Quick and dirty.



  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    In for cut/bulk info and food porn. And shirtless SS pics, of course.

    Good luck, post your progress and yummy food pics often. ♥
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    186.6 (same as yesterday)


    315x8 -- big rep PR. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7IkLJ4JGro&feature=youtu.be

    I remember this summer when I finally got my squats "reasonable" as far as form. I set 315x1 as a goal by end of year. Pretty cool to 8-rep it.


    Front Squats:

    255x4 (was toast after this)

    Deadlifts (specifically this was a mix of practice on full pulls and implementing some halted deadlifts per a Rippetoe vid I watched yesterday)

    225x some singles
    275x some singles

    Then some calf work.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Today: Rest.

    186.4, down another .2 and down 2.6lbs total from Wednesday. Will likely fall short of the 4-5lb estimated drop but I'll likely clear the 3lb mark for the first week.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Today 10/8/13 update 1:

    Weighed in at 186.0. Total loss is 3lbs since 10/2.

    The likelihood is that I'll refeed early into week 2, probably this Friday, and bump calories up about 150 on Sunday for the following week.

    Today is scheduled to be Bench 5/3/1 and upper accessories but I'm really itching to squat and deadlift, so that might happen =)
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    So today was a frustrating gym experience overall.

    Went in for upper, bench main. 270 calc 3/3/3 week.

    Scheduled sets: 190x3, 215x3, 245x3+

    I warmup, I hit 190x3 and it feels great. Normally my trend has been that the run up sets feel ugly. No idea why, but it's been par for the course lately, although my top sets have been going fine.

    I get 215x3 and it feels "so so". I decide to just go for 245x3. First rep was fine (I had my trainer Matt spotting me), second rep for some unknown reason (this has happened once or twice before in the past several months) the bar starts drifting near my face. I lock it out but in the process I slide up the bench an inch or two and obviously lose my tightness. Foolishly I decide to go for 3, *kitten* comes up and I lock it out but it was just not pretty.

    Then I decide to add 20 and go for 265x1. My 1rm on bench is 285 for perspective sake. Right from the get go it was just ugly as *kitten*, I hit the bottom and deflate. Matt gets ready to grab it, I give it a good heave, he sees that I'm basically useless and he pulls the damn thing so hard it lifts me off the bench a few inches. It was quite an impressive spotting job.

    But anyways, I was pretty pissed about it, but I chalk it up to a combination of technical/mental mistakes more than anything. I didn't feel "fatigued" from low calories in the traditional sense.

    Pissed, I decided to practice a few deadlift pulls. Deads have been my enemy lately. I pulled singles at 225, 275, 315 and 345. The pulls at 345 had mild but acceptable form breakdown so I stopped at 2 or 3 singles. Pulled a few more at 315 and stopped.

    Then I decided to squat since my day was pretty much hosed anyways =)

    Just some singles:

    Followed by fronts

    Did some calf work and called it a day.

    If I have another ugly bench session I'll consider positioning refeeds pre-bench day.
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    Some strong Pendlay rows!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Today marks the completion of week 1.

    186.0 today.

    Total loss for week 1, 3lbs.

    One awful workout day. On a side note I went back last night to the gym because my wife and I take our son to swimming lessons there. I snuck away to the gym and benched again to monitor technique. I certainly have some things to work on with positioning and bar path. My setup has improved significantly but my bar path could still use some work.

    Did a few light sets, then 225x1, 245x2,3. 245 was heavier than it should have felt and I seem to lose stability after the second rep. Going to video this to see the cause. What appears to happen is that I deflate a bit and even lose my position. My theory is that I'm probably overextending the lockout and not keeping my shoulders retracted, and this starts somewhat of a domino effect (traps untuck, leg drive flattens the torso out and I end up scooting up the bench a bit).

    Rest day today, will probably practice some deads in my garage.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Average intake for week 1:

    Calories: 2087
    Carbohydrate: 230
    Fat: 55
    Protein: 187

    I generally prefer lower fat in favor of high carb when I have to really push calories lower than I normally would.

    I'm going to introduce a refeed most likely on Friday, right around the following intake:

    Calories: 3100-3200
    Carbohydrate: 500
    Fat: 50
    Protein: 180-190.

    Sunday/Monday I'll bump daily intake up to the 2200-2300 range.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    10/10/13 Thursday --

    Supposed to be upper/OHP day.

    Have to take today as a rest day. I bring my kiddo to my parents place, but my Mom is feeling a bit sick so I don't have a good opportunity to lift.

    I'll probably practice some speed deads in the garage and maybe crank out some pendlays.

    Today's weight: 185.4. Down 3.6 in 8 days.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member

    On such a low week, you're gonna have some tough lifts. I only skimmed through your posts (sorry super busy) but a couple things that stuck out to me.

    1) If you're cutting did you reset your weights? when i go in for a cut i tend to take my training maxes back by a couple of months so im working in a comfortable range

    2) If the bar is moving on your back when you squat heavy. Apply chalk.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Welcome sir!

    On such a low week, you're gonna have some tough lifts. I only skimmed through your posts (sorry super busy) but a couple things that stuck out to me.

    1) If you're cutting did you reset your weights? when i go in for a cut i tend to take my training maxes back by a couple of months so im working in a comfortable range

    2) If the bar is moving on your back when you squat heavy. Apply chalk.

    1) No, but I had recently done a 10% deload of all my maxes. I still think this was a fluke and not calorie related but I'll know for sure next week.

    2) Unfortunately I can't at the gym I'm at =(

    I did make some positional changes that seemed to have helped quite a bit. Moved my hands further in and more forcefully retracting my elbows seems to have helped. At least the last couple of sessions have gone much better.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Time for a refeed.

    Woke up today at 184.2, somehow. LOL.

    So that's now 4.8 lbs in 9 days. Obviously a lot of this is just fluid weight from such a significant carb decrease.

    Rest day today, tomorrow AM squats will happen.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    It's those Bieber macros....you gonna go into starvation mode soon...mark my words!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Refeed yesterday ended at the following:


    Weigh in today at 185.6, up the 1.2 I dropped yesterday but that's to be expected after a 500g CHO day. It was quite enjoyable and hunger is blunted.

    Leaving in about 20 minutes for an early AM squat session and I can't wait to get under the bar.

    I've been doing a lot of thinking about technique and programming. I expect to be making some changes on the next bulk, although I'm not sure what they are yet.

    Regarding bench, I'm certainly in need of some fine tuning. I did some filming from the side and my forearms aren't quite vertical at the bottom of the press. It's very likely that I'm losing some drive from this so I'll be looking to correct that. It's tricky though because I have some shoulder issues that basically demand that I tuck my elbows quite heavily on the bench (VERY narrow elbows at the bottom). I'm worried that I'll have to bring the bar down to my damn navel in order to set the forearms properly. LOL.

  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Some data, just because it's good to look at.

    Cut start date: 10/2/13
    Starting weight: 189.0
    Starting navel measurement: 34"
    Starting waist measurement: 33"

    Current weight: 183.4
    Navel: 32.75
    Waist: 32.5

    Average intake:
    Calories: 2231
    Carbs: 260g
    Fats: 58g

    Intake will sit around the ~2350 mark with a refeed Friday or Saturday. The following week I'll step calories up to the 2500 range.

    Squats today. Also considering adding in Agile 8 (or the updated version) at home, daily.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    So I started Agile 8 today and I'm looking forward to the benefits I may reap from this, being that my mobility is pretty poor overall. Although, it's improved significantly since I began squatting.

    Leg day today.


    355x1 <--- this one went up fast.

    Feelin' good.......


    In fairness, depth is highly suspect here. Max depth occurs between 24 and 25s on this clip. Lines in the shorts and the knee brace make it harder to tell. I'm still quite pleased though. Going to force myself to take a bit of time off of 1rm squats since it seems like I'm pushing for singles err'day but I'll hit it deeper next time I attempt it, that's for sure.


    Then I thought I'd try some rep work on back squats.

    285x1 I'm done. LMFAO. Seriously I was hashed. I said f$%k it and took a rest, and ate the other half of my banana. hnng

    Front squats
    255x5 <--- rep PR at that weight


    135x ... some.
    185x some more.

    Stopped there, I was basically trash at that point. That 405 knocked the *kitten* out of me.

    Seated Calf Raise
    90lbs x 15x3

    Weighted Back Hyper

    Leg Curls
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Today marks exactly two weeks.

    183.4 today, same as yesterday. Down from 189.

    Update pics.


    Start pics on page 1.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
  • CallMeBacon
    CallMeBacon Posts: 196 Member
    Jeepers, that's one hell of a change in two weeks. Kudos to you!!