May 2014 Babies



  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Tcrofford, I have a similar gap between my first two, although my 2nd was a month early so the actual gap ended up being 14 months. Hard work, but they're like twins now.

    Thanks, I have heard several stories like this and also read if your second baby comes when the first is less than 16-17 months old, the older sibling doesn't really go through the jealousy stuff and the difficult adjustment like an older child would. I'm sure that varies, but I am looking forward to not having to buy much, etc. After this one we're done!
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Had my first appointment yesterday and the baby is due May 5th, so that puts me at 9 weeks along like I assumed. She could not find the heartbeat with the doppler (which was not a huge surprise), but checked if the ultrasound machine was free which it was so did a quick peak. Heartbeat was in the 170's and I was able to get a few snapshots to take home for my sons. They were so excited to see a picture of the baby, and incrediably mad that they were not along. I told them that there would be no pictures this go round just lots of talking. Had to promise that they come along next time just in case she checks with the ultrasound again. She said as long as the machine is available she can take scans with it at no charge as 'technically' she does not know what she's doing and can not officially read it. This made for one excited mama!
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    I found out yesterday that I am preggo! This will be my second, my son is 2. This was such a surprise. Even as I type I'm thinking its just so unbelievable. It took us a while to get pregnant with our son and I just had given up on the idea that it would happen again. In April I started focusing a little more on myself and my health. I ran a 5k in Sept and was getting ready to do another. I have finally gotten so used to tracking my calories and watching what I eat, I'm just not sure what to do now
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    I found out yesterday that I am preggo! This will be my second, my son is 2. This was such a surprise. Even as I type I'm thinking its just so unbelievable. It took us a while to get pregnant with our son and I just had given up on the idea that it would happen again. In April I started focusing a little more on myself and my health. I ran a 5k in Sept and was getting ready to do another. I have finally gotten so used to tracking my calories and watching what I eat, I'm just not sure what to do now

    Switch yourself over to maintenance for the first trimester. According to my midwife I could do maintenance during the first trimester, then second increase calories by 350 over maintenance, and for the third increase calories by 400 over maintenance. Congrats on your pregnancy!!
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    Ok. I switched to maintenance. Feels odd to let myself eat so much now and not have to think about food. I think this baby is sucking the life out of me. I am exhausted! After work I just want to go to bed, but I have a very active 2yo who wants to play with me. Luckily my husband is a huge help
  • seearainbow
    seearainbow Posts: 57 Member
    Hi! Just found this thread. I'm due May 1st with my 3rd child. So far, I've been pretty sick. It was all complicated by me getting pneumonia! I'm just now starting to feel better after two weeks, but overall I have lost about 15 pounds. I'm sure I'll gain some of that back quickly when I'm eating well again. My ob told me to aim for 1800-2200 calories a day during my pregnancy, although mfp had my maintenance at 2300. I ended up about 15 lbs over my prepregnancy weight for my last two, and hoping to do about the same this time.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    After my ultrasound yesterday, I got a due date of 5/31/14, whoo hoo! Not that due dates mean much but at least now I can schedule my other appointments, haha. And I am officially in this group!
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member

    I'm new here - and very new to being pregnant as it's totally unplanned and my first. Nonetheless I'm excited but overwhelmed.

    I'm guessing I'll be due in May (mid to end) but my dates are a bit fuzzy... I really need a dating scan but the test showed 5+ weeks and so with a bit of estimation I think I'm around 7 weeks.

    Morning sickness for about a week has been awful, never experienced anything like it! Thought I'd try to use MFP to make sure I'm eating enough and a balanced diet. How does everyone else cope with morning sickness?

    Feel free to friend me :-) I could sure use a few!

  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    Hello! Welcome. :)

    First time mom here too! MS has been unlike anything I've experienced too. I finally came to terms with not counting until I feel better since most of what I've been eating is fruit and anything white...(bread, crackers, pasta...etc).

    I'm now 9 weeks and some of the MS symptoms have started to subside so today's my first day in about 4 weeks since I've logged in my food.

