Menopause Woes



  • mustang6411
    mustang6411 Posts: 89 Member
    then to add to this is being so tired by the end of the day, that I have no energy to get to the gym to workout......which in turn causes more stress.
  • sammycat1
    sammycat1 Posts: 56 Member
    Ugh hot flushes, forgetfulness and tinnitus.
  • SkagitYogini
    SkagitYogini Posts: 112 Member
    Ugh hot flushes, forgetfulness and tinnitus.
    Tinnitus is a menopause symptom? Oh, that is awful!
  • deedee710
    deedee710 Posts: 20 Member
    Yup hot flashes, sleep disturbances, ringing in the ears, and hairs on my chinny chin chin.... I just made it to menopause land this past september... it's a wonderland isn't it? I think my hair is thinning as well.
  • sjsmith9
    sjsmith9 Posts: 35 Member
    I guess I made it through it. My doctor recommended hysterectomy at 45 due to fibrous tumors, but left both my ovaries. I have mild hot flashes, the spare tire around the middle, some stray chin hairs, wrecked nerves and dryness. Once I retired my sleep patterns got better and the stress level went down so that helped. My doctor recommended an estrogen cream last year to use only twice a week so that has helped also. The battle of the bulge although is something else. I win for a week or two and then have a setback. I feel like I have no metabolism anymore and have to work hard each day just to stay even.
  • Marygtl12
    Marygtl12 Posts: 13 Member
    I can so relate to all of this! The worse is the hair loss! No maybe loss of sleep,No maybe my growing middle,Ack! It was to the point where as soon as I would start to drift of to sleep I would get the night sweats.I mean soak my pjs and sheets sweats.This would go on all night till I wanted to cry! I did try Estroven the supplement and that helped but I then had a period and I feared it might have brought it on.I struggled along with out it and now I have just had my first week in 2 years of blissful sleep ,no flashes! can this be the end or is this just temporary!Now I am down to 3 months no period and praying I make it .I would love to have a worry free love life again.Oh Birth control pills how I miss you! Everything was so regular and predictable!
  • SkagitYogini
    SkagitYogini Posts: 112 Member
    Oh Birth control pills how I miss you! Everything was so regular and predictable!

    I believe the last year (at least) that I was taking The Pill, is the only thing that kept me having periods. I kept begging my nurse practitioner to let me stop taking them when I turned 50, but she made me wait a couple more years. After I stopped at the end of last year, I had one tiny period and then never again. I sure don't miss the monthly bleeding, but even on the pill I had hot flashes. They seem to be getting better though. It's a barrel of monkeys, isn't it?
  • SandySweats
    SandySweats Posts: 38 Member
    Yea, my tinnitus started a year ago. Only in one ear. They say it is from turbulence in the artery and hearing loss of 15% in that ear. I never thought it would be menopause related. Interesting . . .
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I would love some tips for those false eyelashes too. I am so sick of those racoon eyes from mascara and no I don't use it on lower lashes or what is left of them. lol. I do not miss the monthly monster though. not at all.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I diagnosed my own hypothyroidism based on losing my outer eyebrows.

    ON THE EYELASHES & HAIR sure to get checked for hypothyroidism if this is happening to you. A lot of women can develop it about the same time they're going through menopause, & it does cause hair loss. In fact, one classic sign is only having about 1/3 of the eyebrow that you should have.
  • knittingbandmom
    knittingbandmom Posts: 190 Member
    I'm new here but for me waking up every stinking morning between 3:00 and 4:00 is a killer. That and being over sensitive - to like everything!

    A friend convinced me to try hormone pellets last summer and they have helped me so much. I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid and got on medication for that also. Those two things have saved my life (and probably that of my teenagers and everyone else on the road as well).
  • Marygtl12
    Marygtl12 Posts: 13 Member
    Wow have had issues with this and never related it to Menopause.What else can can the big M throw at me!
  • Marygtl12
    Marygtl12 Posts: 13 Member
    I don't know if this will help anyone but even though I have heard melatonin supplements have helped with sleep .I have had good luck with magnesium.I take a low dose before bed with calcium and it seems to help with my restlessness. It also keeps me regular LOL
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    We used to use just Melatonin, but found the Nature Made "Sleep" supplement worked even better. It has Melatonin, but also some other natural ingredients that seem to work VERY well. Also, consider getting black out curtains (or cover your windows w/foil to completely block out light, run a small air cleaner fan to drown out noises that might disturb you, try to go to bed at the same time every night, & not to eat or drink 3-4 hrs before bed.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    I can so relate to all of this! The worse is the hair loss! No maybe loss of sleep,No maybe my growing middle,Ack! It was to the point where as soon as I would start to drift of to sleep I would get the night sweats.I mean soak my pjs and sheets sweats.This would go on all night till I wanted to cry! I did try Estroven the supplement and that helped but I then had a period and I feared it might have brought it on.I struggled along with out it and now I have just had my first week in 2 years of blissful sleep ,no flashes! can this be the end or is this just temporary!Now I am down to 3 months no period and praying I make it .I would love to have a worry free love life again.Oh Birth control pills how I miss you! Everything was so regular and predictable!

    Just came across this great article on things to avoid that can cause hair loss. Thought some might find it helpful...
  • jobarker56
    jobarker56 Posts: 5 Member
    I agree the biggest thing is not sleeping properly!!! :ohwell: I have been taking Remifemin and it helps with the hot flashes and night sweats. It doesn't take it away totally, but I have seen a big reduction in them. :happy:
  • RobinCT821
    RobinCT821 Posts: 26 Member
    I skipped my period for two months and I thought "Had I known, it was my last one, I would have had a little dance about it." It came back and I'm not in the mood to dance now. I had hot flashes for two weeks, then it stopped. Was that a test?

    I decided to call it Spiritual Enlightenment, which apparently has much of the same symptoms.:tongue:
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I'm SO not looking forward to this...... any day now.

    the nice hair on the chin has begun and unpredictible cycles.