Sara's Meet Prep.

Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
A bit of overlap here, as I am wrapping up my cut log tomorrow, and taking some license with the 'cutting' part of the group's name and using to log my reverse and prep for my first PL meet prep.

I will post stats tomorrow as I am combining the log to track my reverse (after 12 weeks of cutting after a bulk) and my lifting in preparation for my first PL competition - a baby one on November 9th. I have entered the open age class and the masters one (I iz old!). It is a raw comp but allows knee wraps (am going to see if I am going to try to train with them). Field will be small but I do want to do well so am taking it seriously...well, hopefully while having fun.

So, with regard to lifts, my 1RMs were set at a higher weight than I currently am and on a surplus. I was 158lb when they were done:

Deadlift: 315lb (pulled 325lb but grip slipped about 1" before lockout and I let it down without trying to finish...annoyed about that)
Squat: 260lb
Bench: 160lb
Strict Press: 112lb

Recent best lifts in the last month (on a pretty aggressive cut - weight currently hovering between 146 and 147lb)

Deadlift: 290lb x 3 (failed 300lb single pull attempts when trying after heavier volume)
Squat: 235lb x 3 (having issues with form)
Bench: 140lb (working up after a shoulder injury I picked up half way through my bulk)
Strict Press: 105lb x 1 and 95lb x 3 (see shoulder injury).
Front squat: 200lb (yesterday...very happy with this)

Routine for the next 4 weeks is as follows (week before comp will be lighter)


First session is due to start tomorrow.

Diet: upping CHO 15g a week for the first few weeks, then every other week after that. Macros currently at (includes first week of upped CHO):

CHO: 140g - 150g
Protein: 165g - 170g
Fats: 50g - 55g

ETA: routine a bit blurry - but that's the best I can do


  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Did you try the knee wraps yet?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Did you try the knee wraps yet?

    Not yet - I am going to probably order them online unless I can find some locally. it's worth trying out I think to see if I can get on with them.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Did you try the knee wraps yet?

    Not yet - I am going to probably order them online unless I can find some locally. it's worth trying out I think to see if I can get on with them.

    I got 2 sets of wraps. One with velcro, one without. For pure stability, the velcro ones are great but they are not ideal for assisting in the lift. Not long enough to get an up and down wrap. The longer, non-velcro wraps can be done like that youtube video and they definitely can provide some assist if you wrap them tight enough. Once wrapped, you better do the lift soon or your lower leg will turn blue. That is if you wrap tight enough to get some assist. If you just wrap for stability, you might be able to leave them on between sets. Haven't played around with that yet.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    here to follow.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I like your training plan. How long do you rest on the exercises that have a "once x no. of reps can't be completed"?

    I wouldn't worry about wraps in your first comp. There is a bit of a fine art to getting them done at the right time. Too early and you will be hurting and too late and you could actually miss your call. I just think it's a bit of an added stress that you won't want for a first comp.

    You'll probably squat about 10% more with wraps though. Some people depending on limb lengths end up squatting more than deadlifting with wraps. (I'm still hoping this will happen to me soon :laugh:)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    The rest time on those is on the lowish end - about 90 seconds.

    Good point about the added stress. It is only a baby comp and looking at last year's results, my squat is way more than those in the same weight class, so I doubt I will need the extra help (watch, now someone will come in with a squat just better than mine ;-P).
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Woke up this morning at an all time low weight of 145.6lb. Increasing CHO by another 15g from tomorrow for a week (and another 15g thereafter).

    The extra carbs could not be more welcome. My first session was odd...partly as I was an idiot and screwed a few things up, and partly because I did not have huge amounts of ooomph. I can be a dipsy bish sometimes!

    First dipsy thing was that I left my phone at home which threw me a bit. I usually video my lifts and text SideSteel to whine or take the piss out of the other people in the gym.

    First up was squats. Warmed up with the bar and did a quick walk up to the working weights. The issue is that I calculated them based on my bulk non paused 1RM - so I was at a surplus, 12lbs heavier, wearing a belt plus bouncing out of the hole. Sets were (all no belt):

    135 x 5 (not paused)
    185 x 3 (not paused)
    210 x 1 - lol (paused) - at this stage I realized that I had set my weights to high so reset for the '1st' set
    190 x 4 (paused)
    180 x 4 for 3 sets (paused)

    I am not sure what this means as I have not done paused squats for ages, but it seems weak (for me).

    Next up was deads. Continuing with the theme, I had set my weights based on my bulk, belted, 12lb heavier 1RM - plus I had done this when I had not squatted first so was fresher. Derp. Sets were (no belt):

    135 x 5
    185 x 3
    225 x 2 - ummm...this one was embarrassing - I pulled the first rep and it felt unbalanced. I do occasionally mess the grip width up so reset and pulled again - still off. When I was adding the plates for the next set, I realized that I had a 35 plate on one side and a 25 plate on the other /smh
    270 - fook no - did not get off the ground which was annoying as I have pulled that for 5 reps not that long ago, so dropped down
    255 x 1 for 3 sets. It should have been 5 sets but everything felt off. Bar speed was really slow and I was not pulling back properly. The third set was a struggle so I decided not to push it.