    Hang in there! Sugar-free lemon drops and ginger tea helped with the nausea.

    Congratulations!!! :bigsmile:
  • Emma38418
    Emma38418 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello all! I am pregnant with my second baby, due may 23rd. I have started a group so we can continue to ask questions and support each other :) Group is called May 2014 Mums
  • jules080670
    jules080670 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Jules. This is pregnancy no.4 but will be my 3rd baby. I'm officially due 2.6.14 but will be induced at least a week early as I am over 40 so I will have a May baby.
  • katarina236
    katarina236 Posts: 40 Member
    Hello. I'm rose and this is pregnancy number three for me. I'm 9 weeks pregnant and my due date is May 28! I am excited to be pregnant but I am truly feeling the nasua and fatigue this time around :-/
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    #3 for me. I had a June 2011 baby and a Jan 2013 baby. So we'll have 3 under 3. We were trying and I was excited and that has seemed to fade with my daughter increasing her wake ups from 1-2 times a night to 4-5 times a night, though she is finally getting better. I need to get more excited. I feel bad that I'm not happier. Just the tiredness has taken its toll. My husband is excited and I am bringing us down. Why can't I get happier about this??? This is our last pregnancy.

    Anyone else going through these emotions? Any advice? I'm on Reglan to help with my milk supply (I am still breastfeeding and my supply dropped a few days before I found out I was pregnant). I have no sex drive and I'm wondering if I'm depressed. I don't know. I want to be happier. I am getting out of the house with baby groups, I am taking them on walks. There's no excuse.

    Oh yeah, due May 18th (I think it's a couple days later than it should be but I never got a period, so based solely on ultrasound). My 30th birthday is May 31st and I am determined to be home by then. I have late babies though. My son was 13 days late WITH an induction that took 2 days. My daughter I went naturally 6 days late. Please send me pre due date vibes. I don't want to see my due date come and go with this one!
  • Mindochka
    Mindochka Posts: 61 Member
    Hello Everyone!! Lots of congratulations going around on here, which is wonderful!!!

    I am pregnant with #3 due early May. I have 2 girls already ages (4.5 and 3.5 yrs old) and this pregnancy is quite the unexpected surprise. I didn't have MS with either of my other 2 but for the whole first trimester with this one, I could barely stand to eat anything. Once that passed, I started eating EVERYTHING!

    So, that is what brought me back to MFP so I can keep all my hard work uncontrol and have a healthy pregnancy. I am excited to have found this thread/board. Good luck everyone!
  • Mindochka
    Mindochka Posts: 61 Member
    #3 for me. I had a June 2011 baby and a Jan 2013 baby. So we'll have 3 under 3. We were trying and I was excited and that has seemed to fade with my daughter increasing her wake ups from 1-2 times a night to 4-5 times a night, though she is finally getting better. I need to get more excited. I feel bad that I'm not happier. Just the tiredness has taken its toll. My husband is excited and I am bringing us down. Why can't I get happier about this??? This is our last pregnancy.

    Sounds like you have a lot of demands going on right now. Emotions are really tricky and I don't have any sound advice. When things were tough with my 2 under 2, I would just remember "this too shall pass". And it did. And it will again. As things regulated a little for me, I found ways to work with my emotions by finding some time for me (usually going for a run with the kiddos in the stroller and music in my ears). Good luck!
    Oh yeah, due May 18th (I think it's a couple days later than it should be but I never got a period, so based solely on ultrasound). My 30th birthday is May 31st and I am determined to be home by then. I have late babies though. My son was 13 days late WITH an induction that took 2 days. My daughter I went naturally 6 days late. Please send me pre due date vibes. I don't want to see my due date come and go with this one!

    Good luck with the birthday deadline! I was hoping to be out celebrating my 30th birthday with a fun adventure and little 'adult' time but....well...pregnancy takes the fun out of some of the things I will want to do since my 30th will be in February. Just means I will be celebrating 31 in true style. Make it special in anyway you can. Birthdays are special no matter what and your little family (which is becoming even bigger!) are wonderful gifts.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Hello Everyone!! Lots of congratulations going around on here, which is wonderful!!!

