Green Team-Week 3

tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
Good Evening Everyone:
This week rather than just focusing on challenges (which I hope everyone at least attempts to do), I would also like to focus on why we are here. I also thought that was a theme of last night's show. Why are we trying? Why are we failing? I though that it was a great idea that Dolvett had about writing a letter. i will be writing mine this week. If it is emotions that are holding you back, get it out, get it on paper!! I am not asking you to share unless you want to.
Also here is next week's challenge as taken from Week 3 Official Thread, the auction closes tomorrow night (10/31) at 8pm so get your bets in early!!:
Each player on your team has 100 crunches to bid with. There will be several fitness items up for auction and you get to bid on which of these you would like to use as your main workout for the week. You can save your crunch payments and not bid on anything, but the catch is you cannot use any equipment for your main workout that week.

For example, we are bidding on using the treadmill. Me and Jen both want it. I bid 50 crunches and she bids 75. I decide to not go any higher and she wins the auction. This means Jen must do 75 crunches to pay for her treadmill usage. She is then able to use the treadmill as much as she wants all week. I still have all 100 of my crunches left so use them to bid for hand weights and workout videos instead. I do my 100 crunches and am able to use both of those things as much as I want this week, but cannot use the other items on the list as my main workouts. It rains one day so I use my treadmill and that’s ok, but it is not my main workout for the week. If you don’t win any of the auctions, then you don’t have to do any crunches, but you also don’t get any equipment to use. This is where you have to get creative and find other ways to get your workouts in – using things around the house for weights, bodyweight exercises, running outside or going for a walk, etc. I wont take everything away from you completely because I know that’s hard, so you can have 2 days where you can use equipment you didn’t win, but the other days you have to use only the equipment you won or wasn’t on the list.

Just to make sure you all understand, we’ll do a mock auction in this page for the next couple hours. Please bid (up to your 100 crunches) for what you’d like just so people can get an idea. Bids will start at 5 crunches and go up in that increment (unless you are so obsessed with one piece of equipment that you bid a high number right away).

Heres what you have to bid on:
Stationary bike
Hand weights
Exercise classes (at a gym)
Rowing machine
Exercise videos –
Upper body weight machines (at a gym)
Lower body weight machines (at a gym)

And just to make it more complicated, you can “buy” crunches from your teammates. If im desperate to get the treadmill, I might offer to “buy” 25 of Jen’s crunches just to make sure I get it. The catch is that every crunch you buy from another player is equal to 5 crunches owed. So if I buy those 25 crunches, I have to do 125 whether I end up winning with them or not.

We did a quick practice auction with these so you can get an idea. I will start it off bidding 5 crunches each for exercise videos and hand weights. Ill update here with current bids as we go through it as well. Once you get the hang of it, go ahead and post in your team threads. The auctions will end at 8pm tomorrow night, or once everyone has used all their points (whichever comes first), to give you all time to do your workouts this week

Remember to keep track of what you have! Don’t bid 75 on one thing and 50 on another if you only have 100 crunches or youll have to forfeit one.

I realize this is a little different than the challenges we normally do, but hopefully it will help you to get creative with your workouts and inspire you to try something different than you normally do! When you report this week, make sure you post in your thread what you won (if anything) how many crunches you did to pay for it, and any times you used other items on this list. To get a complete this week you can only use items you didn’t win on two days, and you must complete all th crunches you bet for items you won. If you’re someone whose only exercise is running outside everyday, then I guess you are golden for this week since you don’t need equipment ;)

optional challenge: Complete the "Ghostly gallop" - Tomorrow is halloween and your goal is to complete a 5k (3.1 miles) You can do this walking, jogging, skipping, etc. You might even get it just walking the kiddos around trick or treating! Let us know what you did, how you felt, and especially if you were in costume or not. If you complete it your reward is a piece of halloween candy of your choice
Good luck everyone and have a great week!!!


  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    I won't be bidding on the items, had they been running shoes we may have had a different story on our hands. I offer my crunches to anyone who needs them :D

    Tomorrow I will be running a 20k, so consider the "GHostly Gallop" optional challenege accepted. I will post my run times tomorrow for anyone who is interested. I did watch the show last night and really enjoyed it. The letter really spoke to me because long ago, at 18, I wrote these letters and still have them to 5 people I needed to forgive. A year later I also wrote a letter to myself. It was through that process that I was able to let a lot go in my life. I really don't believe if I hadn't done this I would be able to function as well as I do today. Nor would my personal and professional goals been attainable.

    As to the big question of the week "why are we trying," and "why are we here." I decided to join the biggest loser challenge group because I really like myFitnessPals and I thought It would be a great way to meet other inspirational people as I continue on my weightloss journey. I have come so far in the process that I can't imagine not sharing with others. I also really wanted to try new challenges and see what other people do for weightloss. I personally cannot afford a gym membership so running is my outlet but I am interested to see how other people struggle and how they overcome them.

    One of the biggest things I consistently noticed since day 1 on myFitnessPals is how many people participate in "cheat days/weekends," one of the things that I learned from the beginning of my weight loss journey was to incorporate the things I love however do it in a way that did not go over my calorie goals.

    I spent most of my summer watching every episode Seasons 1- 14 of the Biggest Loser one of the biggest things that I learned was how if we aren't afraid to ask how we can get our food modified to meet our needs at restaurants.

    Last night, for example I was absolutely craving peanutbutter cookies. It had been cookie day at work. Instead of indulging in the cookie fest, my brother and I came up with a simple calorie effiecient peanutbutter cookie recipe. That gave me a treat and helped me stay within my calorie goal.

    Not being the "fat" me far outweighs the need to cheat, I'd rather find a way to change my "life style" than cheat my way thru it and fall back into old habits and weight gain in the long run.

    So here is to week 3!! I am exactly 7.6 lbs away from 100 lbs lost. My 6th wedding anniversary in November 17th. 18 days away. My goal is to loose no less than 1 lb every other day. I plan to do this ove rthe next 18 days by hitting my burn every day. Eating healthy, but having treats within my calorie limit. My husband has never seen me under 315 lbs, so to hit 252.2 lbs for my anniversary is the greatest gift I can give him. A new me. A healthier me. A free me. One who isn't afraid to show him my body, go out in a dress, or just simply accept the fact that I am beautiful! Once I hit that 100 lbs mark. I have 75 lbs left to loose to be healthy, maybe 100 to be within the lower end of my heights weight goal. But for now, I'll take the big goal of 100lbs gone!!
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    My entire workout routine right now consists of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred, hand weights, the elliptical, the treadmill and as of tomorrow, C25K, so I think I'm going to opt out of the auction challenge and do the optional 5k instead. I would be lost if I wasn't able to utilize the tools I have available (I live in Minnesota and it snowed a bit this week, so I'm not loving the idea of trying to walk outside for a week) and I would feel bad about taking a necessary piece of equipment away from one of my teammates. I'll gladly offer my crunches to anyone that wants them for the challenge. =)

    Why am I trying? Because I can't not try anymore.

    Why am I failing? I'm not failing anymore. I was scared because I had an unhealthy relationship with food, a learned habit because of my past. My mom was anorexic and bulimic, it killed her when I was 18 months old. My family took eating to the other extreme after that because they adopted the logic that they'd rather be overweight than underweight or dead. I'm trying to break that cycle so my son can have a normal relationship with food and fitness.

    My goals this week:

    To lose at least 1 pound.
    To finish Level 2 of 30DS and start Level 3.
    To push myself to 45 minutes on the treadmill.
    To complete the first week of C25K with my best friend.
  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member
    For my workouts I'm doing the Insanity dvds so I'll go ahead and bid my 100 crunches on Exercise videos since that is the only equipment I'm using. My goals for this week are to do the Insanity workout everyday and to eat clean (been eating too many processed foods lately and I can tell I'm not feeling as good). That's a great idea about writing a letter, I always feel a lot better after getting my thoughts down on paper, I'll definitely work on that this week too!
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    Good evening Green,

    Glad to see that so many of you guys have amazing workout routines. I had a blast today Hiking/Geocaching with my Hubby and dogs. One of the best parts of Southern Cali, still great hiking weather at the end of October. FYI for those of you on my friends list I don't log "activities" I have a fitbit that is linked to MFP so that does it automatically.

    Most of my workout has been walking I was going to try to start DvDs this week but I don't want to bid against those like Tolstoy who have such a solid core workout using those. I can't afford a gym membership at this time so I don't have access to the other equipment.

    I plan on participating in the "Ghostly Gallop" tomorrow. I wish I had a costume but a nice stroll to go people watching sounds like it could be fun.

    Hope everyone has a great week. I'm going to try to be posting a lot more often.:glasses:

    Long Story Short I bid 10 crunches on Hand Weights.
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    I won't be bidding on the items, had they been running shoes we may have had a different story on our hands. I offer my crunches to anyone who needs them :D

    Tomorrow I will be running a 20k, so consider the "GHostly Gallop" optional challenege accepted. I will post my run times tomorrow for anyone who is interested. I did watch the show last night and really enjoyed it. The letter really spoke to me because long ago, at 18, I wrote these letters and still have them to 5 people I needed to forgive. A year later I also wrote a letter to myself. It was through that process that I was able to let a lot go in my life. I really don't believe if I hadn't done this I would be able to function as well as I do today. Nor would my personal and professional goals been attainable.

    As to the big question of the week "why are we trying," and "why are we here." I decided to join the biggest loser challenge group because I really like myFitnessPals and I thought It would be a great way to meet other inspirational people as I continue on my weightloss journey. I have come so far in the process that I can't imagine not sharing with others. I also really wanted to try new challenges and see what other people do for weightloss. I personally cannot afford a gym membership so running is my outlet but I am interested to see how other people struggle and how they overcome them.

    One of the biggest things I consistently noticed since day 1 on myFitnessPals is how many people participate in "cheat days/weekends," one of the things that I learned from the beginning of my weight loss journey was to incorporate the things I love however do it in a way that did not go over my calorie goals.

    I spent most of my summer watching every episode Seasons 1- 14 of the Biggest Loser one of the biggest things that I learned was how if we aren't afraid to ask how we can get our food modified to meet our needs at restaurants.

    Last night, for example I was absolutely craving peanutbutter cookies. It had been cookie day at work. Instead of indulging in the cookie fest, my brother and I came up with a simple calorie effiecient peanutbutter cookie recipe. That gave me a treat and helped me stay within my calorie goal.

    Not being the "fat" me far outweighs the need to cheat, I'd rather find a way to change my "life style" than cheat my way thru it and fall back into old habits and weight gain in the long run.

    So here is to week 3!! I am exactly 7.6 lbs away from 100 lbs lost. My 6th wedding anniversary in November 17th. 18 days away. My goal is to loose no less than 1 lb every other day. I plan to do this ove rthe next 18 days by hitting my burn every day. Eating healthy, but having treats within my calorie limit. My husband has never seen me under 315 lbs, so to hit 252.2 lbs for my anniversary is the greatest gift I can give him. A new me. A healthier me. A free me. One who isn't afraid to show him my body, go out in a dress, or just simply accept the fact that I am beautiful! Once I hit that 100 lbs mark. I have 75 lbs left to loose to be healthy, maybe 100 to be within the lower end of my heights weight goal. But for now, I'll take the big goal of 100lbs gone!!
    Oh Jesse girl, you had me in tears reading this. first let me say you are awsome and inspiring. I am so glad to have you on my team. You give me strength on the days, would rather just curl up. I know you got your goal, you rock it every day!! I hope you buy yourself a rocking hot new outfit for your anniversary and you and your husband find something fun and exciting to do, you deserve it!! Have a great week!!-Tammie:flowerforyou:
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    My entire workout routine right now consists of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred, hand weights, the elliptical, the treadmill and as of tomorrow, C25K, so I think I'm going to opt out of the auction challenge and do the optional 5k instead. I would be lost if I wasn't able to utilize the tools I have available (I live in Minnesota and it snowed a bit this week, so I'm not loving the idea of trying to walk outside for a week) and I would feel bad about taking a necessary piece of equipment away from one of my teammates. I'll gladly offer my crunches to anyone that wants them for the challenge. =)

    Why am I trying? Because I can't not try anymore.

    Why am I failing? I'm not failing anymore. I was scared because I had an unhealthy relationship with food, a learned habit because of my past. My mom was anorexic and bulimic, it killed her when I was 18 months old. My family took eating to the other extreme after that because they adopted the logic that they'd rather be overweight than underweight or dead. I'm trying to break that cycle so my son can have a normal relationship with food and fitness.

    My goals this week:

    To lose at least 1 pound.
    To finish Level 2 of 30DS and start Level 3.
    To push myself to 45 minutes on the treadmill.
    To complete the first week of C25K with my best friend.
    It is awesome that you are trying to break the cycle. I know how hard it is and I am trying to the same, It is hard. You are awesome wit your workouts, keep up the great work!! Have a great week!!-Tammie
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Of course you all know that I will be bidding in the gym classes-50 crunches and the elliptical-50 crunches. I will hold my bid at that. This are my core exercises though, but I could think out of the box if I had too. I may take some up of you on your offers to buy crunches, we'll see. I want this to be a fair auction. I think we should close it down by 9 p.m. tomorrow though. Have a great day!! As a side note, I am going to see a KISS concert tonight and dance the night away and I am down 2 pounds for the week so far ..woot woot. Happy Halloween everyone..have a safe one!!
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    Today I'm dragging my friend out to walk a 5k with me on the state trail. It will be a milestone walk for me, so I'm glad that this is the optional challenge. I definitely needed a push in this direction. :)

    Happy Halloween everyone! =D
  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member
    Wow, have fun at the KISS concert tonight Tammie!!! And I hope you enjoy your walk today Allie!!! Unfortunately, I can't do the optional 5k challenge today...working all day and then have plans to go to a friend's house for Halloween after work. But I will be taking my dogs on a 5 mile hike this weekend that I'm really looking forward to.

    I've been thinking about my why and realized that there are two parts: 1) the superficial reason that I want to be able to wear cute clothes, especially with getting married in the next year or so (we haven't settled on an exact date yet) I want to look good for all of the pictures that I know will be taken. Also I struggle with self-esteem issues and I know that with losing some of the weight I will feel more confident, which will help me to get out of the house more and enjoy doing things with friends! and 2) is to hopefully avoid a lot of the health problems that my parent's are experiencing. My mom has multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia and my dad has had a heart attack and has type II diabetes. While both of my parent's are thin, they have horrible nutrition, which I am convinced is causing them to feel worse and have worse health outcomes than if they made an effort to eat healthier. I didn't start learning about nutrition and how to eat healthy (always ate fast food and literally went years without eating a vegetable) in the last year or so and feel so much better!! I want to start and keep healthy habits now in order to try to prevent some of the struggles that I have seen them go through.

    And as for why I'm failing...gosh I could put down a million excuses, but I think it boils down to taking the easy way out when I get stressed/tired and falling back into old habits. Trying so hard to break this and I'm going to keep focusing on making healthy decisions! :happy:
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks Tammie and Tolstoy! =)

    I completed the ghostly gallop a little while ago. It honestly took less time than I expected (1:12:01, when I thought it would be about 90 minutes), but I'm excited to keep improving on my numbers.
  • jfea
    jfea Posts: 31 Member
    Well, I guess I am one of the last to check in. The kids are out trick or treating or hanging out with friends (teenagers) and I finally getting a chance to sit down. I usually on do walking and crunches and push ups so I guess the auction thing doesn't really work for me. But the walking challenge does - so I did that!

    I will write more later about my why/goal.

    Happy Halloween!
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    Completed 13 of 20 km of the Virtual Ghostly Gallop hosted by the Running Group I am apart of. Had a blast. Really wanted to complete the whole 20 km but my body is not ready for the yet. In time it shall be. My miles times were really slow today too and at the 12th km I got dizzy. We chalk it up to low blood sugar. I will have to work on fueling before long runs much much much better in the future. Overall great day. We don't really participate in Hallow's Eve in my family. So I made homemade peanubutter oatmeal raisin cookies that were like 5" a piece and were only 72 calories :D and now are watching disaster movies.
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Wow, have fun at the KISS concert tonight Tammie!!! And I hope you enjoy your walk today Allie!!! Unfortunately, I can't do the optional 5k challenge today...working all day and then have plans to go to a friend's house for Halloween after work. But I will be taking my dogs on a 5 mile hike this weekend that I'm really looking forward to.

    I've been thinking about my why and realized that there are two parts: 1) the superficial reason that I want to be able to wear cute clothes, especially with getting married in the next year or so (we haven't settled on an exact date yet) I want to look good for all of the pictures that I know will be taken. Also I struggle with self-esteem issues and I know that with losing some of the weight I will feel more confident, which will help me to get out of the house more and enjoy doing things with friends! and 2) is to hopefully avoid a lot of the health problems that my parent's are experiencing. My mom has multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia and my dad has had a heart attack and has type II diabetes. While both of my parent's are thin, they have horrible nutrition, which I am convinced is causing them to feel worse and have worse health outcomes than if they made an effort to eat healthier. I didn't start learning about nutrition and how to eat healthy (always ate fast food and literally went years without eating a vegetable) in the last year or so and feel so much better!! I want to start and keep healthy habits now in order to try to prevent some of the struggles that I have seen them go through.

    And as for why I'm failing...gosh I could put down a million excuses, but I think it boils down to taking the easy way out when I get stressed/tired and falling back into old habits. Trying so hard to break this and I'm going to keep focusing on making healthy decisions! :happy:
    I understand falling into bad has ALWAYS been my best friend. I can eat for any occasion and every emotion. Now I am more focused on getting healthy rather than losing a ton of weight. I also want to break the pattern and help my daughter live a healthy lifestyle and not have a poor body image throughout life. Have a great week!!
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Sorry ladies for not posting yesterday. I am closing the auction and saying everyone that bid won their bid as most did not want to participate in the challenge because they do not use the exercise equipment , which I think is awesome. I also want to say that your stories have touched my heart in many ways. Please allow me to share my why and what I plan on doing this week to lesson that burden.
    I was taken from my family at the age of three by the Department of Social Services. My mother suffered from mental illness and my father just couldn't work and take care of me too. A social worker in a blue van came and told me that she was taking me for ice cream and I never returned home. I placed in several foster homes throughout the first year. In one of them, the husband beat me with a wire clothes hanger until the hook of it stuck in my face and took a chunk out of it and then he left me there to bleed. This was probably the first time in my life I turned to food and the first time I started hating my mother for abandoning me and not being there for me when I needed her. Shortly after I was placed in a foster home that I stayed in while I grew up. There were many trial tribulations with that as well, but I soon learned that one thing I could turn to was food, it never let me down. It made me feel better when I couldn't express my emotions, it got me through breakups, it was what I could blame when one boyfriend after another cheated on me. It was my best friend as my marriage fell apart and fell back together. It was there no matter where I went or what I did, and it never once judged me or yelled at me.
    This week I will be writing letters and letting go of the anger I have held onto for so long for so many things. I hate that I lack trust in relationships and never feel secure, I hate that I have a poor body image, I hate that I never feel good enough, and I hate that even when I do great things, I cannot take complements and be proud. It is time to let all of that go and move forward and get the job done.
    I know I haven't been posting many workouts in here this week. I finished the ghostly challenge on the elliptical today in 32 minutes. I worked out for 65 minutes on the elliptical most days this week, plus doing spin and circuit training classes. Tomorrow I will be doing spin for an hour and then participating in a two hour workoutathon for spina bifida. I hope I get a great burn on tomorrow. Thank you ladies for sharing your stories, you are great group of ladies. Keep pushing, we will get there. Have a great weekend!!:flowerforyou:
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    Today was my rest day, however, hubby and I did go out for a 30 minute evening walk. Today was so very stressful at work. I made a completely wrong lunch food choice. Although in my calorie limit I made myself sick :( looking forward to tomorrow being a much better day.
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    Sorry ladies for not posting yesterday. I am closing the auction and saying everyone that bid won their bid as most did not want to participate in the challenge because they do not use the exercise equipment , which I think is awesome. I also want to say that your stories have touched my heart in many ways. Please allow me to share my why and what I plan on doing this week to lesson that burden.
    I was taken from my family at the age of three by the Department of Social Services. My mother suffered from mental illness and my father just couldn't work and take care of me too. A social worker in a blue van came and told me that she was taking me for ice cream and I never returned home. I placed in several foster homes throughout the first year. In one of them, the husband beat me with a wire clothes hanger until the hook of it stuck in my face and took a chunk out of it and then he left me there to bleed. This was probably the first time in my life I turned to food and the first time I started hating my mother for abandoning me and not being there for me when I needed her. Shortly after I was placed in a foster home that I stayed in while I grew up. There were many trial tribulations with that as well, but I soon learned that one thing I could turn to was food, it never let me down. It made me feel better when I couldn't express my emotions, it got me through breakups, it was what I could blame when one boyfriend after another cheated on me. It was my best friend as my marriage fell apart and fell back together. It was there no matter where I went or what I did, and it never once judged me or yelled at me.
    This week I will be writing letters and letting go of the anger I have held onto for so long for so many things. I hate that I lack trust in relationships and never feel secure, I hate that I have a poor body image, I hate that I never feel good enough, and I hate that even when I do great things, I cannot take complements and be proud. It is time to let all of that go and move forward and get the job done.
    I know I haven't been posting many workouts in here this week. I finished the ghostly challenge on the elliptical today in 32 minutes. I worked out for 65 minutes on the elliptical most days this week, plus doing spin and circuit training classes. Tomorrow I will be doing spin for an hour and then participating in a two hour workoutathon for spina bifida. I hope I get a great burn on tomorrow. Thank you ladies for sharing your stories, you are great group of ladies. Keep pushing, we will get there. Have a great weekend!!:flowerforyou:

    Your story really got me emotional. I'm glad you're writing the letters and starting to let go of some anger. You're a beautiful person, inside and out.

    Also, I love your new profile picture. I hope you had a great time at the KISS concert. :)
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    I woke up today needing some motivation and inspiration, so I turned to the internet to look for some motivational quotes and pictures. I found this one and while it's not exactly the same thing, I thought it was fitting (plus it's green -- Go Team Green!!)

  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Sorry ladies for not posting yesterday. I am closing the auction and saying everyone that bid won their bid as most did not want to participate in the challenge because they do not use the exercise equipment , which I think is awesome. I also want to say that your stories have touched my heart in many ways. Please allow me to share my why and what I plan on doing this week to lesson that burden.
    I was taken from my family at the age of three by the Department of Social Services. My mother suffered from mental illness and my father just couldn't work and take care of me too. A social worker in a blue van came and told me that she was taking me for ice cream and I never returned home. I placed in several foster homes throughout the first year. In one of them, the husband beat me with a wire clothes hanger until the hook of it stuck in my face and took a chunk out of it and then he left me there to bleed. This was probably the first time in my life I turned to food and the first time I started hating my mother for abandoning me and not being there for me when I needed her. Shortly after I was placed in a foster home that I stayed in while I grew up. There were many trial tribulations with that as well, but I soon learned that one thing I could turn to was food, it never let me down. It made me feel better when I couldn't express my emotions, it got me through breakups, it was what I could blame when one boyfriend after another cheated on me. It was my best friend as my marriage fell apart and fell back together. It was there no matter where I went or what I did, and it never once judged me or yelled at me.
    This week I will be writing letters and letting go of the anger I have held onto for so long for so many things. I hate that I lack trust in relationships and never feel secure, I hate that I have a poor body image, I hate that I never feel good enough, and I hate that even when I do great things, I cannot take complements and be proud. It is time to let all of that go and move forward and get the job done.
    I know I haven't been posting many workouts in here this week. I finished the ghostly challenge on the elliptical today in 32 minutes. I worked out for 65 minutes on the elliptical most days this week, plus doing spin and circuit training classes. Tomorrow I will be doing spin for an hour and then participating in a two hour workoutathon for spina bifida. I hope I get a great burn on tomorrow. Thank you ladies for sharing your stories, you are great group of ladies. Keep pushing, we will get there. Have a great weekend!!:flowerforyou:

    Your story really got me emotional. I'm glad you're writing the letters and starting to let go of some anger. You're a beautiful person, inside and out.

    Also, I love your new profile picture. I hope you had a great time at the KISS concert. :)
    Thank you Allie. Yes the concert was great except I couldn't hear out of my left ear for almost a full day, I was too close to the speakers. I have started the letters. It is hard. Have a great night.
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    I woke up today needing some motivation and inspiration, so I turned to the internet to look for some motivational quotes and pictures. I found this one and while it's not exactly the same thing, I thought it was fitting (plus it's green -- Go Team Green!!)


    Love this Allie. Thank you for posting!!! GO GREEN TEAM GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Thought I would share a funny experience with you tonight. Today during my workout marathon..yes 3 1/2 hours, my bra strap snapped during the last routine-dance. Apparently the brand that I had on could only handle about 3 hours of hopping and bopping, but I tucked that baby in and continued on. I even went for a 3.5 mile walk today in the rain afterwards. My body has decided now it is going to shut down and only operate on auto pilot. Hope everyone has a great night!!