First foods tried?

Ok, I'm finally at the stage of introducing soft foods, (1 week). Just wondering everyone's starter foods and technique?

I'm thinking of starting with FF cottage cheese. I know you are supposed to start foods slowly. Did you eat the 1 food for all 3 meals and then move on to a different one the next day? Did you try it for a few days? Excited and scared at the same time. I'm am soooo ready to eat "something", just a bite, but "real" food!!!


  • epiphany29
    epiphany29 Posts: 122 Member
    Mine was tuna fish and mayo mushed up really well. I didn't eat the same thing each time, but I had the band so I didn't have to deal with the changes in tolerance that some folks who had bypass have. I would have oatmeal, yogurts, soups, tuna and chicken salad (without veggies because I couldn't do them soft).

    Enjoy a little chewing again.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    No I ate a variety. I had ff cottage cheese, soft scrambled eggs, runny grits and oatmeal, mashed potatoes, refried beans...anything soft. The only food I ever had any issue with early on was turkey and dressing at Thanksgiving. New stomach wanted to reject the combination, even though the amounts were very tiny.
    Remember, though, that everyone is different and each doctor does things differently also. I was allowed to move thru the stages on a weekly basis and progressed to a regular low fat diet at one month out.
  • DebbysJourney
    DebbysJourney Posts: 82 Member
    Thank you, all those foods sounds great!! I'm surprised by the higher carb foods like grits, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, etc. I figured with the Bypass the higher carb and higher fat foods would be off limits, at least for now. I was eating FF cottage cheese with tuna on top on my pre-op diet, would love to go back to that.

    I'm surprised I don't see SF jello on my post-op diet list. I know while I was in the hospital the Dr said he discouraged SF jello, but thought it would be ok at Stage 2. Anyone have problems with SF jello?
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    No problems with sugar free jello--only that it is an empty nutrient/calorie food, so your stomach will get full of nothing--it is essentially just liquid gelled. As for the carbs, I was actually scolded by my surgeon and dietitian when I wasn't taking in enough carbs and told to add back things like fresh fruit, more starchy vegetables, and whole grains. As for the refried beans, they are still low fat. I didn't buy full fat ones, and often I made them myself. By week four, I was eating fish, shrimp, chicken, pork chops, and turkey with no problem at all--just small amounts and cut VERY small and chewed very well. Remember too, that you need to make your little meals last at least 20 minutes if you can and "listen" to your body for its signal that it is full. Good luck and if you need another friend, feel free to add me!
  • DebbysJourney
    DebbysJourney Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks Ann, excited to hear "scolded for not getting enough carbs" I know I can't go crazy and should have known it would be ok in moderation. FF refried beans would be great too! Might help in "other areas". Honestly was getting a little "poor me syndrome", pitiful huh? But it's so encouraging to see others doing well. And getting to eat real food makes me feel normal again. :)

  • janisbirch
    janisbirch Posts: 51 Member
    Morning Debbie and Gang:

    I just reviewed my food journal for answers. I began the Protein Supplement Shakes. I get mine at Costco; the brand is Premier Protein. For 11 oz's it has 160 Calories, 30g Protein, 1g Sugar, and 3g Fat. It comes in Vanilla and Chocolate. I continued drinking low-sodium chicken broth for my fluid intake, and some applesauce.

    Prior to my surgery, I had made up some homemade Split Pea soup since it has protein, and I began eating canned tuna (water based) with Saltines. For a change of pace, I also ate canned Chicken on Saltines. Greek Yogart was also a staple of mine, and I continue to eat that even now since it, too, is a good source of protein and it's satisfies me. I also pureed many different soups in my blender.

    Oh.... one of my favorite treats was taking FF Cottage Cheese and added some Crystal Light to it in my blender. It was my dessert fix.

    Pick up that cookbook I told you about (Eating Healthy After Weight Loss Surgery), it has all kinds of recipes you can make and it will give you the quantity and preparation instructions for which week of Post-Op you're in. That cookbook continues to be a life saver for me.

    Remember to still stay hydrated :) Best of luck to you!!
  • DebbysJourney
    DebbysJourney Posts: 82 Member
    I unburied the I had to look on Amazon to be sure which one I had ordered, because I knew I got some cookbook. Anyway, I do have it ready. But I talked to the PA today and we meet on Thursday. In the meantime, she told me to stop the protein shakes (yea) and just eat when I am hungry, but for now only cottage cheese and vegetarian fat free refried beans. Why vegetarian I wonder, should have ask, but didn't. Of course, I thought I had them on the grocery list, but didn't. The only beans I have are canned green beans, garbanzos beans and baked beans (which I know are a no-no). I wonder if the Garbanzos beans would be ok? I could use the fiber. :/
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    I mainly ate low fat ricotta cheese, Noosa yogurt, and pureed soups the first few weeks. Since it is just me, tended to eat the same one or two things several days in a row until it was out. Added other soft foods in gradually, eggs, oatmeal, fish, and chicken mostly. Even now, two months post surgery, I have trouble with chicken unless I chop it to a shredded consistency first.

    carbs other than runny oatmeal/grits were forbidden for me for the first two weeks. But really I didn't start adding them until about week four. Doctor's orders were liquids first! protein second, then carbs if you had room. I know you said your PA said stop the protein shakes, but make sure you are getting 50-60 g protein/day. (I add unflavored protein powder to meals if I need to boost).
  • janisbirch
    janisbirch Posts: 51 Member
    I'm surprised that you've been instructed to stop the Protein Supplement Shakes. Two weeks after surgery is when I was instructed to add them along with a modified pureed diet. I've been eating solid food, in very small pieces, for maybe 4 weeks now. I still will have a protein shake once or twice a week. It's usually when I'm traveling or when I don't have time to leisurely eat a full meal.

    I know the Bariatric Department I go to doesn't want us relying on the Protein Supplements once you're into the Stage IV diet and from then on into Stage V, but I think one every now and then should be okay. At least that way I'm sure to get enough protein in on unusual days.

    Hopefully you'll have a list of questions for your doctor when you see them next. I'm glad you took my advise on purchasing that Cookbook from Amazon. Let me know if you try any especially delicious recipes :smile:
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    I added protein powder to cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, mashed potatoes and lots of mushed up steamed fresh fish. I still do not eat beef or pork, unless cold and cut into tiny tiny pieces.
  • DebbysJourney
    DebbysJourney Posts: 82 Member
    I think my Dr's office just doesn't want me to rely only on protein shakes. They want the protein to come from natural foods/eating. I know they push the liquids most of all. I'm sure I will have an occasional one every now and then, but a relief not to think I have to have them for now. I do like the idea of mixing the protein powder with the foods, like cottage cheese. I may order the unflavored Unjury powder to add to the cottage cheese or soups. I did that before with pureed soup and truly could not taste it.

    I never thought of just eating low fat ricotta cheese, may have to try that.

    Thanks for all of the ideas. :)
  • rubisliprz
    rubisliprz Posts: 139 Member
    Also a yummy way to get in protein is unflavored Unjury added to sugar free instant jello pudding. Cant do the cooked kind because it doesn't work with the protein. Pistachio or cheesecake flavor!
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I unburied the I had to look on Amazon to be sure which one I had ordered, because I knew I got some cookbook. Anyway, I do have it ready. But I talked to the PA today and we meet on Thursday. In the meantime, she told me to stop the protein shakes (yea) and just eat when I am hungry, but for now only cottage cheese and vegetarian fat free refried beans. Why vegetarian I wonder, should have ask, but didn't. Of course, I thought I had them on the grocery list, but didn't. The only beans I have are canned green beans, garbanzos beans and baked beans (which I know are a no-no). I wonder if the Garbanzos beans would be ok? I could use the fiber. :/

    The "vegetarian" refried beans are the fat free ones--the others have pork fat in them. All beans are excellent for you--try to avoid the high sodium canned ones, and if you can use the dried that you cook down yourself. Yes, cottage cheese, and Greek yogurt are awesome choices as well. I love the Dannon Light and Fit Greek blends--especially the toasted coconut vanilla because it tastes like coconut cream pie. But the banana cream, orange cream, and key lime are good too. When you can tolerate fresh apples, try peeling them and slicing them and mixing a little fat free Fage plain Greek yogurt with a touch of cinnamon and smother your apples with them. It is an AWESOME dessert. If you aren't against NutraSweet or Splenda, add in a packet to sweeten it up. This was the first dessert I was given at the age of 15 in the hospital when I first found out I was a type I diabetic (Of course, back then it wasn't Greek yogurt, but regular.)
    For my eggs, I really started hating the taste of them and found that if I mixed a slice of fat free American cheese in with them when I scrambled them (I also used butter flavor Pam) they were much tastier.
    My tastes have changed a lot and foods I used to love have really lost their appeal. It amazes me that I'd rather have those apples in cinnamon/yogurt than a piece of chocolate cake. LOL
    You know if you need anything, you just have to ask. I don't think someone can ask too many questions!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I would caution you to read every label. I could not eat any of the yogurts that were flavored because of the sugar. Even the small amount added was enough to make me dump. When you are first adding back in new foods, you do not need the stress of vomitting and diarrhea :sad:

    My rule of thumb was -- if there is a form of processed sugar in the first three ingredients I did not try it. I am especially sensitive to processed sugars even four years out. I am able to eat Yoplait Fruit on the Bottom Greek yogurt for 100 calories a cup. After SOOOO long eating plain yogurt with stuff added, it is a little piece of heaven to have strawberry and peach and all those yummy flavors again. So little sugar in them that I can eat them! Wooo Hooo! And the Light and Fit Diabetic Friendly yogurt was always a go to for me. Only vanilla and strawberry available though.

    I second the eggs and cottage cheese. I added the juice from salsa in the very beginning then I just added a small amount of salsa after time when I thought I could tolerate the veggies. I got sick of the eggs after a short time and also the cottage cheese as they were so plain. Cheese is a great option melted on fat free refried beans and also on the eggs. Sugar Free pudding cups were a life saver too. So many wonderful flavors and so easy to take with you.

    Remember to chew chew chew. It will seem like overkill and you will wonder why everyone harps on it... unless you don't chew well enough, then you no longer wonder :cry:

    Good luck! Experiment - go slow - be wary but not fearful :smile:
  • DebbysJourney
    DebbysJourney Posts: 82 Member
    Yum, so many ideas! Love it! I've been able to eat the Dannon Light & Fit non fat Vanilla yogurt. Love it!! It's a 5.3 oz container. I did eat it very slow and quit at 1/2 of it. I'm getting a little nervous, because I'm ready to eat something again. Granted it's been about 3 -4 hours. I'll have to start writing the time. I don't want to start snacking alot and know my calories are still VERY low. But don't want to start bad habits.

    My husband had the sleeve surgery and always goes on about "never" being hungry, just eats because he knows he should.......and snacks. I thought maybe I would lose my hunger "nerve" too, but I may be overly cautious, just afraid to eat? Plus when he started eating, he literally took 2-3 bites and said he was stuffed. I haven't had that yet. Not that I'm not trying to make myself stuffed or miserable, just wondering about all this.

    I AM ordering the unflavored Unjury powder! Putting it in SF pudding sounds delicious!!
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    Unjury also makes a protein chicken broth powder that I love , and a cheese powder that is ok. Another really good unflavored powder is bio pure. I can not taste it in plain water.
  • DebbysJourney
    DebbysJourney Posts: 82 Member
    I actually have the chicken broth powder. What do you put it in?
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member

    Cook a few veggies in water, carrots, green Belen's, when veggie spooked well mash or purée veggies, cool a bit, add chicken protein, and you have soup. I still use it in mayo to make a sandwich spread with chicken, , yogurt for veggie dido,, mashed potatoes, rice. These are later foods, but still trying for as much protein as possible.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    You said you were "ready to eat again..." I wonder if you are hungry or just ready to eat? I find that when I no longer feel full I automatically think it is time for me to eat again. That comes from soooooo many years of using food to feel happy in my case. Feeling full made me happy. I spent a lot of time learning to distinguish between hungry and ready to eat. Maybe wait until you actually feel hunger so you can compare the two feelings and get a better idea of the difference. And, I cannot rule out that you are NOT actually hungry when you say you are ready to eat. I would just challenge you to think about the possibilities :flowerforyou:

    Glad you are tolerating new foods well :smile:
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    @Debbie - same experience as your husband. 5 weeks out (sleeve) and I am never hungry. I eat 3 scheduled meals and count my clear protein drink as a snack. Just moved onto fish and ground meats for protein, greek yogurt is great and eggs are a staple. The protein drink gives me a 40g boost. Now that I have meat and fish I am getting over 100g/day without issue. Food portions are still very small (4-6oz meal). Just found this site and I love the meal tracker, very informative. 40lbs in 5 weeks. Good like trying what works for you.