11 inches LOST WOOHOO

sibalola Posts: 34 Member
Everyone post their current results with T25! I have lost 15lbs and 11 inches !


  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    That's awesome!! Congratulations!! I posted a topic about sharing results last week so I hope others will post as well. I'm so happy for you!! The program is awesome and everyone I know who's doing the program has had spectacular results. Did you enter the challenge to get your free Focus T25 T-shirt? If not make sure you submit your success so you can have a chance at winning cash!!! Have a great day.
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    wowzers fantastic! Me have no clue!
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    Im at the end of my 2nd week. I am down 3.4 pounds already. I only measure once a month so I will update you guys when I know how many inches I lost. Just love the results I am seeing already!
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Congratulations!! Keep up the good work. Focus T25 is an awesome program and there are many individuals who have gotten proven results with the program. Have a good day.
  • KeepCalmAndWODOn
    KeepCalmAndWODOn Posts: 12 Member
    I will be starting T25 as soon as it comes in the mail! Im nervous. I never finish what I start. I need this flab gone. Keep up the great work!!!
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Hi! You will love T25. It's become my favorite program so far. Who can beat working up a sweat, burning calories and losing weight and inches with a program that's only 25 mins? Let us know when you start and keep us posted on your progress and results. Have a great day!:smile:
  • KeepCalmAndWODOn
    KeepCalmAndWODOn Posts: 12 Member
    I got my DVD's in the mail and will start on Nov 4th this Monday (I will take measurements on sat). I usually follow a low carb high protein no sugar regiment while working out... The pounds come off easier if I was just working out. Im getting ready for the commitment. How is everyone eles managing working out. What time does everyone workout:???? Have a great weekend :)
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    HI! I'm happy that you decided to join the challenge group. You're going to love Focus T25. I love the time restraints, the option of a modifier, and the fact that the program works. Results, Results! The program also comes with a very simple nutrition guide if you decide to try any of the recipes. It sounds like you already have it planned out and you know what works so I would continue doing what you do. Personally, I work out in the morning, but I'm sure everyone will give you different answers. Workout when it fits in your schedule. Just remember to follow Tania the modifier if you need to. I still follow her sometimes. The results will still come if you totally focus for the 25 minutes and give it all you got. If you have any questions feel free to send me a message or post here. Good luck and remember have fun!! I look forward to your posts.:smile::smile: