C25K W1D1

mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
So.. I just finished with my workout today... I did Week 1 Day 1 of C25K! I am proud of myself for doing it! I also wrapped it up with some push-ups, back extensions, leg pull ins, triceps bench dips and side crunches. Overall I feel really good. Anyone have advice on what should be done on my down days? I was thinking of just doing my Jullian Michaels tapes....


  • MsAnn07
    MsAnn07 Posts: 172 Member
    Hi..this is my 3rd attempt to complete the program. Tonight I finished Week 1 Day 2.. In between I work with a trainer mini group session ( they had a special) we work on lunges & squats using hand weights, upper body weight lifting and core strengthening. I hope I can keep this up:)
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    Good Job! I completed Week 1 Day 2 this morning along with some strength exercises. I love that this is your third attempt- it means that you are determined and not a quitter!!! You are doing great!
  • MsAnn07
    MsAnn07 Posts: 172 Member
    Week 1 day 3 complete.... 1st two days on treadmill....today outside...I'm beat....I REALLY need to stick to this!!
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    Yesterday I finished W2D3! Yay! How are you doing?!? I would have done it on Friday but my feet were killing me from wearing high heels to a ball the night before. So tomorrow I start on W3D1. I'm not going to lie... I'm nervous. I have been doing mine on the treadmill. I figure I need to work on my endurance before I worry about how "different" and "hard" it is to run outside. Good Lord, it is hard enough doing it inside!!!!
  • MsAnn07
    MsAnn07 Posts: 172 Member
    I had to restart week 2 :( last week was a bust..only ran one day...
    I ran in the rain at 5:15 in the am yesterday and I'll run again Wed and Friday in the am. I'm too busted tired after work to do anything...gotta stick with this plan :)
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    week 3 day 3. I do it 3-5 times a week. so i repeat days
  • MsAnn07
    MsAnn07 Posts: 172 Member
    Week 2 day 2 done on treadmill ..walk @ 3.5MPH ..Run @ 4.3MPH. Is that too slow?
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    I am short. Petite pants are to long, Not joking. Just bought two new pairs at Walmart and they are 2 inches to long. My fast walk is at 3.0 and I have to start running anything after that. So to me, No, you're not running to slow. Plus we're just starting. Slow is good. Speed and endurance will come with time.
  • MsAnn07
    MsAnn07 Posts: 172 Member
    Week 2 day 3 completed yesterday. This is how it went down..literally
    ..I get up with doggy and do my C25K....half way thru my foot (previously injured) gives out and I fall ..sooooo gracefully in the middle of the street. My first thought..turn around go home, it hurts. I DIDN'T. I finished my workout.
    Foot still swollen and hurting :(
    Week 3 starts tomorrow.
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    I totally pooped out this month :( I guess I will start again. I am buying new running shoes tomorrow. A lot of my problems have been my ankles hurting a lot. Well, I had to travel at the beginning of the month and then I was painting kitchen cabinets and then I put in a kitchen floor... so my life and laziness got in the way. I will be starting over I suppose...
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    And how is your ankle? I hope it is better by now.
  • MsAnn07
    MsAnn07 Posts: 172 Member
    W4day2. Completed yesterday. Tomorrow I should be done with week 4. Yippee...I've had soo many setbacks... But I refuse to give up! My birthday is at the end of the month and I'm determined to run the 5k as a present to myself!!
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    That is GREAT!!!! I am so excited for you! Keep up the good work!!

    I had some setbacks myself. I am starting over again :( I completed W1D1 today... Last month I did NOTHING!!!!! I was so leery about doing my runs again though- my shins and ankles seemed to hurt all the time when I ran and to be honest... I felt like I wasn't getting any better at it after 2 1/2 weeks. So, before I decided to commit to it again, I went to the runners store and got a new pair of shoes. I had been wearing my other ones going on 4 years now. Got on that treadmill and apparently I over pronate. Got a pair of good shoes. Hopefully these will help. It has been a long time since I have bought some good quality sneakers. I guess the $40 ones I was wearing just weren't cutting it. I ran yesterday and did W1D1 today. I don't have any pain other than that feel good ache in my thighs, so I think this might do the trick. To be honest, I have been really frustrated. The last time I worked up to a mile run was so much quicker and easier... and I weighed 245 lbs!! This time I only weigh 191. Hope the shoes are what was holding me back. Seems silly and makes me think of my little boys "Look Mom! These shoes make me run fast!!!" Ha!
  • MsAnn07
    MsAnn07 Posts: 172 Member
    YIPPEEE.. Your back at it!!!!
    I was running in a 3/4 year old pair of shoes.... Cleaning out my closet I found a fairly new pair of running shoes ..lol put those on and BAMMM..it feels soo good..
    Tomorrow or Sunday I'm starting week 5.. I CAN'T believe it!!!!
    Running that 1/2 mile in week 4 was simply amazing...
    We've got this!!!!
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    Well, I went out to the track this morning and when I went to turn on my iPod it was dead. Its all good though... I ran down the length of the track and walked the crests for 8 laps. That means a full 2 miles which is just a little over what C25K gives me... I think it is less walking time to be honest. And it was after walking the kids to school and to the track- about 20 minutes. Only thing hurting is my butt and thighs- ya know- the good parts! Aaaaannnnd... to top it all off... because of starting C25K and starting to run again last week, I am losing more weight- 2 lbs last week! It seems the only way for me TO lose any weight is for me to get off my butt and run- that's how it happened for me last time. I guess if I want back to my size 10 jeans I will stick to this, hu?
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    Today I completed W2D1... I figured that I was supposed to have been starting W3D1 sooo... any ol hoopdy do.. It was a rough run, I tell you. I started out... okay and then towards the end of that 90 seconds I started thinking there was no way I could get through. So- I slowed down so I could make it through. I made it to the end of 90 sec. Then the next 90 seconds I slowed my pace way down to make sure I would make it to the end. I swear I was running slower than I walk! Then I started looking up the "running slower than I walk" thing. Apparently a lot of people have this same issue. Got me to thinking... what am I worried about? If I use a workout video at home, there are times I am told to jog in place. What's the difference, right? I totally got through without stopping. I made it. I persevered! Please tell me I am right and that I don't just suck, lol.
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    I am restarting week 5. That's ok though. I will be doing it on my treadmill. I have been feeling like a lazy bum.
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    That's all good! No harm in restarting a week. I restarted week 2 cause I WAS a lazy bum. But I just finished W2D3. I am pretty excited about finally getting into Week 3, but a bit scared, no lie. I know I can make it a full 2 minutes... but 3? Hmmm... Was it the day 3 that tripped you up? Or do you just feel like you need more time before you progress to week 6? I kinda' think it is odd that they just jump into 20 minutes. I would have thought they would have made us run a full 10 minutes before pushing the 20. Am I just being too easy on all of us?
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    LOL, finished W3D1 this morning. Totally didn't think I would be able to! First of all, I went to pick up a piece of trash out of the front yard and tripped over an electrical chord from some Halloween decorations lining the walkway. I guess I didn't step high enough... It still hurts to straighten out my leg. THEN I took the kiddies to school and when I went back to get into the car, I opened the door right into my opposite leg! I am suck a klutz. Well, I did my run anyways- feeling good about it! Now time to go walk to the school and pick up my preschooler... lets see if I can manage to NOT hurt myself.