No weight loss

Daisychain65 Posts: 161 Member
Hello folk, I just started week 4 of BR and I thought I was doing pretty well with the program, I haven't been using the diet but sticking to my own and I have done every day of the routines so far . I intend to officially weigh in at the end of each phase but I took a sneaky peek at the scales yesterday and found I hadn't lost anything, my weight was exactly the same as when I started! I still have around 40lbs to lose so I was pretty disappointed. I can feel that my body is changing and I will be taking measurements next week but has any one else experienced this and did they find the weight shifted eventually?


  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I did this program last year and got through the whole of phase 1 losing about 2lbs all up. I did lose inches in my waist, hips, and thighs though. Weight loss is generally inconsistent for me. Some weeks it's inches, some weeks it's weight, rarely it's both. Sometimes it's nothing for a week.

    If neither weight nor measurements have shifted after 4 weeks, maybe have a closer look at your diet? It's a pretty taxing program (for me anyway!) so something should definitely be shifting!

    Try not to get discouraged by the scale. Your weight does not measure your body fat percentage, your actual size, or your health/fitness.
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    I did this program up to Phase 1 last year...I think I lost only 5lbs but a lot of inches...I dropped 3 pant sizes in a month! It started coming off weeks 3 & 4. I don't follow her diet plan, I'm to picky to eat like that lol I do stick to between 1200-1300 calories and don't eat calories back. Seems to be working for me. I weigh myself every week...sometimes twice...shouldn't do it because like you I get discouraged at no changes...don't worry it'll happen :) Goodluck!!!
  • ngraysmith
    ngraysmith Posts: 46 Member
    I am having the same problem, although I am only halfway through week two. I also have around 40 pounds to lose.
  • Daisychain65
    Daisychain65 Posts: 161 Member
    Just did my weigh in for the end of phase 1 and amazingly I've lost 4lbs! Happy dance!
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    Just did my weigh in for the end of phase 1 and amazingly I've lost 4lbs! Happy dance!

    Congratulations!!! :)