
I've had a membership on MFP for months. I was actually surprised at how many - but I'd never really done much with it. I decided today to really start using it. I'm hoping that the 'community' of joining a group would help.

Brief stats are 55 years - and looking to lose about 40 pounds.


  • welcome! I joined MFP in march of this year.
  • knittingbandmom
    knittingbandmom Posts: 190 Member
    We're very close. I've been on mfp for over a year. I've lost, I've gained. I'm ready to lose it and have it stay lost! I want to lose around 50 pounds.
  • lacasey112
    lacasey112 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. I just started back. This group fits me. So for I have broke even with my calorie count the past two days. How often do you weight and then how often do you enter that in MFP?
  • Aspieb
    Aspieb Posts: 26
    I am planning to weigh every week or two. Haven't decided yet.

    I haven't figured out how to enter everything. I don't eat things all the time that have a definite calorie count, so that makes it kinda tough. Like last night we had Pasta Al Forno. I suppose I could enter the whole recipe and divide it up - but that's not gonna happen.
  • SkagitYogini
    SkagitYogini Posts: 112 Member
    Hi Aspieb,
    Have you used the recipe builder here? It's an easy way to calculate your home cooked foods. Takes a few minutes to set up a recipe, but then you save it and you can add it to your diary easily. As for MFP's food database, I've been surprised by just how many of the things I eat are already entered there by members. Even brand names and specific store deli salads. It does take some time to log every day, but I'm here to tell you that at age 55, I have lost 38 pounds since June using MFP. Welcome aboard!
  • ruthlesswr
    ruthlesswr Posts: 114 Member
    Welcome! Glad to have you join us and feel free to add me.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Welcome. I also do a lot of my own cooking, and I often don't use a recipe, so it can be hard. Weekends are harder for me to track my calories, but I've been doing pretty well. I have entered two recipes in so far.
  • Aspieb
    Aspieb Posts: 26
    Thanks for the information. I think I'm just going to have to build up a recipe base over time and not stress about it.

    Skagit - I hope I'm able to say that someday, too!

    Thanks, Ruth :)
  • KerryITD
    KerryITD Posts: 94 Member
    I'm new to MFP but not to logging/counting etc. I've had long stretches of not being responsible but it feels good to finally have my head in a good place to keep track of intake and exercise.

  • Hi from New Zealand! I've been using mfa for the last 5 weeks and have lost 4 kgs. I love the app as it seems to not only keep me motivated but I can't cheat on the calorie intake either!
    Because the app was not created for my country a lot of the brands are different so I've become good at putting the recipes in, even for things I buy at the supermarket.
    It's not hard, just takes time.
    I wanted to join a group to keep me on the right path and hope I can keep motivated! It's hard to lose weight when you're over 50 but so far so good.
  • ruthlesswr
    ruthlesswr Posts: 114 Member
    Welcome alithekiwi ! Love the name. Feel free to add me. I hope to someday visit NZ - my daughter spent a year in Christchurch at school and just loved it.
  • Hi. I'm pretty new to this whole tracking thing. I want to lose ten pounds, and I've been tracking for almost two weeks and have maybe lost 1 pound (depending on what time of day I weigh!). I walk about 40-60 minutes most days and have been close to my 1200 calories each day. This seems like slow weight loss since I'm eating significantly less than I was before I started tracking. Does it take longer at our age? I'm 62 and have never been hugely overweight, but the pounds have been sticking around for awhile now and I need to lose some before it turns into a more serious problem. Any advice or words of wisdom from you veterans to keep me motivated? I will really appreciate any help you can offer. This seems like a great forum!
  • ann121212
    ann121212 Posts: 290 Member
    Hi I am also new to MFP but i have been using another calorie counting program for about 10 years (on and off and on and off and on).
    I KNOW my main problem is eating too much of the treat type food, but it is so easy to just have a small piece now and again and again and again so that the effects creep up on you slowly. Keeping a diet diary solves this problem.
    My New Years resolution every year is to keep an accurate diary for a month (i always get it), but this year I have decided I want to look good for the Christmas photos not hide from the cameras, so I have started early. I probably should have started in June to look really good,(that is June 2012 lol) but at least I SHOULD be only overweight rather than obese.
    At only 5'1" and 54 years old it does not take much to put me in the obese bracket.