Introduce yourself and your goals :)

I am almost 24 years old and after having my two boys, I weighed 203 pounds. Every since starting MFP a month ago, I have lost 9 pounds, coming in at 194.

Start weight: 194
goal weight by end of month: 185


  • a2014nu
    I am 52 years old. I weigh 181lbs. I want to loose 10 lb in 30 days. I walked 4 miles today
  • 1dce
    1dce Posts: 238 Member
    I have 2 boys also and I delivered both in the 230 range lol. I am currently about 155 my goal is not necessarily a number but I want more muscle everywhere :)
  • Pizazz16
    Pizazz16 Posts: 295 Member
    Hi! I am 46 years old and in July (2013) I started walking 1 mile. I am now up to 6 miles in 90 minutes. I don't manage to do this everyday, but thought this challenge would fit in with what I'm already doing, and also give me a nudge to keep going. Even if I just get in 2 miles a day that would be great!
  • jellybeans37
    jellybeans37 Posts: 33 Member
    My name is Jenell and I am a 38 and a mother of 4 kids. I got away from daily exercise and need a boost.I am 137.5lbs and would love to be 136 by the end of the month.
  • tugten
    tugten Posts: 73 Member
    My name is Liz, in my late 50's. Today I walked 3.5 miles in one hour. I want to keep this up and trying to lose 20 lbs by Christmas. I started MFP on September 11, 2013 and my starting weight was 170, current weight 165. Today was the first day that it felt a little easier walking the 3.5 miles. I think its the weather here in South Florida. It's one or two degrees cooler lately and it makes a difference. Good luck to everyone.
  • Abbaprincess
    Abbaprincess Posts: 36 Member
    I am 36 years old, married for almost 17 years old, Yep married very young :) I have 2 beautiful, wonderful, smart, endearing teenagers. one boy and one girl. I also have a small poodle/shih Tzu dog that is my 3rd child and very spoiled. She will love this challenge more than anybody as she loves to walk. She helps keep me motivated because she gives me beg puppy dog eyes every day to go for a walk. My goal is to lose 10 pounds per month, until I weigh around 142 pounds.
  • takemybodyback
    Hi all...I am a 36yo mother or 1 very kind son. My main form or cardio is walking so this will be right in line with that. I would like to be down another 8 lbs in a month...Here we go! :)
  • MsSherri1
    MsSherri1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, My name is Sherri I will be 40 in November (can't believe it) my goal is to lose weight and tone. The only thing about me and exercise is that we are not the best of friends, I am a very big procrastinator when it comes to exercising. I am hoping this challenge will push me to do what I have to do to get to where I want to be and that is at a comfortable weight.
    Weight now 166.1
  • Shampamukesh
    Shampamukesh Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all , I am 40 years old and mother of a beautiful 4 year old daughter.

    My weight is 180 lbs.

    I am trying to lose weight extra 35lbs for sometime but my biggest challenge is to find time for workout. I love to walk . Hopefully this challenge will help me.
  • sydneyplainjane
    sydneyplainjane Posts: 140 Member
    Hi, I'm 56 and about 264 pounds (I only weigh once a month, so I'm not due to weigh in again until the end of October, but I'll try to weigh in tomorrow (Saturday) to see if there's been any change. Waist is 42 inches (it's the only thing I measure, although, I know I've lost inches from my hips/thighs since my pants are baggier).

    I started MFP in August. Tried my first challenge then (24 hours of exercise in 30 days). I didn't get to the 24 hours, but I think it helped me get fit for the next challenge., because I did an awful lot of walking! I feel like this challenge is more doable for me. It takes me 15-20 minutes to walk a mile, so I feel like I can break it up and do 20 minutes before work and 20 minutes during lunch. If not, there's a 1 mile "heart smart" walking trail close to my house, so I can walk that after work (until it starts getting dark).

    Only problem is I'll be traveling the 15th and 16th, and I know it will be hard for me to get two miles (I'm not comfortable going for walks in cities I'm not familiar with), so I'll have to make that up when I get back.

