Orange Team meet and greet

BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
Hey orange team!! I am your team coach Brionna. I would like all of you to make sure that your weight is posted in the press sheet. I would also like all of you to take your measurements for your personal use only I do not need to see them. Another thing I would like you all to do is set a goal for the end if the challenge and also to set weekly goals to help you reach tho final goal.

I know that the weigh in day is Tuesday night but I would like to set ours for Monday so that I can be sure that I have everyone's weight by the time the show airs that way I have time to remind if you forget.

I will start by telling you a little bit about myself.
My name is Brionna I am 25 years old. I just got married on September 7th and moved to KY from OH. I am originally from Wisconsin. I have 5 sisters and 1 brother and I am the only one that got the short fat gene. I would like to lose a total if 96 lbs but my weight loss goal for this challenge is to lose 35 lbs.

My goal for this week is to drink at least 10 glasses of water a day. My goal for the challenge is to be able to fit into my skinny jeans!!

Please post your goals and a little about yourself below. Your goals do not have to be to lose a certain number of pounds it can be anything that you want them to be.


  • kerosenekisses463
    kerosenekisses463 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey, Coach! Nice to meet you! Congratulations on getting married! And hi team! :)

    My name is Ajah...25 years old, born and raised in Southern California. I love to cook and laugh and my dream is to play roller derby (hence the screen name, haha). My total weight loss goal is 90 lbs, but I'd like to lose 30 during this challenge.

    THIS WEEK'S GOAL: Well, I had a good, healthy week...about 2 weeks ago. So my goal for this week is to get back to eating breakfast. I always feel better when I do!

    CHALLENGE GOAL: Hmm, besides the weight loss? Well, I'd hope the increased activity would lead me to skate more and I would start learning my minimum skills for derby. goal for the end of this challenge is to learn most of my Basic Skills (stance, stride, crossovers, t-stop, plow stop) and Recovery Skills (knee slides and knee taps). If that makes sense.

    I do have a question: I usually weigh in Sunday morning, so can I use that weight or would you rather have the Monday morning number? Either way is fine with me; I just wanted clarification. Thanks! Can't wait to get started!
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Nice to meet you and thank you!!
    And yes you may use that weigh in as long as I have it before the show every Tuesday you are good!
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    And those are great goals!!!
  • awanake
    awanake Posts: 14 Member
    Hello My name is Candyce I am a single mom of a 2 year old girl and a 11 year old boy. I love sports and dancing. I am really embarrassed by the way I look and the number that are on the clothes I have to buy.

    THIS WEEKS GOAL- This weeks goal is to consume more water daily. And not to be lazy. I have let this government shutdown stop me from working out. I have to do better wait I will do better!!!!!!!!

    CHALLENGE GOAL- Is either get down from a size 18 to a 14 or to lose 35lbs. In the long run I am trying to get back down to 30% body fat so that I can go back into the Army as well as get back into dancing.

    1 do we do our start weight before Tuesday or do we weigh in next Tuesday?

    2 where is the press sheet?

    3 how many people are on our team
  • awanake
    awanake Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome I wanted to do derby but im scared because of the rod in my leg
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Hello My name is Candyce I am a single mom of a 2 year old girl and a 11 year old boy. I love sports and dancing. I am really embarrassed by the way I look and the number that are on the clothes I have to buy.

    THIS WEEKS GOAL- This weeks goal is to consume more water daily. And not to be lazy. I have let this government shutdown stop me from working out. I have to do better wait I will do better!!!!!!!!

    CHALLENGE GOAL- Is either get down from a size 18 to a 14 or to lose 35lbs. In the long run I am trying to get back down to 30% body fat so that I can go back into the Army as well as get back into dancing.

    1 do we do our start weight before Tuesday or do we weigh in next Tuesday?

    2 where is the press sheet?