    I am pregnant with #3 due early May. I have 2 girls already ages (4.5 and 3.5 yrs old) and this pregnancy is quite the unexpected surprise. I didn't have MS with either of my other 2 but for the whole first trimester with this one, I could barely stand to eat anything. Once that passed, I started eating EVERYTHING!

    So, that is what brought me back to MFP so I can keep all my hard work uncontrol and have a healthy pregnancy. I am excited to have found this thread/board. Good luck everyone!

    Hi and congrats! This topic is a little quiet as most of May moms are over on another group called May 2014 Mums. If you haven't already added yourself there, please make sure you go and do so.
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    Hey Ladies-

    My due date was recently adjusted from April 30th to May 1st (as if this babe is coming either of those days! Hah!) so I figured I'd join this group too- more support for me!

    I'm currently 16.5 weeks pregnant with our first and we're planning an out of hospital birth. I went from being able to run a mile to taking a break when I get to the top of the stairs! I didn't think I'd feel this "pregnant" for a few more months... I'm not good at slowing down so it's really tough for me to have limitations.. my husband's been really great about it though.

    I lost 35 lbs before I got pregnant and I'm hoping to have keep my gains responsible and reasonable. Currently I'm at about +7.5 lbs which I am comfortable with.

    Happy Pregnancies Ladies!!
  • Nique85
    Nique85 Posts: 105 Member
    Hey ladies, I am a mommy of a two year old daughter and due either May 20th or May 24th. I am currently 13.6 weeks pregnant. I started this pregnancy overweight at 214. I lost 7-8 pounds logging and eating healthy. That was at my 11 week appointment. I don't know my weight now, but I really hope not to gain no more than 10-15 pounds this pregnancy because I am only 5'3.5.
  • eatandexercise1
    eatandexercise1 Posts: 67 Member
    Hey everyone! So excited to join you all in your journey! I'm due with number 2 in May.

    As far as sickness, I found a magical cure for mine: PROTEIN, PROTEIN, PROTEIN. Especially when I was craving carbs, I needed to avoid carbs and eat protein. I believe that eating extra protein and exercising was what cured my morning sickness this time around.
    (Last time, morning sickness was yuck and lasted longer)
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    Hi ladies :)

    I am 31 years old, and due with number 3 around May 14th. My daughter is 6 and my son is 5. This pregnancy was pre-meditated lol. I am SO glad to be done with the 1st tri, though I wasn't nearly as sick as I was with my first two. I'm just glad to have my energy back. My husband and I are not finding out the gender of this baby--we want to be surprised!

    For a moment, I thought to myself, "I am really getting too old for this *kitten*." I had forgotten what it was like to be pregnant. The nausea, sensitivity to smells, and fatigue totally threw me for a loop this time. I am thankful that I got furloughed from my job for 3 weeks when my symptoms reached their peak, which gave me plenty of time to rest! Silver linings!

    At the moment, I am eating whatever I want and drinking lots of water. I have not done a formal workout in about a month. I miss lifting and running. I have been scared to run since my belly has gotten bigger. Maybe I just need supportive activewear.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    A Group sounds great so i don't have to keep coming back to this thread! hehe!!

    My EDD is 14th May, with my first, NO MORNING SICKNESS YET AND BETTER STAY THAT WAY! ;)

    I'm itching to get to 12 weeks so i can tell the world! And then everyone will know why i'm avoiding social events (so not me!) and not drinking (alcohol free wine is my friend!)

    I'm still working out where i can, doing Focus T25 which has helped as only a short 25min workout (was prev doing Insanity Asylum before pregnant) i was a runner too but have just been taking my dog for long walks, i think i need a more supportive sports bra to help these growing sore boobs before running again

    also getting pretty tired in the evening after work, especially having to come home and then cook dinner (hopefully hubby will get the point soon that yes i'm really tired and help out!!)

