February 2014 Babies



  • MMSelig
    MMSelig Posts: 15 Member
    Feb 2! Feeling good!
  • Floflo83
    Floflo83 Posts: 2 Member
    My due date is Feb. 1, 2014. This is my 1st, so I am ver excited.
  • jgaeta22
    Im due February 2nd :) I'm really feeling baby move for 2 weeks now. Just wondering how everyone has been doing with their weight gain? I finally started to go back to the gym after a few crazy weeks of moving, which threw me off course. I'm trying to keep my weight gain to an avg of 20-25 pds but we will see, since I have a horrible habit of adding salt to food.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I've met quite a few ladies on this thread with Feb. 2nd due dates like mine - we got pregnant on Mother's Day!
  • bw1014
    bw1014 Posts: 7 Member
    Due February 1st! This is my first too, I am SO stoked!

    Need to find a balance between food and my schedule. I have become SO hungry lately! I will eat a meal, be full and an hour later feel like I am starving! Ahhh!
  • mommy_hood
    mommy_hood Posts: 100 Member
    For anyone not already joined we do have a closer knit group that you might be interested in !

  • mommy_hood
    mommy_hood Posts: 100 Member
    how is everyone doing?
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    Twenty three weeks tomorrow. Feeling pretty good. My endurance is definitely down with walking but I've found I can do the elliptical fine so I've stayed with that and some weight lifting (on machines, not free weights anymore). I'm feeling pretty good except that I have pelvic separation pain on the left side of my rear end pretty much constantly. Baby is moving like crazy. My daughter would wait until the last possible minute before moving (before I had to the call the OB for no movement). I don't think I go a half hour without feeling this guy! (Still holding out hope that he'll be a good sleeper though!).
  • Alexz210
    Alexz210 Posts: 78 Member
    How are all the February mommas doing?

    Is everyone mostly posting in the other group? Just thought I'd check in with everyone. Only a few more weeks left in the 2nd trimester for most of us!!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Not a lot to report :) I am on the tail end and not hitting the third trimester until Dec 1st; I wouldn't surprised if I actually have a March baby.

    Growing a very active little boy and starting to waddle by the end of the day...
  • claire_donegal84
    claire_donegal84 Posts: 47 Member
    Doing good thanks :-)
    Getting occasional backache now, but I'm rather prone to it anyway so doubtless it'll continue to get worse as the weeks go by!
    I can't believe how fast the week are whizzing past now...
    I'm a PhD student and in the final stages of getting my dissertation together to submit it by Late November so I can just have a break through Dec & Jan before bubba arrives in Feb!
    Hope everyone else is doing well,
    Claire x
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    Had my 24 week check today (due date is Feb. 2nd so I'm on the early end of the month). Everything is still looking good. I have to take the three hour glucose test because I failed the one hour over the summer (then passed the three hour).
    It is weird at the 24 week appointment - I got hospital admission paperwork, information about getting my tubes tied right after I give birth, and information about fetal movement. (Not a problem with this one - he is moving constantly and I first felt him at 10 weeks!).
  • Alexz210
    Alexz210 Posts: 78 Member
    @Claire - Congratulations on your PhD work. It must feel amazing to get so much done before baby comes! How exciting!

    @Mirandamom - Strange that they are dumping all of this info on you so early! Good luck on the glucose test results!
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    They like to have all the hospital paperwork in ahead of time in case of premature delivery.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    They like to have all the hospital paperwork in ahead of time in case of premature delivery.

    Also, it gives them the opportunity to lose it several times instead of just once.

    Or maybe your hospital operates differently? Mine never had my preregistration paperwork. >.<
  • Alexz210
    Alexz210 Posts: 78 Member
    I gave my doc a call last Friday after several days of feeling very light headed and dizzy. She asked me to come in for some blood work. Today, the nurse called to tell me that I have "the lowest iron levels she's ever seen". Awesome. I love to leave an impression. Anyone else having to take iron supplements? Are you taking anything to counteract the not-so-fun side effects?
  • OrionMama
    OrionMama Posts: 19 Member
    Alexz210, I had low iron in my last pregnancy. My midwife suggested floradix iron and herbs liquid. I found the side effects (constipation, tmi sorry) are less with the liquid than with the feosol pills I previously took. It is expensive, but I think it's worth it!
  • rachael116
    I gave my doc a call last Friday after several days of feeling very light headed and dizzy. She asked me to come in for some blood work. Today, the nurse called to tell me that I have "the lowest iron levels she's ever seen". Awesome. I love to leave an impression. Anyone else having to take iron supplements? Are you taking anything to counteract the not-so-fun side effects?

    Oh no! Hope it gets corrected soon...
    I'm doing well, have the glucose test at our next appointment, which I am not looking forward to. Otherwise, starting to show more and more each day, which is nice :)
  • phyllistheresa
    phyllistheresa Posts: 83 Member
    Had my 24 week check today (due date is Feb. 2nd so I'm on the early end of the month). Everything is still looking good. I have to take the three hour glucose test because I failed the one hour over the summer (then passed the three hour).
    It is weird at the 24 week appointment - I got hospital admission paperwork, information about getting my tubes tied right after I give birth, and information about fetal movement. (Not a problem with this one - he is moving constantly and I first felt him at 10 weeks!).

    I am due Feb 9 and I too have to take the 3 hr glucose test as my result on the 1 hr test was borderline.
  • sunshineandprayers
    Due middle of February. Friend me if you like :)