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Souba Posts: 12 Member
First thread, everyone should make threads to bring the group to life. Ask questions, discuss health and fitness related fem stuff or stuff in general. Go mad!


  • May as well go first.
    I'm 82kg and trying to reach 70kg before next year, to try and attain a femboy body as I'm a bit chubby :/
    Unortunately I have a rather slow metabolism.
    I'd greatly appreciate some tips on what kind of fitness exercises I could do to progress faster.
  • Souba
    Souba Posts: 12 Member
    Well even if you are at complete couch potato mode, no one truly has a slow natural metabolism that's decidedly hindering to your progress.
    People with fast metabolisms tend to say: "Well I eat all the time, I eat as much as I like and don't put on weight"

    When they say this, they are just overestimating the amount they eat, it isn't to say that they naturally burn about 3000 calories.
    Conversely, those with 'slow metabolisms' usually under estimate calories.

    Have you ever seen the show Secret Eaters? May not have if you're not in UK, however it's a show about overweight families who get scrutinised under 24 hr surveillance to monitor the psychology of their eating and their eating habits. Indeed, these are people who would consider themselves to have a slow metabolism. But your jaw would drop when you see how much they really consume. It all adds up. This is the extreme end of the spectrum though haha... but I digress.

    So this is why myfitnesspal is useful takes that out of the equation by putting a solid number on it.

    Use this calculator to work out your TDEE, though if I think when you add in your weight loss goals of how much you want to lose or gain per week. Myfitnesspal has this functionality baked in as it sets your TDEE to meet that projected target

    So yes know how much you use every day then drop that by about 300-500 I'd say.

    You can healthily lose up to about 2lbs/week but if you are heavier then you will lose more initially.

    To lose 1lbs of fat or (0.45kg) you must burn a total of 3500 more than you consume, this would amount to (7 x 500)/day over the week.

    There is enough time left in the year that if you stuck to this religiously you could achieve that goal, though this would amount to a serious deficit each week which isn't bad just requires willpower. If you slip up don't worry it happens, just get back on the horse. Aim ridiculously high then even if you don't meet that, you won't be disappointed as you will still have achieved significant progress.

    There is a two pronged approach to this so here's some tips

    Try and get in cardio about 4 times a week. Every other day, do as much as you can. If you do less intense cardio you will be able to do more, more often.

    I dug this up for you. Its a good reference, myfitnesspal will have all these in its diary database already.

    You can see that even 1hr of walking burns 200-300 calories or 30 mins of jogging does the same.

    What I've been doing is starting couch to 5k on alternate days.

    It will start you on running from an easy level. I actually began on week 3 since I used to run, but I'd jump in from the start and see how you find it. There are podcasts which make it easy to follow as you just have a virtual coach in your ear giving you directions.
    I also swim 6 days a week, just 500m breast stroke for about 20 minutes of late. I've never did so much cardio in my life, but honestly it hasn't been as hard as I thought since it's a lower intensity. You could decide on whatever you may enjoy doing though, not necessarily swimming. Cycling maybe?

    So eventually to answer you question directly (sorry) CARDIO! Cardio is what you need if your goal is fat loss, because it really is as simple as

    Total energy out > Total energy in

    And that's what cardiovascular exercise's primary directive is.

    To achieve the deficit you need can be any combination of exercise and diet.
    250 less calories from diet + 250 calories from exercise ≡ 500 less from diet or 500 less from exercise.

    Careful here though, don't be tempted not to exercise. You will lose this weight if you just do the diet but your muscles can lose weight too and you can become skinnyfat, further exercise is great for you!

    More tips on other exercises to add strength to come... I'm holding out for this infographic to be honest, the info is all still there but it's just in the works at the moment. Watch this space :)

    Final tips for the diet

    - Eat as much veggies as you can. Two reasons: 1- they are ridiculously low in calories so you can literally eat as much as you like to help stave the hunger pangs, 2- they are ridiculously high in good.

    - Try not eat massive portions, if you eat smaller portions and space out your meals you won't be as hungry through out the day. nb. you can eat the same amount as the massive portion, just space it out a bit.

