


  • Kidlaa
    Kidlaa Posts: 7 Member
    Hello LowCarb family!! I am excited I found this group and can finally receive support from somone in the same boat as me. It is very difficult to find acceptance for the LCHF lifestyle and it makes it difficult to sustain low carb eating for a long time because of the constant critizicing and bullying. I officially started the Atkins diet back in August when my doctor diagnosed me with severe anemia. I did not want to gain back the weight I had already lost by starting to eat "regular" so I went on a research frenzy trying to find a diet that would help me lose weight but also help with my health condition and I was so happy to have found low carb dieting! I loved it from the very first day and will continue to live a low carb lifestyle. I am looking forward to chatting with all of you and sharing our weight loss journeys!
  • vampirequeen1959
    vampirequeen1959 Posts: 196 Member

    I've just started the lchf diet and it's amazing.
  • ChiTownGirl824
    ChiTownGirl824 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I have been following the LCHF diet for a week now and it is delicious - I cannot wait to successfully lose the weight that I have been unsuccessful at losing over the last few years. It is incredibly encouraging to see so many success stories on this message board - I hope to be one of them soon!
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am not new to low carb - have been doing it the wrong way for ages with low carbs and low fat and feeling guilty not following through with the crazy aerobic exercises, and feeling really hungry all day long! Then I went on a business trip to Scandanavia, and my eyes were opened to LCHF. Re adjusted my macronutrients to reflect low carb, moderate protein and high fat, and now I'm laughing! It's awesome, the weight comes off with so much less effort, and the skin on my face has cleared up and feels like a baby's butt! Two recommendations I give everyone is EAT REAL FOOD (not the packaged artificial stuff) and go low carb/high fat - it works!!!!
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I've been in ketosis for the last five weeks. I'm trying to loose the weight I've packed on somehow since stopping breastfeeding. I got through three pregnancies and lost the weight easily each time, but after weaning our youngest 20 pounds crept on!
    I follow a strict diet very similar to paleo, I do eat high quality dairy in addition to paleo. I'm continuing this diet while on keto and initially only started keto to drop the extra weight. However, I've found a wonderful balance in my hormones in the last month and wonder if it isn't something I should keep doing? I look forward to hearing from others here. And if anyone want's advice/recipes/inspiration for 'eating clean', i would love to share with you, our family has been grain/sugar free for two years and we all feel great!
    oh, and my goal is to loose 20 pounds on keto. I've five weeks in and have lost 11. Feeling pretty daunted about five more weeks with no honey or fruit! But also motivated!
  • traerjudy
    traerjudy Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, My name is Judy..I'm from Iowa, 67 years old and the mother of 6 and have 9 grands. I work part-time and until the end of March my husband works full time. Retirement is in our future along with travel. I want to be fit for this so I'm starting now. I would like to lose about 70 pounds but would be thrilled with 50.
    I've been on this diet for 6 days now and finally saw dark pink when I did my keto check. Yayyy!!
    I've been scouring the internet for recipes and made the Oopsie bread today. I'm going to be able to use it for a number of things I think. Who would have thunk to use Metamucil to bake with? Certainly not I.
    I'm hoping to be able to stick with this. Bread is the only thing I really miss. A few more good recipes and I'll be fine.
  • kendallvon
    kendallvon Posts: 170 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been following this WOL since the end of October. I've been changing my lifestyle since October of 2009, though. :happy: I am a 43yo mother of 3, former nurse(disabled since early 2002). Love this WOL, and seem to have no trouble with it except a *very* low CLL. I eat 15-20 carbs/day and most times when I use ketostix, they barely get to "trace".
  • sunseeker100
    sunseeker100 Posts: 90 Member
    hi I'm Karen and have been following new Atkins for 4 weeks and I love it! I've been yo yo dieting for years and have now realised why other diets don't work (weight watchers, slimming world etc)...they don't teach you the healthy way of eating, it's all about how much you can fit in for the lowest points/sins. I was eating chocolate, biscuits, crisps etc on these 'diets' and wondered why I always gained weight back when I'd lost it.

    I've started to read and watch as much as I can about lchf and I'm astounded why I didn't go this before!! It makes so much sense that our bodies prefer this sort of lifestyle and I'm so happy I'm not consuming excessive amounts of sugar and processed rubbish anymore and I finally feel I have a grip on bingeing on sugar!

    I'm 43, live in the Uk and my partner is also following this lifestyle with me. She has slightly more to lose than me but between us we're looking to lose approx 120lbs. my macros % are currently 5 carb, 25 protein and 70 fat. most days I'm slightly over on protein but hit my carbs every day :)

    Good luck to everyone and feel free to add me as a friend :happy:
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Michelle. This is my 3rd go round with low-carbing. I plan to stick with it this time, as having a gluten sensitivity pretty much means I'll be doing this eating style forEVER. I started out at 218 pounds (my heaviest) and I'm currently at about 197ish. I'm looking to get down into the 140 range...will see when I get there.