    3 how many people are on our team

    Those are awesome goals!! To answer your questions there are 11 people on our team soon to be 12 , I would like the weights every Monday so that I have time to send out reminders if anyone forgets so your first weigh in is due tomorrow but I would inbox soccerella your weight now to be sure that you are in the spread sheet or just post in the weigh in thread now. He spread sheet should be in the thread titled teams week one but I think you can only get it if you are using a computer bc I can't get it but after this week we will not be able to edit the spread sheet.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Howdy there team O R A N G E. My name is Rainey and I joined MFP Jan 16th of 2013. My highest weight was 262lbs (before MFP) and I think it was 237lb when I joined MFP. As of today I have hit 60 lbs lost :))) Woo Hoo, the big 60 TODAY ! ! ! This is the most I have ever lost in my life at one time and I am not done yet. My CW is 202.0 and I want to get to 150 - 130 range. I will have to re-evaluate my weight loss when I hit the 150 mark. I eat extremely healthy and I eat 6 meals a day. 3 main meals and 3 snacks. I average between 1200 to 1300 calories a day, eat lower carbs (due to being diabetic) and Hardly ever eat my calories back from exercising. After a really good hard day at the gym, I usually am quite hungry and so I will eat more, but I just don't do the BMR/TDEE thingy. I also am a waterholic by nature. As far back into childhood, I would drink water as my beverage of choice and I still love the stuff (weird I know)

    I work full time with mega over time hours added to the 40 weekly scheduled hours. I work in an emergency room and it keeps me busy and no 2 days are ever the same. Do I like my job you may ask. Yes, I LOVE my job, but there are many things I see, that I wish I didn't have to see/deal with.

    I am divorced and still looking for that MR. right (beginning to thing he doesn't exist). My children are all 4 legged fur babies. A dog and 4 cats (2 are my sisters who I adopted when she passed away 3 yrs ago).

    Lets see, what do I want for my goal for the week.. To see ONEDERLAND :) I can not wait to get out of the 200's

    Goal for the end of challenge? To fit into a smaller size, but not sure what size that would be till I get there. I really look forward to seeing my butt squeesed into a size 12 though :) I also would love to be able to run a 5k too :) that is my future dream for sure.
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Great goals Rainey!!! Sorry for the loss of your sister. I was so excited to see you on my team bc you are always so positive! I have a closet full of jeans ranging from size 13/14 to size 7 I'm hoping to get down to the 10 by the end of this challenge. Right now I can squeeze into the 13/14 but I have to lay down to button my pants lol. It was a great feeling to get in to onederland for me last year but then I got stressed with the wedding and gained all of my weight bavk???? do now I am working very hard to get back to that point by Christmas I want to get down to 135 when it is all said and done but I'm sure that will take at least 2 years.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Got a question... Since I put my weight (just now) on the spreed sheet, do I still need to message you with the weight this week by Monday night? I know after this week, I do, but what about tomorrow?

    Oh, and I am very glad to see you on my team and to be my coach on top of it.. Woo Hoo. WTG Coachy :)
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Lol! No I don't need your weight if you have already added it to the spread sheet. I was expecting to see you as a coach!
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Lol! No I don't need your weight if you have already added it to the spread sheet. I was expecting to see you as a coach!

    I seriously thought of being a coach, but my life is so hectic and then with overtime at work, I was afraid, I may have issues (look how this weekend went... between Saturday and today, I worked 25hrs, I am bushed) I didn't want to commit and then not be able to be there 100%, so thought I would be a contestant only and maybe next season will be a coach.
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Well you are busy! I decided to be a coach since I'm not working at the moment and have nothing to do but cook and clean lol. I look forward to you being a coach next season.
  • Veganmafia
    Veganmafia Posts: 54 Member
    Hi all,

    I am a 27 year old student who was at my ideal weight for 6 years and fought hard to maintain it, then my life changed and I just stopped working at it. I threw in the towel and didn't see it being worth any of the hard work so I took a two year break and gained 30-35lbs.

    My goal is to lose the 30-35lbs : The overall challenge goal*

    My weekly goal is to stay at my cal goal and to work out at least 30min *outside of my normal daily activity*

    I am currently at 190.4lb and I know I can hit 155-160.4lb , it can be done and its been done and im gonna do it again* whohoo!