    Next was fronts. Just before my first set for this one, I stood up after getting something from my gym bag and whacked my head on the end of the barbell...typical of the how the day went really. I have a nice bump now. Sets were:

    135 x 1 (to get a feel for it)
    135 x 5
    135 x 4

    These were a lot off my usual (well..usual for the whole 3 weeks I have been doing them) but I was tired, not used to doing back squats and deads before (I usually only do one or the other) and a little out of sorts.

    Last was pull-throughs (I was doing trial and error as I have only done these a few times and on a different cable machine:

    85 x 15
    95 x 15
    105 x 15
    125 x 15 for 2 sets

    So, all in all, either a crappy session because I was weak, or because I was an idiot. Maybe a bit of both.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    first one down. **** happens :smile: I'm sure next one will be better.
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    Following. MUAH! <3
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Following. MUAH! <3

  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Tagging this one fo sho.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Rest day.

    Weight: 146


    Weight: 147.6

    Week 1, upper volume.

    Kinda sucked. Still getting my weights down.

    Bench - all paused :

    45 x 10
    95 x 2
    115 x 2
    105 x 5,4,4,3,3

    Last one I did the roll of shame...I was extremely graceful while doing it :tongue:

    I am having problems with my bar path and with getting my arch without ending up too far down the bench. I focused on gripping the bar which seemed to help, but was not feeling very strong. I am not sure how much the pause made a difference (as I usually touch and go), but I usually can do a lot more than 105 for reps.

    Chest Supported Rows 1:

    130 x 6,6,6,5,5,5,4


    Totally sucked.


    I was supposed to do my first set as a set of 8, but overshot what I thought I could do. I had not taken into account the fatigue from benches and rows (I usually do OHP as my main lift). I only did 1 at 85 as some idiot in the gym decided to yell really loudly and throw his weights down, also really loudly so I got thrown off - I also realized that there was no way I would have done a set of 8 anyway. I kept rest times a bit shorter than usual.

    Chest Supported Rows 2:

    100 x 12,10

    I am really hoping that my sucky sessions are from being a little thrown by the new routine and not because I actually suck. I have been doing a version of 5/3/1 for over a year and so was very comfortable with it.

    I also need to try not to get too worried about my lifts for the meet as it is early days yet. My deadlift is pretty good relative to women of my size so I am not too concerned about that (at the moment). I am a little worried about my squat, however, I just checked the rules and it does not appear that a pause is required by the APA (the federation hosting the meet). My biggest concern at the moment is my bench. It is my weakest lift anyway, especially after my shoulder issues, and I am sucking at it big time. I know it is a baby meet and my results do not matter in the scheme of things - it is really to get a feel for competitions...but I am a competitive bish sometimes so I want to do well. However, I just need to focus on my lifting sessions and try not to get too hung up on the actual weights I am lifting - I just need to continue to push myself and work on form.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I like the attitude :smile: Just keep doing your thang and turn up and do your best on the day.

    Never heard of any feds doing paused squats :smile:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Weight: 147.6. Refeed day today (I was planning on doing it today, but breakfast pastries happened!)

    Week 1, Lower Power Day


    Warm up:

    Bar x 2 x 10
    135 x 5
    155 x 3
    175 x 3

    Walk outs:

    260x 1
    270x 1

    [should have been 3 but I got confused :embarassed: again]


    This should have been doubles, but, as I mentioned, I got confused and did triples :grumble:

    200 x 3 - 2 sets
    190 x 3 - 6 sets

    Felt a bit better this time although I am a bit far forward. The weight was not that much comparatively, but I was happy that I was able to make sure I got depth (by quite a bit) without looking at the mirror. I practiced looking up, where I tend to automatically look at myself when squatting. It actually seemed to help with my form. I also played around a bit with my stance, but I seem to keep coming back to a mid stance. Knees caved on a few of the earlier sets, but I was getting better at focusing on pushing my knees out which also seemed easier to do when I was not watching myself in the later sets


    Warm ups:
    135 x 5
    185 x 3
    225 x 1

    255 x 1 x 5 sets

    Managed to get all 5 sets done even though it was frigging hot in the gym and rather late. Back was trying to round. I played around with my starting position as my butt was coming up early. The pulls where my butt did not come up early were the ones where I felt my torso was too parallel to the floor. So, still some playing around to do with my set up.

    I was supposed to pull throughs...but it was late, the gym was full of twats, I had a niggle in my hamstring/glute tie in and I was tired, so I gave them a miss.


    Weight: 147.6 (happy with that after a refeed day)

    Tomorrow is the test/technique day - I am kind of looking forward to it but kind of nervous as this week has been a but bleh, and I will have to train again in the evening (which is not my best time to train). I may try to sneak at least squats in before I leave for work.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    tagging to read later :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Weight: 147.2

    Ended up having to have a rest day as work was so crazy I did not get off until late, needed to eat, and by the time I had got home and eaten, it was 11pm, so I thought I should defer as I would have a really cr@ppy session.


    Weight: 147.2...again!

    Week 1: Test/Technique Day.

