A 2nd and Different Whole30

Good morning ALL!!! Today starts my second round of Whole30. Big difference this time though. I will be working out too! Can't wait for the results.

So, a little background. I started my first Whole30 on August 19th and finished September 17th. I felt great the whole time and ate wonderful food. So, last Monday, I dove off the wagon and ate some junk everyday all last week. I noticed immediately the difference. I didn't have as much energy, the fatigue was back! I noticed my skin wasn't as healthy either. It was amazing to me how quickly everything was affected. Kind of a science experiment, you could say.

I gained 5 lbs in 6 days. I gained a 1/2 inch in my waist and 1 inch in my hips. IN 6 DAYS!!! Really? Crazy. I have no doubt that alot of it is water weight, but we will see. Even though the whole 30 states you cannot weigh or measure, I am going to because I am curious as to see if I can turn it back around in a week and to show progress weekly with adding the workouts.

Pretty excited!!


  • I am starting my 3rd one today.Here's to a great one!
  • RebeccainMI
    RebeccainMI Posts: 16 Member
    I'm starting my second one of the year tomorrow. I loved how I felt and it was great to really stick to a plan for once.

    This time around I'm going to try incorporating more exercise into my routine. Last time, I was working over 60 hours a week and felt like I didn't have time for exercise. Now with the slow season starting at work there is no excuse!

    Do you have any favorite recipes for your Whole30?
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    Good luck! Curious to hear your results :)
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Hello there! Good luck to you and working out! Work really puts a damper on working out. :) I know I will be struggling with time, but going to try to make it work.

    Favorite recipes? Well I'm totally addicted to this salad I eat pretty much with every meal. Arugula, baby spinach, kale, radishes, red cabbage, strawberries and sprinkle of walnuts. Dressing I use Balsamic vinegar with a little pepper added. Its soooooo good. Like a dessert. I'm going to try and switch it up a little this time though and really incorporate the coconut and olives. (Didn't really do that last time)
  • llw1013
    llw1013 Posts: 31 Member
    That salad sounds awesome.
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks llw! It is quite good.

    So, today is Day 3 and I weighed myself this morning. Already down 3 lbs, that really tells me it was alot of water weight. I won't weigh again until next Monday morning but wanted to check today. So far so good. This time around I feel the cleansing effects a little. I was pretty tired yesterday with a small headache in the afternoon and a little tired today.

    I know it won't take long to turn it around though. Didn't work out or run yesterday which is a bummer but I was super tired. I did however go to bed late on sunday due to a 8 hour road trip so that COULD be a contributing factor too. We will see how the rest of the week goes. Good luck to all of you who are also doing it!!
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Good morning All!! Another beautiful day. Feeling amazing and have discovered sweet potatos again and steamed cauliflower. (wow does cauliflower fill you up!)
    I said I wasn't going to weigh again until monday but couldn't resist. I mean the scale is RIGHT THERE! :) Another 1.9lbs down! I really am amazed and feel much better knowing that a week didn't completely throw me off of my progress. Here is to another successful day.

    Take care and enjoy your weekend!!
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Day 11 on my second go around. Haven't been exercising like I said I was going to BUT I am still seeing major progress. I am super excited and enjoying the food I am eating. Sweet potatoes are my new fav right now.