Official week 1 thread



  • awanake
    awanake Posts: 14 Member
    My why is that I was kick out of the Army because I was over weight. Not only is that embarrassing to say bit its really sad. So I just blew 13 years in the Army because I wanted to be lazy. So I have to get back in. Also I am not comfortable in my own skin I cannot look at myself in the mirror because I am so disgusted with me. Also I have two children and I have to be healthy for them. So those are my whys
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    My why is for me.

    Like so many others here I have seen the terrible ways that being unhealthy and overweight can affect your life and the lives of those we love. I'm determined to be here healthy and happy for a long time, not as a burden to my loved ones.

    To prove that I can be more than the fat friend, sister, etc. I've had self esteem issues for as long as I can remember and I'm sick of it. I want to look in the mirror and be happy with what I see. I have accomplished so much and I know I can do this.
  • Why?

    I am doing this for myself for the first time. I want to be happy with who I am and want my outside to match who I am inside. I want to be able to go hiking and start living life not just making excuses or putting it off until later. I realized last February that I was miserable and I decided to change that. I am 2 pounds away from hitting my 100 lbs mark and I look better and feel better but have at least 100 more to go. I am not doing this for anyone but myself to show myself that I CAN do hard things and I can overcome food addiction. I was diagnosed with diabetes and I lost my mom when I was 8 due to complications from her diabetes; she was only 37 and was a size 18, not a 32 like I was when I began my own journey. I am ready to live my life.
  • My why is because I know what it feels like to be thin, as well as fat, and being thin feels sooooo much better!! I've somehow gained 20 pounds over summer and I need to make changes with my eating so that I don't gain anymore weight and can lose the 20 pounds!! Working out is not my problem, I workout 6 days a week for 1 to 2 hours and I only watch TV for 15 minutes a night, and thats only when I'm in bed falling asleep.
  • MichelleP418
    MichelleP418 Posts: 54 Member
    I plan on doing the optional this weekend as well. With a ten year old with ADHD struggling a bit in school, we have been focusing on school to get grades up before report card grades go in next week. So this weekend is GAME ON time :)!
  • mentalmunchie
    mentalmunchie Posts: 24 Member
    My that this is the mental challenge I need. I know this is about physical results and everyone is looking to lose weight but I think it's the mental part that is the biggest struggle. I want to stick with this challenge and know that I have put my best effort into it. I want something that I can be proud of. I think as the confidence inside grows and I have more faith in myself the physical will change as well because I will actually believe that I have the strength both physical and mental to make the changes.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    My "Why" is simply to be healthy. I've got 4 kids I need to keep up with and I can't do that if I constantly struggling with being over weight and outta shape. I need to feel good about myself in order to be the best mom/wife/friend/person I can be.
  • Susiej1976
    Susiej1976 Posts: 284 Member
    Hi everybody, I am Susie Johnson from Brenham, Texas. I am 37 years old.

    Married to my husband James for 12 years. We have two boys (8 and 4). My four year old is a wild one.. Hard to keep up with.

    Back in the day, I was a runner. I was a whopping 135 pounds and at that time I thought I was fat... Boy I was wrong... I gained and gained. I did the biggest loser challenge last season and I actually go to wonderland at 199. But again I weigh 222 pounds.

    My biggest weakness is... I work out but I become completely lazy. I like to eat and I never know when enough is enough unitl I am so full my stomach hurts.

    Recently we have started a walking group at work. So far two weeks in a row, we have walked three times each week. Thanks Pam!!!

    I want to lose weight for me. When I am exericising, my mood is better and I feel better.

    I want to lose weight for my boys. I want to be a role model for my boys. The other day, another child asked my son, why is your mom so fat? Is she lazy? That is not what I want my boys to see. I want my boys to say, mom, lets go out and play instead of playing on video games.

    I want to be that "sexy mama" for my Husband. It is awesome when you see that "you are hot" look in your man's eyes.

    I want to run again. I was a cross crounty runner in High School and I was good. It is really hard for me to run right now due to my weight.

    I want to take a family picture in the spring.
  • xoemmytee
    xoemmytee Posts: 162 Member
    I had to think long and hard about my "why." For me, dieting has always been a part of my life. It was a lack of self acceptance that drove the desire to lose weight. Though I have only slightly been overweight, I have had a low self-esteem for most of my life. I have recently recovered from social anxiety, depression, and body image issues. In addition to that, I put on 20 pounds in a very short amount of time because of my medication.

    I am no longer on medication and I'm trying to lose the weight I gained and then some. But this time I am losing weight for the right reasons. I am not punishing myself, I am doing this because I want to be the best me I can be. It is really hard, but you have to accept yourself even before you lose or else you will never be happy. Do it because you're worth the effort.

    Also as a side note, I have taken more interest in fitness during my journey and one of my goals is to do a pull-up. This is much easier if you have less fat on you. I have done some weight lifting and that was fun but I leaning toward bodyweight exercise becaue I hope to be able to be functionally fit. I really like parkour and I aspire to be able to be fit enough to do it!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,118 Member
    i am here because i am tired of being disappointed every time i go shopping or look in the mirror. i want to be here for my kids for a long time, i use to be skinny and healthy and i would love that again. i hate to say this and i love my mother dearly but i dont want to end up like her, she was skinny and now is obese and cannot get around and has a ton of health issues not to mention cancer.
  • jfea
    jfea Posts: 31 Member
    The Why? I could say my family, better clothes, more energy, better for me knees, sleep better, and all of those are definitely reasons why I want to lose weight. But overall, I want to stop being disappointed in myself. Each day I want to feel good about myself, that I took good care of myself by eating well, getting exercise, and drinking water. The days that I make good choices I feel good about myself and the days I don't are when I feel down and discouraged. I want more good days than days that depress me. I know when I am eating in control, and getting exercise I am proud of myself and I want to feel that way everyday. So that is my why.
  • irishjune
    irishjune Posts: 42 Member
    I have several "why's", but FREEDOM is the big one. Chronic pain from an injury has put many limitations on my life for a lot of years. I have some permanent damage to my spine that I will always have to manage. But less weight means less pain, and less pain means more freedom to live my life the way I want to. This is my time to put fitness and weight loss at the very top of my priority list!
  • candacel24
    candacel24 Posts: 16 Member
    My "why's" would be that I love how I feel when I am eating healthy and at a healthy weight Everything is so much easier for me. I also love that my hubby and son follow my lead on this journey. Healthy to me equals happiness for everyone in my family. My grand kids have even started wanting to go on walks with us and they eat a lot of freggies at my house. It is just a normal way of living for us.
  • devans25
    devans25 Posts: 36 Member

    I need to do this for myself and my newborn son. I want to start him off right by leading by example and eating right myself. I don't want to be skinny but healthy! This is not a diet but a lifestyle change.
  • mnharrington
    mnharrington Posts: 26 Member
    My "why" is for myself. I have been overweight all of my life as a child and as an adult and I am doing this for me. There are tons of things I want to do that I have never done because of my weight. I am still young and I don't want to miss out on anything so it is time to make this change for me.
  • pambo1999
    pambo1999 Posts: 31 Member
    My motivation......

    I have always joked that I was going to die from a stroke, heart attacks, and/or cancer, because that is what my family tree is blessed with.

    My mother is a cancer survivor for 10 years and counting. My dad's mother was a cancer survivor for many years, but her cancer came back about 2 years ago and she last her battle this January. Both of my grandfathers have suffered strokes and my mom's mother had multiple heart issues.
    Another piece to the family puzzle, is that my father was diagnosis with diabetes, about two years. We have be able to manage his levels with diet and medications.

    Several years ago, I received treatment for Endometrosis and it caused me to gain about 10 -15 pounds. I looked in photos and hated the way I look to the point where I hate taking pictures. I actually hide from a photographer, at a friends wedding, a year ago.

    I am doing this for me! I want to be healthy, happy with myself, and not hide from a camera. I am doing this for my health because I don't not want to put my family through everything we have dealt with, again. I doing this because I would like to become a runner and join in some of these mud runs, color runs, glow runs, etc. that look so fun and make you want to take a photo of yourself. Overall, My life is my motivation!
  • My why is pretty simple. I want to go into my 30's FINALLY being healthy or at least well on my way to being healthy. I've struggled with my weight my whole life and now I am just done with it. I also want to be a good role model for my 19 month old niece as well.
  • I want/need to loss my weight because my weight is affected not only my life but my kids as well. I have been married for five years and since then I have gained 20 plus pounds and now my beautiful wedding ring doesn’t fit. I can get it on but when it is hot my hands swell and it is extremely uncomfortable to wear. I never thought that I would gain so much weight that it would hurt to wear my rings. I also want to find the athlete in myself again. Six years ago while still in the Navy I was running up to 8 miles a day and I loved it. I want to get back to that. I have a 9 year old son when we did his physical for football in August he weighed in at 109 pounds. I felt like the worse mom ever knowing that my 9 year old was over 100 pounds. Our family doctor told me that his BMI was normal and was not concerned over weight because he is very tall for his age. It made me fell just a little better to knew that but I was still taken back and I knew right then and there that if I didn’t change my life and my eating habits (because what the parents eat is what the kids eat) then my son and daughter would just be another static. So my why is my family. I want to live a healthy life for me, my husband, and my kids.
  • Nida1982
    Nida1982 Posts: 16 Member
    When I was young I was in shape, I was swimmer.
    But I had a relationship with a man that made me feel worse than anything ...
    And leave myself, year after year. No loving me, no value myself, without taking care of me.

    Now I will change to learn how take care of me again, to mold myself, and be the great person that is inside me.
    No more unhealthy relationships.

    No more fat, no more tired...
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 619 Member
    Here's my why. I have always been pretty healthy and a good athlete. I played soccer and lacrosse in college and i run half marathons pretty frequently. When i do play soccer these days, im stull quick and running around the people younger than me. My weight isnt expecially out of control but is a little higher than it should be. My issue is that I am not healthy. I am not taking care of myself. Im not going to be able to continue to run around and act like im 22 for much longer if i dont take better care of myself. My body fat percetage is about 10% higher than i thought it was and I need to get that under control. I feel better about myself in so many ways when I eat better and am exercising and want to get back to the point where it feels natural to be doing that because I know I feel much happier when I am
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