    -Drink as much water as you can. Feel hungry? Drink a big glass and wait 10 minutes and reassess your hunger levels, finally water is great for you and for your skin so you should drink about 2L/day

    -Avoid sugary drinks or snacks that aren't pure fruit juices or fruit

    Sooo umm thats it, any questions?
  • Thanks for the feedback man, Ill start right away, firstly with running for half an hour (at least) each day with some core work. Would that be a good start?
  • Souba
    Souba Posts: 12 Member
    Yes definitely! Core work is always worth it. I do recommend the couch to 5k. It takes the thinking out of it and will pretty much hold your hand through your session gradually progressing you to longer and more strenuous runs. This should be pretty transparent as you'll get better progressively too. :) Good luck, keep postan. I think this will be worth while for everyone :)
  • Alright, awesome. What does the couch to 5k entail?
  • Souba
    Souba Posts: 12 Member
    I linked you there in the OP. Check it out :)
  • Sweet, feeling like I've got my **** together for once xD
    Gonna take up roller blading too, be good for my ski training :3
  • I have no idea what any of this is about. I guess I'm 175lbs (79kg) trying to get down to around 120lbs (54kg) as quickly as possible. Would certainly help if I didn't live such a sedentary lifestyle in front of my computer all day.
  • Souba
    Souba Posts: 12 Member
    Well you choose to, the hardest part is just pulling your finger out man. I sort of transition in and out of that mode you describe, I tend to fight a battle with trying to give a **** enough about things not to be distracted lol. I study Computer Science so all day err day is in front of a computer unless I make an effort.
    I think something worth considering though is gradually introducing changes into your lifestyle until you get used to it. Having a complete paradigm shift may cause a bit of system shock mentally and would be a lot harder to stick to the new drastic lifestyle. So maybe you could try adding things in bit by bit if you see where I'm going
  • Know exactly what you mean. Studying software engineering so i spend literally whole day, every day, infront of a pc. Had to force myself preety hard to do anything at start, but its become somewhat of a routine now.
    Strangely enough, i still cant seem to loose any weight
  • Lost 3kg already :D
    I'm doing this stuff every day an except with a 10minute run
  • Souba
    Souba Posts: 12 Member
    You have? Thats great dude!!! Awesome I've lost hmm bout about 2kg near myself and stomach is more defined looking.
    I'm still keeping to my original routine, 20 minutes swim 6 days + 30 minute run every other day (along with swim)
    I like that link. Good stuff

    Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm an easily distracted person. If anyone has any friends to invite we could pick up some momentum and maybe it'll become self sustainable :)

    Btw I recommend you buy some whey protein to make sure you get high levels of protein in your diet. Apart from satiating you for longer it will ensure you won't start to burn muscle.
    Consider creatine too. All of this is rather cheap, check out <---- why take creatine?
    Keep postan!
  • Well, I just recently recovered from an injury that severely limited my ability to do anything. I didn't really gain any weight. In fact, I lost weight. About 40 lbs of muscle. Only I gained like 20 lbs of fat. I'm like 5'8" and a half and about 205. I'm not as fat as that sounds though. For like a year I lifted for 2-4 hours a day. So I'm trying to lose a bunch of muscle mass and fat. I'm squishy in all the wrong places. I'm realistically looking to lose 30 lbs or so. More if I can. I've never actually tried losing weight before. I was all about dem big gains. I was very "Look at me, I'm a big, manly man! ABSOLUTELY NO WAY I COULD BE GAY, MY ARMS ARE TOO BIG!" I'm new to this whole not eating between 6 and 8 thousand calories a day. I was blessed with an awesome ability to turn pretty much any food into muscle mass. Only that isn't conducive to my current task. The point is, I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm hoping that the workout plan I've got will work. But dieting is a huge problem for me. I've cut down on calories, but I don't know WHAT to eat. So if anyone's got any tips on anything, that'd be greatly appreciated. In return, I have all of the workout tips you could ever want.
  • Saguine
    Saguine Posts: 3 Member
    Hey all. Charmed, etc. Dunno if femgen is my actual goal, but I'm keen to get twinkish at the very least. Currently at 80kg, 1.85m, want to get to 70kg and then gain muscle weight to 70-75. Recently dropped 10kg when I started the ketogenic diet. Big running, gearing up to run the Two Oceans Half Marathon next year (Cape Town, South Africa).
  • Saguine
    Saguine Posts: 3 Member
    I'd just like to make the point that most of weight loss is diet-centric, not exercise-centric.
  • Hey, I'm not sure if I belong here or not since I want to lose a bit of weight then put on muscle, but I like the threads and it would be helpful to do it with other people. Looking to lose about 10-15kg first at 5'11 before I really focus on building a little mass.

