Saturday 17th. October - 5th. week weigh-in.

Tengross Posts: 65 Member
SW: 172

CW: 164

GW: 154

Lost 1 lb since last week.


  • ceciljacobs
    ceciljacobs Posts: 8 Member
    76kg today = .6 kg lost since last week (1.4 lb)
  • stayed the same this week, must try harder:smile:

    85.8 kg
  • AnnaZimm70
    AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member
    Up 1.6 lbs to 178. This bums me out as I ate pretty well all week (except for one day, but even that wasn't enough to explain a gain) and Starting Tuesday I got up every morning at 5:30 to run on the treadmill. I am hoping the gain is just due to the new exercise routine which, I have read, can cause this :-(
  • SW 9/14/2013 226.8
    WK1 9/21/2013 226.4 -0.4
    WK2 9/28/2013 226.8 0.4
    WK3 10/5/2013 223.8 -3
    WK4 10/12/2013 222.2 1.6
    WK5 10/19/2013 223.6 +1.4

    Not happy this week, but will get back on track this week. My little road trip this week made me gain.:grumble: Next time when there is no computer to log in, I'll have to write down everything I eat, then I'll know why the gain. HAVE A GOOD WEEK EVERYONE! :flowerforyou: KEEP THINKING ANY POUNDS LOST WILL BE A THINNER ME.:smile:
  • hotmamatodd
    hotmamatodd Posts: 33 Member
    A bit nervous stepping on the scale this morning after celebrating Thanksgiving last weekend. But making smart choices and forcing in an extra workout on vacation paid off!

    Week 5 - Lost 1.7 lbs
    Week 4 - Lost 0.5 lbs
    Week 3 - Lost 2.3 lbs
    Week 2 - Lost 1.1 lbs
    Week 1 - Lost 1.4 lbs

    Total lost for Challenge - 7 lbs

    Right on target to reach 20lbs for Christmas! Average 1.4lbs/week
  • SW 264.8
    CW 252.6
    Loss this week 3 pounds
    Total loss since beginning of challenge 12.2 pounds
  • Sw: 184.2
    Week1: 181.3
    Week2: 180.4
    Week 3: 180.2
    Week 4: 179.8
    Week 5: 178

    Lost 1.8
    Total lost 6.2

    Eating more, less cardio and less alcohol for me all week. I don't know if one or all of those changes made the difference, but I'm sticking with it since I finally saw a decent loss.
    Shout out and big thanks to Zanne54! :)

    Good luck everyone and have a good weekend!
  • Sapphire1812
    Sapphire1812 Posts: 107 Member
    Still slow progress, but least in the right direction and have introduced some elliptical to go with my cycling. Alas, so hopefully building muscle which is heavier than fat!!

    SW: 183.7 lbs
    Wk1: 180.9 lbs (-2.8 lbs)
    Wk2: 179.7 lbs (-1.2 lbs)
    Wk3: 179.6 lbs (-0.6 lbs)
    Wk4: 178.8 lbs (-0.3 lbs)
    Wk5: 177.7 lbs (-1.1 lbs)

    Total: -6.0 lbs

    14.0 lbs to go.

    Keep up the great work everyone!! :)
  • brittanykira
    brittanykira Posts: 220 Member
    SW: 220 lbs
    W1: 216.8 lbs
    W2: 215.6
    W3: 213.0
    W4: 213.0
    W5: 214.0

    Gain: 1 lb

    Not happy with these results but I knew it was coming. Made horrible food choices while home last weekend. Although I did try to get back on track Tuesday and went to the gym every day T-F, which is a new thing I have introduced myself too. Hopefully if I keep up the gym and eat right this week, I will see a nicer number next weigh-in!

    Overall Loss: 6.0 lbs

    GW for Christmas: 200 lbs

    14.0 lbs to go!
  • dantanjah
    dantanjah Posts: 100 Member
    SW: 212.6
    CW: 199.2
    Total Loss: 13.4 pounds
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    9/14/2013 Week 0: 252.0 lbs
    9/21/2013 Week 1: 252.0 lbs
    9/28/2013 Week 2: 250.6 lbs
    10/5/2013 Week 3: 241.6 lbs
    10/12/2013 Week 4: 236.6 lbs
    10/19/2013 Week 5: 236.6 lbs

    Lbs lost this week: 0 lbs
    Lbs left to Christmas Goal: 4.6
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    SlotB - YOU ROCKED IT! Congrats!

    Slow for me this week, but I blame 2 Thanksgiving dinners.

