New Year's Challenge

LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
Guess what time it is! The Halloween challenge is over so I think it only makes sense to have a New Year's challenge to end on New Year's day. 2 months from today!

Who's in?

CW: 198
GW: 185

Can't wait to see how many of you join this challenge! The Halloween challenge had an awesome turn out :)


  • 13turtles
    13turtles Posts: 183 Member
    Okay, I haven't done one of these is a while, so I will go for it with you! I'd really like to lose and get A) under 200 and B) closer to my personal goal of 175.


    CW: 204
    GW: 190

    Now to get it done!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    I'm in.

    CW: 282.2
    GW: 250

    I lost 30 pounds in the halloween challenge. Looking for a repeat. :)
  • hi all. i am new to this group. i am 10 months post op and would love to join in a New Years Challenge. putting the pressure on myself to get in MAJOR GEAR SO....LETS GO!!!!!!! 7AM GYM HERE I AM. :-)

    cw: 237
    gw: 160
  • To excited about having an incentive to work with. Could not wait for the gym in the morning and hopped on the exercise bike tonight and rode for an hour. Then did my ab crunches. Still going to the gym in the AM. Have a positive goes a long way.????
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    Okay, I'll shoot for this. I'm still going for that 135 goal. This year I do plan on a few indulgences--like a piece of cranberry orange bread or decorated sugar cookie once in a blue moon. Optimally, I'd like to see the 120's, but we'll stick with the 135 for now.
    So, I'm in.
    Current weight is 137.
    Goal weight by 1/1/14 is 135.
    Maybe this time I will see success!
  • MaggyMaizy2
    MaggyMaizy2 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm in, too. Thanks for starting this challenge, LolaBug!
    I MUST get back into an exercise routine. Since school started up again and with taking on an evening teaching job (just two nights a week, but still more lessons and papers!) I have not worked out, walked regularly, ...

    So, my goal is to walk/ exercise at least three days a week and to get into the 130s.
    Current Weight: 142.5 lbs
    Goal Weight: 137.5
    Exercise Goal: 3+ days a week
    Food Goal: NO junk!!!
  • rubisliprz
    rubisliprz Posts: 139 Member
    I'm in!

    cw: 203
    gw: 183
    exercise goal: anything... yikes I need to do this!
  • sashahanrahan
    sashahanrahan Posts: 42 Member
    I'm in again! Having surgery on the 26th so it'll be hard to guess what's possible, but I'll try nonetheless. :)

    CW: 245
    GW: 215
  • Butlavie
    Butlavie Posts: 46 Member
    Im in..didnt stick to the Halloween but Im back on track :)

    CW: 186
    GW: 166

    taking small goals at a time
  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    Glad to see everyone participating :)
  • MaggyMaizy2
    MaggyMaizy2 Posts: 148 Member
    I absolutely blew last week - :frown:
    I WILL do better this week! :happy:
  • Bubirn
    Bubirn Posts: 44 Member
    Hi all, I'm Gerri. New to the sleeve life I am down 14.5 lbs since surgery and looking to keep dropping.

    I'd love to join a challenge but I need a little direction. What is the challenge? What do I need to do to join?

    Thanks Gerri
  • pal00ga
    pal00ga Posts: 139 Member
    A week late, but I've only just started getting back on track today.
    Since it has taken me a good 2 months to gain back 7.2 lbs, I want to have lost that by New Years.

    Current Weight: 163.2
    Goal Weight: 156
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Hi all, I'm Gerri. New to the sleeve life I am down 14.5 lbs since surgery and looking to keep dropping.

    I'd love to join a challenge but I need a little direction. What is the challenge? What do I need to do to join?

    Thanks Gerri


    This challenge doesn't have group activities as far as diet or activity. It is more about motivation and support. Each person sets their own goal of what they would like to achieve by New Year's Day, then tries to achieve it.

    To join, simply post your current weight and your goal weight at New Year's. Then check in periodically to keep all updated on your progress and at the end with your result (even if you don't meet your goal).

    Check out the Halloween Challenge thread if you want to get a better idea of how it works.
  • Bubirn
    Bubirn Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for letting me know. Another question, what is a realistic goal for being so new? I lost 14.5 first wk post op in the second week now. I'm thinking 25 lbs??? Given what you all lost in the first few weeks does that seem good without being wimpy, lol.
    Thanks Gerri
  • pal00ga
    pal00ga Posts: 139 Member
    wow! You have already lost so much! I actually gained my first 2 weeks. I only ate ice the first couple days and then just protein shakes for the rest of my liquid phase as I hate broth. My surgeon said it was very normal to initially gain as the body is holding onto a lot of liquids and repairing itself. That said, I only lost a little over 17 lbs my first MONTH!
    Of course you shouldn't compare your journey to anyone else's, but I know how nice it is just to see where you stand with everyone. Of course, your initial weight loss is definitely not what you can expect to see every week. The most I ever lost in 1 week was 5 lbs and that was at like 3 months out.
    That being said, I think with you being so early out and having almost 2 months to work on your weight, 25 lbs seems very reasonable.
  • Bubirn
    Bubirn Posts: 44 Member
    Well thanks for the direction and help. Since I'm early in this program I'm hoping for a good weight loss and plan to work towards it.

    CUrrent Weight: 279.5
    Goal Weight: 255
  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    I hope everyone is doing well and hope to see more people join!
  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    How's everyone doing on the challenge?! Just over a month left!
  • Bubirn
    Bubirn Posts: 44 Member
    Hi All,

    I've been going to the gym and doing some arm work at home. So working my way to my New Year's goal.

    Current weight: 274
    Goal weight: 255

    Hope more people join, this is a nice way to stay accountable and get motivated by everyone's success

    Thanks Lolabug for setting this up!