Daily Calorie Intake

I all, this is my first post so please be tolerant!

im 5ft 5, 140 aiming to be 126. I horse ride once a week and tend to walk 4 miles a day (MFP estimates this at about 300 cal burn). My issue is since I dont have a ton of weight to lose, I have been trying to keep my calorie intake to about 1000. My question to you is, do any of you keep your calories below the recommended 1200 limit? i was a bit overweight years ago (before the internet!) so I used my "common sense" and just restricted, and I would have to guess that at the time I was well below 1000 cal a day. I lost weight and kept it off for years employing a healthy approach, but fast forward 6 years and ive gained a bit, but there is so much contradicting info out there about how best to go about shifting the last stone!

any advice/personal experience would be appreciated



  • kilobeta
    Hi. This is my first reply, so ditto on the tolerance! We are of similarish height and weight so I feel qualified to respond.

    First of all, good for you for wanting to improve your health! And for walking every day! (And lucky you for horseback riding! I am jealous!)

    Now to the advice you seek: Cutting down more calories makes me nervous. I don't recommend it. Your body needs fuel to burn calories. Instead of cutting calories, I would consider where those calories are coming from. I started this diet a couple days ago and after seeing the calories getting eaten up in my 1200 calorie allotment, I cut down on carbs and bought a bunch of fruits and vegetables to make meals more filling and replace my afternoon work snack (which was almost always vending machine cookies).

    I would also suggest trying more/other approaches to a workout because your body gets used to a repetitive workout and makes them less effective. Changing it up would improve your calorie burning.

    Good luck!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I think you could go that low, but not for long periods of time. that being said, I would guess it is not dangerously low for you simply because we aren't very good at estimating calories and over the week you likely take in a bit more than you think, as well as burning less than you think. Walking is great but I would be surprised if you burned 300 calories on each walk. So if you net 1000 calories after accounting for the walking, you're probably within the range of healthy intake.
    When I cut and try for 1200 cals per day, I cycle so that I have some 1500 calorie days and then a 900 calorie day and that makes it easier for me to sustain.
  • Brunette122
    Brunette122 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm on the same journey as you except I've been following the 1200 and if i exercise i try to eat back the calories. So far, I've lost 4 lbs after a grueling 2 months of diet and exercise. Then to add the icing to the cake, I somehow gained 3 of the 4 back overnight! I don't get it, I really don't. It's depressing when those who weigh plenty more than me start melting off the pounds like nothing. Agh.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I wouldn't go below 1000, personally. I'm 5'5" and eat around 1550 a day, only work out about 3-4 days a week with mostly strength training I tried eating 1200 when I first started but it just didn't work for me. I was losing about 3 lbs a week, which to me is too quickly. Since I've upped, I'm losing about 1.5 lbs and that's more than enough since I'm down to my last 10 lbs. Just remember your body needs energy to function properly
  • MaeRenee94
    Where did you get that number? That's low.

    Find your TDEE than eat 200 below that. 1000 is very restricted and not that healthy. Although I am not as short as you, I'm 5'8'' so maybe that is why that number looks freakishly low, but it is usually never recommended to be under 1200 unless a doctor specifies it.
  • Butyou
    Butyou Posts: 30 Member
    I think eating 1000 calories everyday is not good for you. If you ever have a week/month where you eat more then that your body will store all the extra so i
    I would jump around a bit 1500 one day like when you do walking/riding then on a rest day do your 1000. See if that helps you lose a few pounds. I would jump around on carbs/sugars as well.
    That is what worked for me.