
Happytofu Posts: 27 Member
So, I'm a vegetarian who avoids all dairy, yet I'm determined to at least attempt to follow Jillian's recipes. I even spent an hour figuring out how to modify her Quickstart recipes so I could follow it and all her silly rules for six days... which I did! Now that I'm on week three, I am drinking soymilk and eating tempeh without shame, but at least half my meals still originate from her recipes.

Are there other veggies doing BR? Do you just do your own food thing or kindasorta get direction from Jillian?


  • Daisychain65
    Daisychain65 Posts: 161 Member
    Well done on attempting to adapt her meals, I'm pescatarian and I haven't even tried to use the food plan, mostly because the food didn't appeal to me but also because I would have had to adapt some of it. I'm just doing my own thing and logging on MFP.
    I'm just a week ahead of you, I start phase 2 on Sunday.
  • ngraysmith
    ngraysmith Posts: 46 Member
    I'm a veg who eats dairy (raw from a local farmer) and eggs (we have our own chickens). I have not attempted to follow her meal plans. I did cut out all sugar, white flour, white potatoes, and junk food. In addition, I did a two week cleanse prior to BR where I cut out all grains and heavy starches. Most days I have about three servings of grains, two of fruit and at least 5 cups of vegetables. I try for veggies at each meal - either an egg frittata with veggies or a green smoothie for breakfast, salad/soup for lunch, nuts and cheese for snack and some sort of veggie casserole or bake for dinner.
  • changelife13
    changelife13 Posts: 15 Member
    :drinker: I am mostly vegan and always striving to become better at it. I am about to purchase JBR from Amazon. I will follow MFP ,because I have learned,finally, for me that I need to include the foods I love.
  • szonjakun
    szonjakun Posts: 94 Member
    My mother is vegetarian and on a gluten-free diet. I'm doing BR with her and we are in phase 3. She eats small meals 4 times/day and as healthy as she can (she used to be the one who didn't eat all day and when she got home she had something little...). She only has problems with the protein intake, but other than that she's lost more than 20 pounds without counting calories.