    Week 0: 182.0
    Week 1: 182.8
    Week 2: 180.0
    Week 3: 176.4
    Week 4: 176.8
    Week 5: 176.0

    Total lost during challenge: 6.0

    GW: 159.8
  • Lmaxwell
    Lmaxwell Posts: 42 Member
    September 30, 2013 11:46 am
    Week 0 - 169.8
    Week1- 168.4
    Week2- 168.4
    Week3- 168.8 ????
    Week 4- no weigh in
    Week 5- 167.8
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Week 1 - 181
    Week 2 - 185 (started a new work out and am retaining water)
    Week 3 - 182.6
    Week 4 - 181.4
    Week 5 - 181.2

  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    SW: 160.3
    W1: 157.4
    W2: 155
    W3: 156
    W4: 150.4
    W5: 148.6

    Total loss of 11.7

    Not far to go now. I think I will allow myself a few more indulgences because my activities are ramping up a bit so I will be able to afford a bit more food. (although skating dress fittings will be coming up shortly too yikes)
  • SW - 128.5 :angry:
    W 1 - 127 :smile:
    W 2 - 126 :smile:
    W 3 - 126 :noway:
    W 4 - 125 :smile:
    W 5 - 125 :noway:

    Total loss 3.5 :love:

    This week has been slow because I hurt my lower left leg and ankle in a bike accident :sad: ....
    Hopefully next week is a better one for me :bigsmile: ...

    Taking a step at a time to reach my goal always :flowerforyou: ....
  • SW: 250lbs
    W1: 248lbs
    W2: 245lbs
    W3: 245lbs (tried eating back my exercise calories ugh)
    W4: 244lbs
    W5: 240lbs

    I'm halfway there! Yay!
  • suzz2lose
    suzz2lose Posts: 11 Member
    Starting Weight 210

    1st week weight 210
    2nd week weight 205
    3rd week weight 207
    4th week weight 207
    5th week weight 200

    Goal for Christmas 190
    This is a good example of the fact that weight loss is not a steady downward least for some of us. I am half way to goal.
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Highest weight was 255

    Start weight for challenge was 195.3
    Week 1 192.9
    Week 2 forgot to weigh in, but I gained to 199.8
    Week 3 195.3
    Week 4 194
    Week 5 192

    Challenge goal is 175 lbs.

    UGW 125 +/- 5 lbs.
  • sweetangel2013
    sweetangel2013 Posts: 24 Member
    SW 224.7
    WK1 224.9 (up .2)
    WK2 220.2 (down 4.7)
    WK 3 216.9 (down 3.3)
    WK 4 215.8 (down 1.1)
    WK 5 215.6 (down .2)

    Down 9.3, only 10.7 to go.

    Had a tough week. Hopefully this week will be much better
  • MelonGG
    MelonGG Posts: 22 Member
    SW 173.5
    W1 173.0
    W2 173.0
    W3 172.5
    W4 172.5
    W5 172.0

    SO SLOW.. I will be looking into some treatments for my PCOS next week with my doctor, so hopefully that will provide some improvement. Still keeping on with my couch to 5km program, running first day of week 4 today.. so at least I'm still fighting the good fight!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Week 0 - SW 186.6
    Week 1 184.8
    Week 2 185.8
    Week 3 185.6
    Week 4 184.4
    Week 5 Disaster week :grumble:

    I will not enter this week I have some major work to do, the scale keeps going up all the time. :explode:
    This week was a disaster in eating so starting on Monday I will set my ticker back and start again.
    Besides my 20 lbs. until Christmas I have a goal of losing weight before April for my trip to JAMAICA.
    Hubby and I will be doing this together.
    Starting next week I will be entering my weight from then on.

    Good Luck to everyone else !!
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    gw: 150
    week 0: 170
    week 1: 170
    week 2: 168
    week 3: 169.5
    week 4: 167.6
    week 5: 167.8

    It was a rough week. Midweek I gained a few pounds, but at least I got back down!
  • Nidda_C
    Nidda_C Posts: 81 Member
    Week 0: 190 lbs
    Week 1: 190 lbs
    Week 2: 185 lbs
    Week 3: 184 lbs
    Week 4: 183 lbs
    Week 5: 180.5

    Total Lost so far = 9.5 lbs

    Goal weight after 15 weeks: 160-165 lbs
  • rosehippy77
    rosehippy77 Posts: 54 Member
    start 157
    week 2 - 159
    week 3 - 155.5
    week 4 - 155
    week 5 - 156.25

    edited to add goal weight - 140
    GRTFULDD1 Posts: 47 Member
    SW - 253

    CW - 235

    GW - 190

    Total so far = 18 lbs
  • SW: 151.4
    W1: 149 (-2.4)
    W2: 148.2 (-.8)
    W3: 148.2 (-0)
    W4: 146.6 (-1.6)
    W5: 144.8 (-1.8)
    Total loss: 6.6
  • mentalmunchie
    mentalmunchie Posts: 24 Member
    SW: 175.8
    W1: 174.2 (-1.6)
    W2: 172 (-2.2)
    W3: 171 (-1)
    W4: 170.2 (-0.8)
    W5: 168.8 (-1.4)

    Total loss: 7lbs
  • meowlymary
    meowlymary Posts: 84 Member
    SW: 185
    Last week: 181
    This week: 179.5

    Broke the 180's, just! So excited. Down 5.5 lbs since the challenge, 9.5 total.
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    Starting weight during challenge:177lbs
    Cw: 165 lbs
    Gw: 157 lbs
    Ugw: 130 lbs

    Total loss so far: -12 lbs
    -8 more lbs to go by Christmas!!!