    Oh, and I should add, I do the Curves workout 2-3 times a week, after work. Good luck everyone!
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi all!! My name is Brionna and I am 25 years old weighing in at 233. I had a goal to be under 200 by Christmas but I'm kind of pushing that since I'm starting so late. I used to do a lot of walking but then started working so many hour and kind of fell out of my routine. I am hoping that this will get me back into it! Happy walking!!
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Hi everyone! I'll be 37 next month and between having Canadian Thanksgiving, American Thanksgiving, my 15th year anniversary, a lot of birthdays and celebrations coming up I have decided to step up my workouts a little more. I'm maintaining and my goal is not to put on any additional weight during these next 3 months especially with all of the extra temptations that will be around!

    Walking is my main form of cardio and I do it 6 days per week. I like walking outdoors on a school track for 2 - 3.5 miles and I also a big fan Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home videos (I own over 55 videos!) and I do Jessica Smith's walking videos on YT. I am also doing T25 workouts (in the Alpha phase), I lift weights and do Pilates.

    Good luck guys!
  • MissMaggie102
    Hello! I'm 28. This challenge sounds perfect for me. I just got back into working out and have been trying to do 2 miles a day anyway, so this would just be further motivation. I previously lost about 75 pounds just by eating better and working out. I maintained that for a year, but then went through a divorce, health, and back problems (ruptured disc) and between that then surgery and recovery, I got a bit out of shape and gained about 20 pounds back. I love being active and know I feel so much better when I make a real effort every day. I also have MS so getting work outs in every day is crucial to keeping me doing well. Good luck to everyone and I look forward to getting to know everyone during the challenge.
  • 10alliemarie
    10alliemarie Posts: 66 Member
    This sounds like a great plan! I have recently joined a gym and will be walking for cardio. I would like to eventually lose 35 pounds in the next year. I want to look great for my sister's wedding. My biggest challenge is limiting calories.

    I'm 27 years old, 5 foot 6 inches and weigh 190.

    Nice to meet you all!
  • juls1775
    I am 38 years old and lead a very busy lifestyle with 2 kids and a husband and not finding time to work out and eat right has taken its toll on my body... I am 5'4" and weigh 192 lbs...I actually started this diet 3 weeks ago and have changed a lot of my eating habits and have lost 10 lbs. My reason for starting this is blood work from the doctors office with super high cholesterol levels( which runs in my family) but my doctor is giving me 7 weeks to try and get it down myself! I really need to add walking into my fitness program and I think I will see even better results! My goal weight is 130 I have a way to go, but I am going to do it!!!
  • kgreenRDLDN
    kgreenRDLDN Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, I'm Kimberly and 29. Currently engaged and have a sit down job that has caused me to start gaining more weight. I want to get back into shape and down to 130. I enjoy walking because I really like to do relay walk races like Portland to coast, cascade lakes, and Sandpoint to Cour de Alene relay.
  • janeasreflecton27
    Hello all ! I am 29 year old mother of two. Having my second child ,really made me realize how out of shape i have become. I weigh 160 and want to loose 30 pounds. I love running but know since, i have not exercised in years walking is a good start. Up for the challenge !!!!
  • alittleteapot
    alittleteapot Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Nicole and I will be 32 next month. I work, go to school full-time, am a mom to three boys, and wife to a pretty lucky guy. :) This means I rarely have time to work out, but this sounds perfect and the boys can come with me. I weigh 165lbs, down from 205 in January. My goal is 135lbs, but I'd like to be down to 155 by the end of this challenge.
  • jenniferkaye22
    jenniferkaye22 Posts: 84 Member
    My name is Jennifer im 22 years old. I started MFP yesterday so im excited joining this group. I currently weight 170 pounds :/ and my goal is to get down to 140.
  • BevyT
    BevyT Posts: 3
    My name is Bev I am 49 ... I am about to launch a new business and I just want to be healthy and in shape; spirit, mind and body. I want to be down 20lbs to start by Christmas!