Anyone starting on Monday (Oct 20th)?

mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
Or any day around Monday?

I bought the book last week, read it on vacation last week and have spent this week scoping out all of the equipment in my gym and trying some of the exercises...program starts on Monday.

Anyone else doing the same? My main issue right now is my fear of the man-cave aka the weights room, there looked like there was alot of grunting meat heads in there last night so I wasn't quite brave enough to go in...second try tonight ;)


  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I am in stage 2 don't worry dive in its fun
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    I am, kind of. I hate saying that 'kind of' part, but I just re-joined the gym last week and I signed up for 3 sessions with a personal trainer. I wanted some instruction on proper form for squats, etc. before I totally jump in. Like you, I'm a bit intimidated by that man cave! I had a session on Wednesday and she said my basic squat form was good, so that encouraged me. I have another session on Monday and the last one Thursday, so I will officially start next Monday. Im going to use the next week to re-read the book and try to remember the things I've forgotten!

    Feel free to add me as a friend, if you'd like!
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I just started on Wednesday, but I'm not new to heavy lifting at the gym. Trust me,I go to a really ghetto gym with tons of bros, but no one pays attention to anyone else. Just go in and own your workout!
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I'm starting again today - I did 'start' last week but hurt myself!!! But I'm back and going to give it a go today. Hopefully I don't fall off the Swiss ball this time!

    I thought I'd be nervous of the man cave too but actually I was just so focused on making sure I did everything right that I didn't really pay any noitce to the men!!!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I am restarting NROL4W this week. I am only going to be doing 2 days a week, as I am keeping my running while doing this (I run 4 days a week lol). I had started this in February of this year, and got to stage 5....but training for my first half marathon and doing this (stage 5 gets lol) just took up too much time and had to make a choice on which one to do at the time.

    So starting a new again. I really like the compound exercises and they are great for core and runners like me (especially the step ups!). See ya'll in the stage one thread!
  • anncan37
    anncan37 Posts: 22 Member
    I started on the 17th. Though familiar with the exercises, I would normally use my body weight (say, for squats), free weights, or some machines - never the barbell rack. I too was intimidated by the idea of venturing into the area of grunting men to access that equipment, but in I went and it was great!

    3rd session this afternoon and I'm actually excited. lol
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    Thanks for the responses ladies! Well on Friday, I waited until later in the evening and went across to the gym, when it wouldn't be so busy...and I did it! I went over, found a barbell, added 40lbs and did my squats....and yup, no one batted an eye lid. So it starts properly today ;)

    rduhlir - it's encouraging to read about your running alongside NROLFW. I have been trying to get back into running training (running 5ks atm, aiming for 10k), and I was planning on training 2 days a week on my non-lifting days.
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Today I was working with my trainer with the free weights and the guy working out next to me said "This is fun, isn't it?". Of course, I agreed! :smile:
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    Woop! Stage 1, Workout 1 complete!! It feels weird, although some of the exercises are pretty tough...I felt as though I had 'cheated' somehow by not setting foot on a cardio machine during the entire session! Pumped for the next workout :)
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Woop! Stage 1, Workout 1 complete!! It feels weird, although some of the exercises are pretty tough...I felt as though I had 'cheated' somehow by not setting foot on a cardio machine during the entire session! Pumped for the next workout :)

    I actually get winded lifting more than I do running a race!
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I did Workout B for the first time the other day and I was proper gasping for breath by the end!

    I'm on Workout A2 tonight and I'm not looking forward to it - mainly because I usually have to queue to get anywhere near the squat rack, and also because the prone jacknife was such a disaster last time - I fell off the ball every time I tried! But it has to be done.

    Going to go at 8.30pm tonight, gym closes at 10pm so hoping it will be somewhat quieter by then.....

    I also run on the 3 days I'm not lifting. I have 1 rest day a week. I'm halfway through the C25K and I follow that with a 2000m row for my cardio. I'm working on improving fitness too so cardio is important to me.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I'm on Workout A2 tonight and I'm not looking forward to it - mainly because I usually have to queue to get anywhere near the squat rack, and also because the prone jacknife was such a disaster last time - I fell off the ball every time I tried! But it has to be done.

    I just did A2 last night. Actually had to do the squats last because I didn't have enough time to hang out and wait for the squat machine. Seemed to work out okay, though I definitely prefer to do the biggest lift first! I increased the weights on the squat and seated rows and increased the steps from 5 to 8 for the step-ups.
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    I'm on Workout A2 tonight and I'm not looking forward to it - mainly because I usually have to queue to get anywhere near the squat rack, and also because the prone jacknife was such a disaster last time - I fell off the ball every time I tried! But it has to be done.

    I just did A2 last night. Actually had to do the squats last because I didn't have enough time to hang out and wait for the squat machine. Seemed to work out okay, though I definitely prefer to do the biggest lift first! I increased the weights on the squat and seated rows and increased the steps from 5 to 8 for the step-ups.

    See this whole squat rack business concerns me....cause my gym doesn't have one! I searched high and low the other day, and finally asked a trainer...who advised me to find someone who can spot me. The weight I'm lifting right now is fine to lift from the floor...but I think I might have trouble as it starts getting heavier? My room mate lifts so he may be able to help me out, but it's still a potential pain in the *kitten*.
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    I did Workout B for the first time the other day and I was proper gasping for breath by the end!

    I'm on Workout A2 tonight and I'm not looking forward to it - mainly because I usually have to queue to get anywhere near the squat rack, and also because the prone jacknife was such a disaster last time - I fell off the ball every time I tried! But it has to be done.

    Going to go at 8.30pm tonight, gym closes at 10pm so hoping it will be somewhat quieter by then.....

    I also run on the 3 days I'm not lifting. I have 1 rest day a week. I'm halfway through the C25K and I follow that with a 2000m row for my cardio. I'm working on improving fitness too so cardio is important to me.

    Yep that's my tactic for now, get over there later...less fighting for equipement and usually less roid heads! I also had some balance issues with the prone jackknife...mainly when trying to get off after I was done haha!

    I know what you mean about cardio, I can't imagine being fit and strong but unable to run a mile? I'm definitely going to keep it up. Good luck to ya!
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    Tonight was my first workout! I managed to do 8 reps on the jackknife, not easy! I'm re reading the chapter to make sure I'm doing it ok. I love the weight room, though it's low key and not crowded.
  • shellygriffith
    I am beginning on Monday. Just bougth the book and plan on reading it this week and weekend. !! :-)
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    Just back from the gym and had a successful Workout A2.

    I was able to actually use the squat rack this time, and so had my first experience with the Olympic bar! I had to ask a guy to lift it on to the rack for me, but I was able to squat it easily so will add weights to it next time. Last workout I just squatted fixed weight barbell and it was only 10kg, so today was a step up as the Olympic bar is 25kg.

    I increased my seated row to 25kg, and my step ups I used 8kg dumbells instead of 5kg. I'm still a bit useless at press ups and have been doing them 'girl' style but did the full 2 sets of 15.

    My biggest success of the evening however was the prone jacknife! 2 sets of 8 completely successfully at first attempt.

    I read something in this group about rolling over the ball into position so tried that today and it made it so much better. Didn't even wobble. So happy!

    All in all, a great session
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    Just back from the gym and had a successful Workout A2.

    I was able to actually use the squat rack this time, and so had my first experience with the Olympic bar! I had to ask a guy to lift it on to the rack for me, but I was able to squat it easily so will add weights to it next time. Last workout I just squatted fixed weight barbell and it was only 10kg, so today was a step up as the Olympic bar is 25kg.

    I increased my seated row to 25kg, and my step ups I used 8kg dumbells instead of 5kg. I'm still a bit useless at press ups and have been doing them 'girl' style but did the full 2 sets of 15.

    My biggest success of the evening however was the prone jacknife! 2 sets of 8 completely successfully at first attempt.

    I read something in this group about rolling over the ball into position so tried that today and it made it so much better. Didn't even wobble. So happy!

    All in all, a great session

    Nice work! Yup it's one of my biggest fitness ambitions to be able to do a proper push up, I'm determined it'll happen - I've just been doing to 45 degree ones against a box. I'm trying workout B for the first time this evening...excited!
  • anncan37
    anncan37 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I will be on A3 tomorrow where I will be doing 12 reps and further increasing the weights that I'm lifting. I believe we're supposed to increase every single workout session, but I used A1,2 and B 1, 2 workout sessions to just get used to the movements and the equipment...and I also totally overestimated my starting weights! I think I've worked out those kinks and can get on with it, increasing safely.

    Since I too felt like I was "cheating" by not doing cardio, I decided to add HIIT twice a week, for 15-20 mins. I do it right after the workout and then use the full 48 hours to far so good!

    I feel so motivated - glad to have a people to share this journey with!
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    Hey anncan - doing HIIT right after a workout is actually a really good idea, as my muscles are struggling to cope the next day at the moment! I might give that a go next time...

    Just finished my first Workout B, man I found it quite a bit tougher than Workout A, my arms are rubbish! It's frustrating as I used to work at a horse barn and be so much stronger...that was about 12 years ago mind ;)

    Also, I found the squat rack in my gym, horrah!! The bad news is that it's in the deepest darkest man cave, so deep and dark that I didn't even know it existed until tonight lol.

    It definitely helps checking in with everyone on here, it's great to have people to share it all with :)