Just started!

I started Turbo a week ago with one of my good friends. I didn't do any workout Wednesday (rest day), Friday or Saturday. First, my friend wasn't in town so it made me less motivated. Then I went out on Friday night for my 21st birthday so Saturday I was so tired. I wanted to join this group so that I feel like I am accountable to more than just my friend, because when she is gone I have a hard time staying motivated and on track. Hopefully this is only in the first couple weeks, and after that I will be able to keep myself motivated to work out. I will be a few days ahead of the group, since my friend and I are at a different place, but I am super excited! Sorry for my long rant!


  • cocotreasure
    cocotreasure Posts: 11 Member
    This is just the post i needed. I am on a life quest to change EVERYTHING! One of my many tools to make this happen are the beachbody workouts. I am doing a hybrid plan of TurboFire and Les Mills body Pump! I have done the turbo jam workout so much that I know them by heart, but turbofire scared me to the core! I want to love it just like i love TJ so I am joining you in your challenge not only to motivate myself to push harder but also to be a partner with you. Since I teach my water aerobics class in the mornings, I will be working out with you in the evenings! We can do this!
  • Kati0427
    Kati0427 Posts: 66 Member
    Glad to have you Coco! Not going to lie - TF is tough! But it is soooo worth it. I am scared to get back started on it again too, but the first few weeks are the toughest and every week you will see that you can push yourself harder and that your endurance is building up. When I did it the first time I could barely do any of the jumping moves, but after about 30 days I was keeping up. The great thing is there is a girl who does the modified moves, which I will definitely be following as I get started. If we just keep each other motivated and keep pushing play we will do awesome!!!
  • Kati0427
    Kati0427 Posts: 66 Member
    Welcome Olive! I hear ya about the accountibility. That's exactly why I started this group. I figured if I start a group, that means I HAVE to do it and cannot flake out. So here's to a successful first week!
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Hi my name is Melissa and I wanted to find a challenge to help me stay accountable and thus just happened to be the perfect one!! I have several bb programs and gave never completed one in its entirety!! I still flip flop between all of them but finally want to see exactly how effective one of them can be. Today I dud hiit 15 and tone 30.