    Feel free to add me ladies!

    Oh and i have lost about 1 kg so far i think mainly due to no alcohol, and watching what i eat more (plus probably holiday weight gain from Thailand/Bali coming off!!)

    Hey Hollie, how are you feeling? I was wondering if you ever had any MS. Mine kicked in around 7 weeks.
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    Hi ladies :)

    I am 31 years old, and due with number 3 around May 14th. My daughter is 6 and my son is 5. This pregnancy was pre-meditated lol. I am SO glad to be done with the 1st tri, though I wasn't nearly as sick as I was with my first two. I'm just glad to have my energy back. My husband and I are not finding out the gender of this baby--we want to be surprised!

    For a moment, I thought to myself, "I am really getting too old for this *kitten*." I had forgotten what it was like to be pregnant. The nausea, sensitivity to smells, and fatigue totally threw me for a loop this time. I am thankful that I got furloughed from my job for 3 weeks when my symptoms reached their peak, which gave me plenty of time to rest! Silver linings!

    At the moment, I am eating whatever I want and drinking lots of water. I have not done a formal workout in about a month. I miss lifting and running. I have been scared to run since my belly has gotten bigger. Maybe I just need supportive activewear.

    Hi! & congratulations!!! I'm in the same boat...I used to run and lift but now I do a modified version of both. You should be okay with running but if you feel that the belly is making it hard on your knees and hips do a run/walk or speed walk. :) As for lifting, I no longer use the bar so I just use on of the 25 lb plates and squat with that.

    There's a May 2014 group if you want to join. It's called "May 2014 Mums" :flowerforyou:
  • Pegsworld1
    Pegsworld1 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone and congratulations on your pregnancies!
    I am due May 8th and recently found out we are having a little GIRL! Super excited as I already have a 2 year old little boy. I am doing my best to stay healthy and active but it's been quite a challenge. The first 15 weeks I was extremely sick and nauseous. Now, I am exhausted but the nausea has subsided. This pregnancy was definitely worst than the last as far as MS is concerned. Hoping that I gain less weight. I'm up 6 lbs at 17 weeks. How about all of you?
  • Don't know why I didn't look for a group earlier than now!!! Feel free to add me. Due May 16th with my first little one .:)
  • Hi! I'm due around May 29 with my third, I have a two year old and a 15 year old. Trying to get back to my fitness and tracking now that the holidays are over.
  • Mindochka
    Mindochka Posts: 61 Member
    Hello Everyone!!! It is so wonderful to find a group going thru similar experiences!

    I am pregnant with our third (quite the surprise but that is a story for another day!) and due May 2nd. I have been focusing on my eating but not tracking as much as I should so I have been adding some foods back to my diary to see where I stand as far as accountability.

    I have a desk job and I was doing crossfit so I scaled that back a bit (and eventually stopped all together) mainly because I have just been so tired all the time! Now I make an effort to walk every day and do a prenatal pilates video as often as possible. What kind of exercising are you doing while pregnant?
  • Hi! I am 20, getting ready to celebrate my one year anniversary with my husband, and due with a baby girl on May 3rd. This is our first baby, and I would like to start eating healthier with her. From about week 5 to week 22 I had severe Hyperemesis Gravidarum and lost nearly 25 pounds. So the last two weeks I have been able to eat, I have been gorging myself on salty, fatty deliciousness. Time to get back on track and finish this pregnancy right!
  • KayAnnett08
    KayAnnett08 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello all you beautiful mama's :) I'm due May 12 with our second child, I have an 18 month old daughter, and expecting our little boy:) I gained 80+ pounds with my daughter due to eating the world lol....I lost all but 10 pounds before we decided to try for number 2. Add me If you'd like, we can keep each other motivated for a healthy pregnancy:)
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Welcome and congrats! We are kinda of quiet on this topic page in the forum, but there is a group 'May 2014 Mums' that alot of us are on and we are a lot more active over there. Feel free to come over and join if you want!
