


  • HiImJayme
    HiImJayme Posts: 29 Member
    Name: Jayme
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'9"
    SW: 293
    UGW: 160-170
    CW: 263

    Great idea about the 10lb goals!

    I have a 13 month old son and my husband and I are thinking of trying for another munchkin in the next 3-6 months so I am here to get my health in check both for my own sake, and for the future of our fam. Good luck to everyone!
  • lotsofboobsweat
    lotsofboobsweat Posts: 12 Member
    Name: Vicky
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'1"- 5'2" on a good day lol
    SW: 250
    CW: 238.2
    UGW: 150

    Hey, everybody, I would like to lose 100 pounds and get in shape so I can run a 5k . My husband and I always walk 5k's and would really like to run one soon.
  • weezie1206
    weezie1206 Posts: 6 Member
    Name: Lisa
    Age: 32
    Height: 5' 1.5" (or more if you count the heels!)
    SW: 175.4
    UGW: 125
    CW: 175.4

    Just starting diet with a friend. I've tried a few times before, but have never really been motivated This is the heaviest I've been and am feeling very motivated to change. I would love to lose 50lbs, but most importantly get active and healthy...I would also love to take up running. I too would love to be able to run a 5K.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Name: Sherri
    Age: 43
    Height: 5'5"
    SW: 260
    UGW: 150
    CW: 240

    I live in Wisconsin with my awesome husband. We have been doing C25K inconsistently for a couple months and did our first 5k almost 3 weeks ago and looking to do another one on Thanksgiving. Not real enthusiastic about running in Wisconsin winter but I know running really helped me lose weight last year when we did C25K the first time around.

    Love the idea of the 10lb goals! Sometimes that UGW can be a little daunting. Look forward to celebrating many achievements with you all!!
  • MariAOK
    MariAOK Posts: 38
    Hi Everyone! My name is Marilyn.

    Age: 44
    Height 5'5"
    SW: 229
    UGW: 160
    CW: 215.2

    I feel like I have lost those first initial 10lbs and keep losing and regaining the next 10lbs! I am all about celebrating the 10lbs at a time but have given myself 5lbs mini goals in between, My first one is lose 5lbs by Nov 8th. ( I have lost 1.8lbs so far) I am going to NY for the weekend. I live in Florida. Anyone can friend request me (can you just add a note that you are from the group)
  • Name: Nicole
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'5
    SW: 242
    UGW: 160
    CW: 240

    I live in South Carolina and have started diets before too and never stuck to them until now. I get really discouraged when that scale doesn't go down as fast as I want it to but 10 lbs at a time seems easier to do. I've joined a boot camp and the trainer and other ladies all hold eachother accountable for attending. It is really really hard work (but that could be because I haven't done exercises in a long time) but I am hanging in there so far. Rooting everyone on to meeting their fitness goals!!!
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 927 Member
    Introduce yourselves here!

    Name: Ivy
    Age: 54
    Height: 5' 5
    SW: 279
    UGW: 149
    CW: 260

    Next 10 lbs Celebration : 250!!

    My name is Ivy, and I will be 55 soon. Last year on MFP I started a group of 50lbs by Christmas and some of my friends are now over or close to 100 lbs lost!! I lost 50 lbs last year, then we lost our son and 3 months later I lost my Dad, and I gained ~40 back. So I have been struggling to stay on track. My biggest problem is the weekends. I eat so clean during the week, but then when I am off and with my husband and family, I am cooking or going out to eat, or having dinner for friends or some type of social gathering, it is literally killing me!. I am in TEXAS!
  • NettiH
    NettiH Posts: 6 Member
    So sorry for your losses, Ivy, hang in there!

    Weekends and a social life are definitely a challenge. Hopefully we can help each other stay strong in the face of munchies....
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 927 Member
    Thanks Netti
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Name: Kimberly
    Age: 36
    Height: 5'10 1/2
    SW: 250
    UGW: 180 (although this may change)
    CW: 230

    Hi everyone. I'm Kim and I really really like food. I don't eat badly, I just eat way too much. I have been overweight since I was in elementary school due to messed up thinking on my part. Even as an adult I thought I needed more food because I was "big boned" and "built like a guy". I decided after an encounter with the doctor's scale back in May that I needed to do something because I was setting myself up for health issues. I joined MFP in August and have lost 20 since then.

    My next goal is to lose ten pounds and get back to my high school weight.