Friday Oct 11, 2013

lonna985 Posts: 32 Member
Ok so I forgot to come here yesterday. Oh well who missed me. NO ONE thats who. But that is ok. I did ok yesterday pretty well stayed in with my clean eating and got over 5000 steps in yesterday. Will do so again today. Then tomorrow morning will be my weigh in day. Hopefuly I will be down just one more lb.


  • lonna985
    lonna985 Posts: 32 Member
    Well just went a little over the 1200 calories but no biggie as I earned extra calories from exercise that will cover that. Got in over 10,000 steps today so doing good. Will weight in in the morning and see how I have done for this first week back on track.
  • brendajanealley
    Been super busy at work and had not checked the community boards. I am still losing about a pound every 1-2 weeks. As long as I keep doing this-I am happy with my progress. Slowly but surely. If I could lose 40 to 50 pounds in a years time-I would be ever so thankful. Everyone-just hang in there and keep trying./
  • lonna985
    lonna985 Posts: 32 Member
    Great job! I know I am just taking it one day at a time. Slowly feeling better.