Important stuff will go here one day.
Help planning for firefighter agility requirements?
Hi there. I am turning 40 this year (am female, btw), and have it on my bucket list to do EMT training. In order to train and volunteer as an EMT in either the city or the fire district where I work, I have to apply, pass a physical agility test, and get accepted into the local fire academy, then volunteer for one year as…
Helicopter Medic: Weight Limits
Morning all! (at least here it is) Wondering what the weight limit for a helicopter medic is over in the northern hemisphere's countries? I know that to ever have a chance here I need to get below 85kg, which works because I'm aiming for 75kg anyhow. Hoping to run off to London after my degree is done and would ideally…
Exercise at work during long shifts
It can be hard to exercise when you get home after work and you are tired. I started using MAPMYFITNESS and walking around the station. I mile around is the same as a mile striaght. The other advantage is I don't get too sweaty walking and I am close to the station if we get a call.
CPR workout
I looked. Turns out CPR is not in the list of exercises. :p
What up!!
My name is Ron living the dream as a Paramedic in Saskatchewan. This is my second time on fit pal and am possessed to be healthier. First time joining a group and look forward to some dialouge of whatever subject may present. Days off are family time and well thats another busy part of life I wouldnt give up for anything.…
Anyone else get ordered for overtime? I did.
24 Hour Shifts and Eating?
Who works 24 hours shift? How and what do you eat on shift to keep the calories down. Also do you have a workout you do on shift that does not require a gym or equipment?
Greetings from Michigan
Greetings from Michigan. I am a Police Officer her in SE Michigan. Have 17 years on the job. I have been stuck in our dispatch unit for about 13 years and am getting ready to go back to our patrol later this year. They have been replacing the officers in the dispatch unit with civilians and since I am a trainer, I am the…
Is anyone on here going to FDIC ?
Blah! It's winter!
It's January, no tropical vacations here. What do my emergency worker peers do to get thru this blah time of year?