 1. (It was a small-town celebration and I had to be there anyway because my daughter was playing in the band and I thought: "What the heck!") I knew I wouldn't be able to run it all and didn't expect to. My goal was to run 50%/walk 50%, but I ended up walking WAY more than 50% and was one of the last to finish.

    BUT - instead of being discouraged, I'm actually more motivated than ever! All the experienced runners were very nice and nobody looked down their nose at the chubby girl who couldn't even run a quarter of a mile. The air of excitement at the starting line was a rush and the sound of people cheering along the sides was simply thrilling. :bigsmile:

    I ended up with raging shin splints - my own fault for doing most of my running on a treadmill - and I now know how important it is to log miles outside, because treadmills and asphalt are totally different animals, lol. Live and learn!

    That is a great attitude and wonderful learning!
  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    I have signed up for my first one on October 6th. I just stated week 5 this morning so I am guessing I will be somewhere in the middle of week 7 by then.

    My motivation is my friend who is running with me. She started running about a year ago and is well able to run 6, 7 miles without stopping now. Her goal for this 5K is to run it in under 30 minutes. She is 52 and since she started running she just looks so unbelievable good and healthy.

    I would really really LOVE to be able to run the whole thing without walking but we will see. I will only stop to walk if I absolutely have to.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I haven't (but am fully on planning on doing so), but I will be running a 5K on Oct 26. I'm halfway through week 5, so I have a couple of extra weeks left to either improve my distance or improve my time.

    The furthest I've ever gotten on this program was week 2, so this is huge for me.

    And also, I've only run a 5K once (I think I was 11?) and did a walk/run in 42 minutes. My goal is to beat that time. :)

    Oh, and open for costume suggestions that are easy to run in. lol.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Good for you!! I signed up for 26th as well...I'm running as mummy dearest...
  • lovekohl
    lovekohl Posts: 111 Member
    It totally motivates me to have a goal, so I have to have a race in mind when I start the program. I'll be signing up for a Turkey Trot 5k shortly since I just re-started the c25k program 2 weeks ago after having my second baby. It worked wonders after my first baby, and I'm hoping for even better results this time!
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    My first 5k run is on September 28th! Hubby and I signed up for it (mid August) just as we were starting week 4. We were originally supposed to finish C25K this week but an injury each put us behind. I'm not sure if we are going to get to finish week 9 before the color run or not - we are cutting it pretty close! Unfortunately, he is away on business next week so even if we do manage to finish it we will be graduating separately.

    Signing up for the color run has been both my motivation for doing the c25k program & my reward for sticking with it. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by! I really couldn't tell you if I'm more excited or nervous at this moment...
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    My first 5k run is on September 28th! Hubby and I signed up for it (mid August) just as we were starting week 4. We were originally supposed to finish C25K this week but an injury each put us behind. I'm not sure if we are going to get to finish week 9 before the color run or not - we are cutting it pretty close! Unfortunately, he is away on business next week so even if we do manage to finish it we will be graduating separately.

    Signing up for the color run has been both my motivation for doing the c25k program & my reward for sticking with it. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by! I really couldn't tell you if I'm more excited or nervous at this moment...

    I wanted to do one of those color runs! They have a different one here for this weekend, but with vacations this summer I knew I wouldn't be able to graduate this time. I'm jealous! Have fun!!! I'll have to hold out until the next time it comes to the area. :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    My first 5k run is on September 28th! Hubby and I signed up for it (mid August) just as we were starting week 4. We were originally supposed to finish C25K this week but an injury each put us behind. I'm not sure if we are going to get to finish week 9 before the color run or not - we are cutting it pretty close! Unfortunately, he is away on business next week so even if we do manage to finish it we will be graduating separately.

    Signing up for the color run has been both my motivation for doing the c25k program & my reward for sticking with it. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by! I really couldn't tell you if I'm more excited or nervous at this moment...

    Thank God for race day magic. If you can get to week 9, you'll have it in the bag. If you get past week 7, you'll surprise yourself.
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    I signed up before I started, but I gave myself 8 months. It was a great motivation!
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I just signed up for my second race, and I'm starting W7 tomorrow. :)

    First 5k is October 26. The next one is December 14 (Couldn't resist that one - it's a nighttime race through Christmas lights!!!)
  • I am about to finish up week 6 and have my first race next weekend... I'm not fast at all, but I'm excited to be able to say I have completed my very first 5K!!! :-)
  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    I did Week 7, Day 1 last Thursday evening and then ran my first 5K on Sunday morning in 32.24. My goal was really to run it all without walking which I did so I was very very happy.

    Tonight I am back to Week 7, Day 2. Looking forward to my next 5K being a little more comfortable for me as the one on Sunday was a struggle.
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    I signed up for a "Turkey Trot" (5K) on Thanksgiving morning. It was $25 to register, so no real risk. I think I'll be in the middle Week 8 by then.

    I'm more nervous about actually sticking to it than I am the run! The run is goofey and casual and people wear costumes, etc. It should be fun.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I've just started Week 4 today, and last week I signed up for a 5k and a 10k.

    The 5k isn't until March 2014 though and it will be a part of training for the 10k which is at the end of May 2014.

    I'm enjoying the C25K so much I'm already planning in the 5k to 10k programme and then a 10k event programme so I'm ready for my race in May :)
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    I signed up for a "Turkey Trot" (5K) on Thanksgiving morning. It was $25 to register, so no real risk. I think I'll be in the middle Week 8 by then.

    I'm more nervous about actually sticking to it than I am the run! The run is goofey and casual and people wear costumes, etc. It should be fun.

    Gonna do a turkey trot too...hopefully stem off any overeating
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I actually started running because I wasn't fit enough to walk the local turkey trot last year. I'll be running this year's race. :bigsmile:
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    I've just signed up to do the turkey trot too. It will be my first race.
  • ruwise
    ruwise Posts: 265 Member
    I signed up for a 10k before I even started C25K. It does motivate you. I've graduated today and have until May to get up to the 10K distance and hopefully improve my speed a little. I did my 5k today in 38:31
  • TomInAiken
    TomInAiken Posts: 30 Member
    I am just finishing W8D3 and signed up for two runs. The first is on Nov 9 and the second is a Turkey Trot. I made the decision to commit to the races this week because I wanted to be sure I had some motivation to continue on after completing C25K. Paying the non-refundable entrance fees will surely keep me moving!

    I also have purchased the Zombies, Run app. I saw several comments here about that app and will start using it in a week or so after I complete C25K.
  • Homemaker57
    Homemaker57 Posts: 106 Member
    We didn't sign up yet, but we picked out a race! :) It's the weekend I'm due to complete the program, Dec 14th. I want to run a 5k before Christmas!
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    I registered yesterday for a 5k on Nov 23. Assuming I don't repeat any weeks (BIG assumption - lolz), I'll be in week 8 then. There's an 8k on Thanksgiving day that I'd like to do as well, but I'll see how I feel a little closer to time. Worst case scenario, I guess I walk that last mile and still earn myself a celebratory mimosa (or three).