    This was a bit of a monster of a day...3 hours and I did not even do the assists. The good thing was that I lifted in the morning which I prefer as I usually have better performance.


    Felt much stronger today. I was playing around with depth and I know I missed a few, but all in all, pretty happy. I do think I am a little forward though - bar path looks a little in front of mid foot, but I am hesitant to play around with it too much at this stage.

    Warmed up with the bar then:

    135 x 5
    185 x 3
    195 x 1
    225 x 1 (belted at this point)
    215 x 3
    205 x 3 x 6 sets

    I think my rest periods are too long. ^^that took me over an hour. I was a little distracted by the guy with the 2" ROM squats saying 'sexy time' to himself in the mirror and dancing and singing between sets though.

    I was happy though as the 205 felt about the same RPE as the 185 earlier in the week. I am not sure how much is the slightly increased carbs kicking in or the fact that I lifted in the morning. But whatever it is, I will take it.

    Bench, Close Grip

    I do not usually do these so they felt a bit awkward.

    Warm up with bar, then:
    65 x 5
    85 x 3
    115 x 3
    105 x 3 for 4 sets

    I stopped a bit short as I still needed to do deads and I had been in the gym for 2 hours at this point and needed to get to work at some time!.


    Started to feel fatigued and some idiot threw me off by talking to me as I was about to lift and hovering around trying to get weights off a BB right in front of me, so I stopped sooner than planned. D!ck could have waited the whole 30 seconds it took to do my set! To add insult to injury, he took the plates (which, btw, there are loads of around the gym) and proceeded to do 2 sets of 5 squats at 105lb!

    135 x 5
    185 x 3
    205 x 1
    255 x 3 (the set that the pratt interjected himself)
    235 x 3

    I spotted the idiot in a different part of the gym and then proceeded to tell him off. I am obviously used to people moving around when I lift and I can ignore them, but having them in my line of sight, hovering, trying to get plates, all within a foot of me when I am pulling was a bit much, especially after he asked me a question just as I was lined up to bend over to grab the bar. I was pretty steamed. the 3 hour mark, I decided it was enough in any event and called it a day. I think I am doing too many sets and/or having too much rest time in between. Volume is not that high at all, but I am taking 'main lift' type rests - between 3 and 5 minutes a lot of the time.

    I do not usually say this..but I am really looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. I do not have DOMS as such - I just ache...all over. My hammie/glute tie in is the worse. I really need to do some mobility work before my body reminds me that I am really too damn old for this shiz!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    good test day!

    I don't think the rest periods are too long personally for something like that e.g. 8 work sets in the greater than 90% range plus warmups in an hour is pretty regular. I'd take 3-5mins rest for them. My warmups I don't really rest, just enough time to change plates really. Pretty much same rest breaks for bench and DL too. Some people can get away with less rest for bench.

    :laugh: at old mate sexy time!

    Enjoy your rest day.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Chatting to SideSteel a bit today and I am probably going to try low-bar after the meet (I currently do high bar). I have tried it once before and it felt off, but that was over a year ago and I was really new to squats at that time. The reason I am thinking about it is that the bar path is a little far forward as my natural torso position is more like a low bar's. I was thinking to try to 'force' myself more upright or sit back more, but my body position has served me pretty well so far and it is more natural to me - so maybe its a case of moving the bar position rather than moving my body position.

    Example is here if anyone has input (and yes, I know I am a little shy of depth on the two reps =p. I was trying to play around with just hitting depth - but decided in the end its not worth the risk of not getting depth and I get a decent bounce out of the hole when I go lower in any event).

    I also managed to get a clip of 2: ROM sexy time without realizing when videoing a different set - you can see his reflection in the mirror - far right, towards the bottom (and it's him re-racking that shakes my phone). Vid is not a good angle to use as an example for me as it is too high, but I thought I would include so I can show that I really was not exaggerating. Unfortunately, this was not one of the sexy time sets.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Weight: 147.2

    Rest day


    Weight: 148

    Monday's are a b!tch at work so planned second rest day


    Weight: 148

    Unplanned rest day - looks like Tuesday's are being a b!tch as well


    Weight: 148 (again!)

    Week 2: Lower Volume

    Even though it was late (I did not finish work until nearly 8pm) I managed to get the whole workout done, and it was pretty solid considering - nothing earth shattering, but better than the prior week.

    Squats (all beltless):

    Warm up with bar
    135 x 5 (not paused)
    185 x 5 (not paused)
    190 x 4 (paused)
    180 x 4 for 6 sets (paused) - same weight but 2 more sets than the first week and my form felt a little better.


    135 x 5
    185 x 3
    225 x 1
    255 x 1
    275 x 1 for 5 sets (with belt) - added weight and did more sets. Back was rounding a bit and it felt heavy - but definitely better than last week.

    Front Squat (beltless):

    135 x 1
    155 x 4 for 2 sets

    BB Hip Thrusts

    185 x 5 (then realized I was supposed to do more reps)
    135 x 8 for 4 sets (I was popped at this time and the bar was grinding my hip bones)

    Sadly, sexy time was not there!