    Feel free to add me* keepin it positive and motivating! looking forward to it

  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi all,

    I am a 27 year old student who was at my ideal weight for 6 years and fought hard to maintain it, then my life changed and I just stopped working at it. I threw in the towel and didn't see it being worth any of the hard work so I took a two year break and gained 30-35lbs.

    My goal is to lose the 30-35lbs : The overall challenge goal*

    My weekly goal is to stay at my cal goal and to work out at least 30min *outside of my normal daily activity*

    I am currently at 190.4lb and I know I can hit 155-160.4lb , it can be done and its been done and im gonna do it again* whohoo!

    Feel free to add me* keepin it positive and motivating! looking forward to it


    Great goals! You will be at your goal weight in no time! Welcome to the team!
  • Veganmafia
    Veganmafia Posts: 54 Member
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Hi, my name is Renee and I joined MFP 3 years ago. I lost about 45lbs (about 10lbs away from my goal weight) within the first 5-6 months. Then, I just lost the motivation and did the worst thing possible....stopped exercising and started eating everything in sight. Over the course of a year, I gained the weight back and Ive been struggling since then to get back on track. I realized that I was scared that I would gain the weight back once I hit my goal weight. So, I sabotaged myself before that could happen by not exercising and making bad food choices. Now that I have been through that, I am ready to make this a lifestyle change. I will not let anything detour me from my goals. Ive been doing pretty good for about a month now and Ive joined a couple groups to help keep me motivated.

    Challenge Goals: Lose 20 lbs & Run a 5K under 30 minutes

    This Week Goal: Log Daily

    Have a Great Week Everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Nida1982
    Nida1982 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Coach!! Nice to meet you.
    Im Nida, from Spain. Im 31 and im a single mother of two daughters.

    My great Goal it will be 118. Now im in 153.
    Actually im in 14 pants, and i would like to fit in 6.

    I work hard every day to see good results.

    I hope with the support of all of you, i will do it!
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi, my name is Renee and I joined MFP 3 years ago. I lost about 45lbs (about 10lbs away from my goal weight) within the first 5-6 months. Then, I just lost the motivation and did the worst thing possible....stopped exercising and started eating everything in sight. Over the course of a year, I gained the weight back and Ive been struggling since then to get back on track. I realized that I was scared that I would gain the weight back once I hit my goal weight. So, I sabotaged myself before that could happen by not exercising and making bad food choices. Now that I have been through that, I am ready to make this a lifestyle change. I will not let anything detour me from my goals. Ive been doing pretty good for about a month now and Ive joined a couple groups to help keep me motivated.

    Challenge Goals: Lose 20 lbs & Run a 5K under 30 minutes

    This Week Goal: Log Daily

    Have a Great Week Everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Great goals!! You can do it!
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi Coach!! Nice to meet you.
    Im Nida, from Spain. Im 31 and im a single mother of two daughters.

    My great Goal it will be 118. Now im in 153.
    Actually im in 14 pants, and i would like to fit in 6.

    I work hard every day to see good results.

    I hope with the support of all of you, i will do it!

    Nice to meet you Nida! Welcome to the team! Have you set any goals for this week and a final goal for the challenge?
  • mentalmunchie
    mentalmunchie Posts: 24 Member
    Hello! I'm excited to start the challenges. My name is Chavela. I'm a 25 year old graduate student working full time and doing an internship so my life is incredibly busy. Anytime I try to go on new exercise or diet routines I usually end up losing about 10 lbs and then I give up. I hope to break that pattern with this challenge. For the past ten years I've fluctuated between the 160-180 range with my weight usually averaging around 173. I would like to see the 150's since I haven't been there since I was about 14. If I could lose 20-30 pounds by the end of the challenge I would be super excited. As far as non weight related goals, I would like to increase my pace and running mileage. I hope that by this time next year I'll be able to run a half marathon (13.1 miles). I just adopted a puppy last week so I hope that he'll will provide some extra motivation when I go for my runs.