Motiavation needed: Friends apprecaited

bruma1345 Posts: 21 Member
Hello, my name is Christina and I am finally ready to get motivated and serious. I started out almost 300 lbs (297) and now just barely under 270). I have been at a standstill and needed to get serious again. I just binged again today and need to stop. I am looking for support and motivated. I jointed a 12 wk biggest loser challenge and we have about 8 wks left. I have 2 young sons and NEED to get healthy for them.
Please feel free to add me on MFP.. I also have the Jawbone up.. my email is
Any feedback and tips are appreciated!


  • glenclouser
    glenclouser Posts: 21 Member
    Glad you are ready. My first tip is would be to just commit to log EVERYTHING as accurately as you can. Even when you over do it...logging the food helps you take control when a binge is underway.
    Second tip: Don't worry about 12 weeks of anything really. Weigh loss happens when one day at a time. You can't control the future and you can't change the past--but surely you can commit to following your nutrition plan and logging everything for the next 24 hours! I know for me the prospect of losing all the weight I have to lose was overwhelming. It helps me to not worry about the will power I need for the future. I just need enough for today.

    Anyway those 2 principles were very helpful to me when I was just starting:)
  • sarahyourprincess
    sarahyourprincess Posts: 36 Member
    I added you, I second the log everything
    that is the biggest thing I've learned
    even when I'm on vacation
    I don't get upset if I go over each day, but I do make sure I'm logging it
    it makes me feel accountable.

    Friends on here are fantastic, they help kinda pull you in the right direction when I for one want to stray,
    good luck! keep going you'll get where you want to go.
  • lamornad
    lamornad Posts: 5 Member

    I know the up and down blues like a sister. Its great that you have an incentive of your two boys but they should not be the only reason to win. YOU are your main asset and concern. You are worth the effort. Try not to make this a matter of self sacrifice for others. They will benefit but they will benefit more from you learning to love you. Also it is not their problem unless you are trying for lifestyle changes together.

    You are in charge of you. Binging is a way of compensating yourself Its 'Don't cry eat your cake' much better to find out what you are crying for and fix it or learn to live with it. Email me if it helps. lamorna.**** Been there done it got the sixteen tee shirts, all different sizes.

  • SucculentGoddess
    SucculentGoddess Posts: 42 Member
    My biggest lesson is

    LOG EVERYTHING at the time you are eating it
    it really makes you conscious of your food choices

    and what i am still trying to learn is drink more water

    I am also an affirmation person
    I always have the mantra " I make wise food choices' before i order or buy food ... i hear it in my head now i have said it so often to myself

    I have a daily affirmation too

    "I breathe deeply, bringing energy to all my cells.

    I love and appreciate my body and it's remarkable capacity for healing.

    I am truly grateful for all the joy and love in my abundant life.

    Every day I choose great health and inner peace"