Firefighter for info/support

fireresq Posts: 4 Member
to my borthers and sisters out there...

So im sort of new here at MFP, im learning that its a great tool to use to stay focused and on track... Im also finding that working 24's can make it difficult somedays to eat right and also get a good workout in, depending on how busy the shift is.

Does anyone have any sugestions for me as far as workouts you do on shift or wih your shift? We typically ea as a shift as well. When its my turn to cook, its usually alot healthier than what the others make.

Feel free to Add me for Support and feedback would be awesome, thanks and be safe!


  • chuckbrodie
    Howdy, you didn't mention your name in your post.

    We have the same kind of deal where I work. I'm 60 lbs over weight so I'm not eating the group food for now. Generally everyone eats together but at 50 y/o and the job getting harder to do I decided almost two years ago that things had to change. Things went well for the first year but the second year both of my kids got married, my brother-in-law was killed in a motorcycle accident and then I lost one of my cousins. Anyway I let things go and learned a valuable lesson. Been back on track now for about a month.

    Anyway, are meals work like yours and we are required to attempt to get 45 mins of workout time in per shift. Sometimes it happens and sometimes we are too busy.

    I love using MFP but I have found that I have to force myself to be completely honest with myself. If it goes in my mouth it gets recorded. I've found that the truthful tracking and seeing the costs of going off plan really motivates me to stay on track.

    Stay safe,

  • wdeem
    wdeem Posts: 4
    I've been using this app/site for almost a month now. MFP is a life changing tool for me.

    As far as cardio workouts I've been walking circles around the firehouse when I find free time in the evening. I try to get 2-6 miles a night and track it using the endomondo app. Sometimes the walk is broken with a call but it all adds up. I have bad knees and have had back surgery but have walked over 100 miles since the 12th of June.

  • fireresq
    fireresq Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the info and advice. Slowly I'm able to bring change to my shift as far as our menu and fitness program. For the last 6 shifts we have all made a valiant effort to eat better and work out together. Its quite an accomplishment to get everyone together and workout, but its working. Well only on my shift... the others cant be bothered! We always get in at least an hour of PT a shift too. Ironically none of the workouts have been interrupted because of calls yet, lucky I guess.

    Thanks again and keep up the strong work!

  • joelsumrall
    joelsumrall Posts: 16 Member
    Good to see other FF's on here. I've been at MFP for about 5 months. It's definitely a change of lifestyle. So far I've dropped 37 lbs. My main reason was to get my blood pressure down. It has worked!!

    Joel Sumrall
    Asst Chief.- Santa Fe Fire and Rescue
    Santa Fe, Texas
  • KodiCoop
    KodiCoop Posts: 7
    I always eat terrible at the firehouse. It always seems like someone is bringing up donuts or cupcakes when I work. I think the biggest difficulty is either making the whole crew eat good foods and if they dont then dont feel bad about eating on your own (even if you get crap for it).
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    I just joined the group today. Would be nice to see it get active again.
  • Shanemintondotcom
    Shanemintondotcom Posts: 21 Member
    I love this, I have been using MFP everday since January, I have had amazing results!
    I work as a Full Time Paramedic, I have a wife that has been really sick and nearly died in 2012. We have a 13 year old daughter that I want to be around to take care of her and my wife. I have never exercised in my life, In January of 2013 I started P90X,I was hooked, after the 1st day I said I can't do this, however my wife encouraged me and guess what 90 days later I was amazed at the results. Next I did Insanity, it was the hardest challenge I have ever did, I never thought I would finish it, however I kept pushing play everyday. WOW what a difference. I lost a total of 26lbs with P90X, and I didn't want to lose anymore when I started Insanity, so I increased my calories a little. Insanity really shredded what fat I had left. I was amazed.I just completed Focus T25, and I am currently a Team Beachbody Coach and excited to help others achieve the kind of success I have achieved.

    My Transformation Video: