
How do you all curb your wine consumption? I love my wine after a stressful day at work, but I know it is keeping me from losing the weight I want to loose.


  • flowersofdawn
    flowersofdawn Posts: 47 Member
    If you like your wine daily, make it one of the first things you log so you can count those calories right away. Or, if you have a variety of wine glass sizes, choose a smaller one than your "usual" and limit yourself to one or two glasses a night. If you still need to modify your consumption, try making it a special treat you get just on two or three nights of the week, but still portion it out and log it.

    I find if I pre-log some things I really want or know I will be enjoying, it helps me make better choices throughout the day. Also, getting in some activity to help relieve some of that stress wouldn't hurt either. :wink:
  • BeckyDelgado
    I don't struggle with wine, but desserts are hard for me to put down. Unfortunately the key to everything is moderation. You can have your glass of wine at night if you factor that into your calorie intake/exercise. Maybe your glass of wine can be a motivation to you to do a little more exercise? If you get in that additional 20 minutes or so you can have a glass, 40 and you can have 2 glasses!
  • friggie
    friggie Posts: 140 Member
    I agree, if you log your wine and are still under or at your limit I don't see why you can't enjoy what you like.
    The way I look at it is this, if you deny yourself some of the things you enjoy then that could get to you after awhile and be a downfall to give up altogether.
  • gotcardi
    gotcardi Posts: 19 Member
    I like my wine in the evenings too. I've found that I am EXTREMELY carb and sugar sensitive when it comes to losing / gaining weight. On that vein, I also found that the sweeter the wine, the worse off I am weight wise. I have found that Chardonnay doesn't affect me like Pinot Grigio does. Maybe experiment with wines and see if your body metabolizes one different than another.... I found that to be the case for me. I was a nightly wine consumer, but recently found that the calories weren't worth it so I backed off to just a few nights a week. I am not one who finds exercise relaxing, but wine, on the other hand does the trick ;-)
    Good luck! :)
  • doylenic
    With the exception of my birthday I am going to cut wine out!

    I will however get a wine glass, put ice in it and fill it with a really nice sugar free flavoured water.

    I enjoy it and whilst its not wine I dont feel any where near as deprived!!