What 50 lbs look like!

I reached the 50 lb mark a couple of weeks ago and celebrated by holding 50lbs of potatoes to demonstrate the extra weight I am no longer carrying around. It is amazing that just 6 months ago I was hauling this much extra weight around everyday. Feeling great!


  • Congrats! I also lost 50 pounds in 5 months, so I know EXACTLY what your are feeling!

    Medifast is transforming lives!
  • Awesome job!!!!! And great idea! I'm closing in on 60 and it feels awesome!
  • Thank you! Healthy habits rock!
  • ryansmommie68
    ryansmommie68 Posts: 27 Member
    Congrats! 50lbs is my goal, still at 12 but working on it! This is great motivation for me! :) Enjoy your new healthy you!
  • Congrats! 66 is my goal, I'm at 15 currently. It's good seeing people who have reached my own goal!
  • Thanks everyone! Slow and steady is the way to go!
  • MCLA4mom
    MCLA4mom Posts: 219 Member
    Congrats! I bet you feel so much better!
  • JetWan
    JetWan Posts: 204 Member
    Congrats! Looking forward to joining you. I'm down 20 since starting medifast and 34 left to go!
  • yaquesita1976
    yaquesita1976 Posts: 22 Member
    I just reached my 50 lbs mark as well!!!!! I have posted a before and after pic... with the same clothes...jajajaja...took me 6 months. That is what 50lbs less looks like and going forward to the 60lbs mark!!!!

    Thanks for sharing that pic and putting in perspective how much weight our bodies had to carry.
  • Chiyak
    Chiyak Posts: 13 Member
    WTG! I love the bag of potatoes comparison. I just reached my 1/2 way point on MF last week. Loving it.
  • Awesome job everyone!! I am so glad to we are all working on living our healthiest lives possible! Happy weekend all!
  • trimminit
    trimminit Posts: 191 Member
  • Awesome! Congratulations to you too! Feels great doesn't it?
  • I feel awesome!!
  • Thank you! And congrats to you too! I am 2 away from my goal of 60. I am still amazed how this program has transformed my life and outlook. Although my mind is still catching up with my smaller size. I started as a size 16 in March and last month purchased a size 6 pair of jeans. Last week, in going through Halloween decorations I came across my old cheerleaders skirt from HS some 30+++ years ago. I help it up and though nah, it won't fit...will it? So I tried it on and it fit. I must have said wow at least 20 times. The most important part of weight loss is what is happening inside my body...no longer prediabetic and blood pressure is normal. That was and is my main motivation for being at a healthy weight.

    Wishing you health and happiness!