    Feel free to add me, I'm always looking for supporters and motivators!
  • ali59oc
    ali59oc Posts: 130 Member
    I'm Allison. Used to be skinny (weren't we all?) then got very ill. Meds bounced me from 125 lbs. up to 180lbs. I got off some of the meds but the weight stayed and grew. I started at 203 lbs. on January 1 of this year, started just counting calories but wasn't happy with how slow things were going. Switched to Atkins in February and have dropped nearly 25 lbs. I love the LCHF, I have tons of energy and it is very easy for me to follow (I dislike sweets). I do have trouble with exercise as my legs are heavily scarred and I can't move around for long periods of time so i do sitting and exercise ball weights and sit ups. My goal weight is 135-140 lbs., my macros are 10c/30p/60f. It's good to find some like-minded people!
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Hi everyone!! I'm Krista from Nova Scotia, Canada. I lost 50 lbs 3 years ago doing low carb but at that time was also trying to do it eating a low fat diet. I was miserable. Always hungry and a total bear to deal with. I maintained my loss for a year and then when I lose my dear grandmother 2 years ago I let myself go and gained almost all of the weight back. I seriously started tracking my food last year about this time & trying a variety of diets managed to lose about 25 lbs again until a coworker who is vegan convinced me this was the way to go. I'm a huge animal lover & really liked the ideal of this diet but following it was awful!! I'm sure I'm the only person on the face of the planet who gained 30 lbs eating a vegan diet, in 4 months!!

    This brought me back to my highest weight again, 243lbs, so I decided to retry the low carb thing and after doing some googling starting hearing about LCLF and a light bulb went off. I've been following this way of eating since March 1st and have lost almost 9lbs in 11 days. I'm never hungry, love my meals & feel great. Looking forward to learning from you all!
  • Hi, my name is MiAh, from the Chicago area, mom of two teenagers. I just joined this group since I have cut out starch from my diet (except for cheats now and then). I am famous for starting a new diet every week because I want quick results. I must have a commitment phobia when it comes to weight loss. I have been logging everything into MFP for the past week. My caloric intake is 1200 a day due to my height (4'10").

    I am desperate to lose 20 pounds for health reasons and summer is coming again. My weight has been the roughly the same for the past 5 years. I usually do walking and CrossFit for exercise, but unfortunately I have to put CrossFit on hold for another month due to a recent surgery.

    Thanks for reading.
  • fitness4fun47
    fitness4fun47 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone! I have been eating Paleo for about two months now and feel amazing! I am now doing a hybrid of paleo and ketogenics. I am hope to find like-minded people to share successes with and help each other out with support and good advice.

    I am thrilled to have found this group!
  • So happy to have stumbled upon this group and learning from each other. I am forty three, live in Barrie, Ontario... I work part time and I also volunteer. I have three children and a husband, and two furry chihuahua babies that I hike with everyday. I have done the Aitkins diet before but like many have altered the methods to best suit my needs. I am in ketosis and I am sugar and sweetener free. I am looking forward to making great friendships and inspiring each other along the way. Cheers to change everyone!
  • 1cafesvp
    1cafesvp Posts: 8 Member
    Hello all! 49 y.o. woman on a weight loss roller coaster since Feb 2014. I am having a hard time figuring this LC/LCHF/keto thing, what to eat, how much, menus, recipes. I blame menopause, it's easier :-)... If you want to add me, I always welcome new friends that are willing to share their diary as well. This helps with food/menu ideas, doesn't it? So, nice meeting you guys and go fat go! :-)
  • GoodTXGrl
    GoodTXGrl Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Magda.

    I've been using the MFP on my phone but until recently haven't been on the website. I'm looking forward to making friends and finding inspiration.
  • kerstc
    kerstc Posts: 3
    Hey Everyone!

    My name is Carrie, a week ago today I started "the 100" diet by Jorge Cruise, and I lost 6 lbs. I am looking forward to making friends with like minded individuals.
  • rebelchelle
    rebelchelle Posts: 16 Member

    My name is Michelle. I first tried low carb back in 2011 and lost 15 pounds in one month. Don't know why I stopped. It is the only WOE that helps me lose weight and feel good all at the same time. I started back three days ago and already have lost 6 pounds (I know it's water weight, but's a start) and there is no going back this time for me!!! I, too, am looking forward to making friends who enjoy this same way of life too ;)
  • JEBx3
    JEBx3 Posts: 6
    Hello group,

    My name is Jamie and I have been on a low carb, moderate protein, high fat diet for about two months through a medically monitored weight loss program. Most folks don't get this type of eating plan and I have had a few snide remarks. Would like like minded friends who can help support me through my very long journey. I have never been thin so I don't even know my goal, I figure I will know it when I get there, I know I have at least 125 lbs to go.

    I am a single mom of two boys, 9 and 3. My single status is relatively new after 12 years of marriage. I work full time with child welfare and then have an after hours business. I am also starting a produce co op in my hometown which has kept me busy.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want and maybe we can work together.
  • BluenoserGal
    BluenoserGal Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, I'm in Calgary, Alberta Canada. Originally from Nova Scotia. I've weighed as much as 240, and as low as 180 over the last 20 years. The low was about 12 years ago, and was from low-carb. I'm at 229 right now, and am fed up. Two months ago I started on MFP, counting calories. I was always taught it was basic math -- eat less calories than you need, and you'll lose weight. Not one pound off in 2 months -- even last week, I had a calorie deficit (I also use a fitbit), of over 8000 calories -- and I was up a pound. WTF? and lately I've gotten an upper pooch, which I NEVER had before. So, am trying low carb again, at least for the month of July. No wheat, sugar, potatos, rice. Hopefully this works.