    Just a tip to you guys as well, if you just want to lose weight, it's a good idea to do some light cardio in a fasted state. This is a bit after your last meal when your body has burned all your dietary fuel and is now resorting to your bodies stored fuel. If you do a long brisk walk your body will use stored fat as the primary fuel as opposed to running where you'll be using protein as well as fat. This could help you retain muscle for more of a tight body when you're done than something like skinny fat. If you want to know more about fasted states for losing weight (you dont have to starve yourself for it) then look it up. There's lots of information and its all backed up by research and testing (unlike the more and smaller meals throughout the day myth).

    Also, Souba is a qt
  • Souba
    Souba Posts: 12 Member
    That's true. It's all two sides of the same coin though. Exercise caloric deficits are just smaller than the deficits you can cut with diet. As much of this should be exercise as possible though. Oh and whats your training for the marathon?


    Sure you do, why not. Anyone here that feels like they'd enjoy shootin **** with people who'd go on femgen should join. Not gonna be a fascist about it. Diet and exercise and any other aesthetic advice people wanna share, or even talk about can be shared by anyone with knowledge. It'd be nice if this acted as a fixed point to come and do all this ****.
    On your point about fasting. That's interesting, I didn't realise the intensity would affect that. I tended to avoid working out in fasted states. It makes sense though when I think about it. Cool advice.
    Also t-t-thanks ^_^'


    See third post. Lower carbs on non training days, up lean protein. Pad your diet out with as much vegetables for micronutrients and satiety. Anything that isn't a high % carbs or fat will be quite low in calories. Maybe work out some macros you like and aim for that? I'm rolling (or trying to roll lol) 40/40/20 - carbs/pro/fat

    Btw guys I'm thinking of making threads for posting for diet, exercise, beauty related **** (skin care, shaving, grooming and fashion maybe?)
    Should I?
    This is just the introductions after all :)

    FYI: Just made one to post and add each other in.
  • muffinoffun
    muffinoffun Posts: 1 Member
    I guess I'm gonna try and seriously use this, suck cause I can't really exercise too hard but whatever.

    Hi, I'm 5'7 inches and 153 pounds. I don't have any set weight goal or anything I just want to lose weight with minimal effort since I can't exercise for **** because "lol asthma" . I'm honestly pretty lost so I really don't know what to say.
  • Souba
    Souba Posts: 12 Member
    Try this dude. I used to be asthmatic but wasn't into fitness back then. But I found this for you.

    Try swimming and yoga :)
  • I'm kinda in a crappy situation atm. I used to go jogging daily, but its gotten cold as crap so im stuck inside. I also live in a flat with people below, under, and next to me, so i cant make a lot of noise either. Is there any good cardio i could do?
  • Souba
    Souba Posts: 12 Member
    Yes running, suck it up. You won't be cold when you warm up running, trust me. Find something great to motivate you to keep you going. Think of what you want from this that pain is temporary but glory is eternal :P haha. Nah but here's some tips:
    Heat your vest on a radiator just before going out.
    Warm up a little before you go out the door. Walk up and down stairs or something or burpees, jumping jacks, squats or something.
    Wear gloves
    Make sure your vest keeps the heat in and lets your skin sweat itself out.
    Oh and try drinking a small hot drink quickly before you leave

    If you do this you should be able to stick it no problem. Rain is a bummer though but push through! It's worth it and it's only a measly 30 mins