Unexpected from lifting


Just wanted to get a post going to encourage newbies to start lifting. So what is one unexpected result from lifting you experienced?

For me, lifting has improved my running speed and distance way more than my previous cardio alone had. Apparently I can run a lot harder on my new found muscular legs.

Whats yours?


  • courtniemarie
    courtniemarie Posts: 172 Member
    Oh, I haven't tried running again since I started this program, maybe I should see how i do now! I have found that my balance has improved. I notice it most now when I step out of the shower/tub or am changing my clothes. I can now easily balance myself on one leg and not wobble around everywhere!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    I will have to ditto the running. I had a terrible time getting in my training runs for my last 10K and I ended up doing WAY better than expected even with a bad cramp that set my time back. I've also found longer runs to be a bit easier.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,126 Member
    Lifting weights INCREASED my confidence in just about every single area of my life. Awesome confidence-booster. Period.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    You know how shopping carts get stuck together and you can't pull them apart? I don't have that problem anymore :tongue:
  • tobirhae
    tobirhae Posts: 108 Member
    I'm just on my second week of NROLFW and I'm a runner, so it's great to hear about the increase in endurance and speed from lifting. I'd love to be faster without having to run more- I do love to run, but I'd rather lift right now. :)
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Having visible muscles makes me feel like a badass. I am much more confident in and out of the weight room now.

    ... and as someone who has always suffered from severe social anxiety, I actually make eye contact, smile and chat with people at the gym -- specifically the guys in the weight room.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    the feeling of going to sleep with your muscle a little sore. Now I crawl into bed when I'm ready, and I just sleep. I have no regrets about what I should have done that day because I know I did an awesome thing. It's so much easier to get into the weight room for 40 minutes...I would frequently skip runs and other cardio workouts and crawl into bed and think " I definitely could have done more today."

    One of the most inspiring things that has stuck with me is "wake up with determination, go to bed with satisfaction."

    I can also open every jar in my house.
  • semira6
    semira6 Posts: 36 Member
    Agreed! I can open those glass Perrier bottles now! I usually had to outsource that :)
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I have been doing my own strength training plan....but I am starting on NROLFW come Monday!! I don't know if there is any scientific evidence, but I think lifting has improved my stability/balance, especially at the TRX Suspension Training class...!!
  • jamifishie
    jamifishie Posts: 26 Member
    I'm the office favorite -- always volunteering to load and unload! My roommate, who is lifting with me, can all of a sudden walk in heels like a pro. I think it's the core strength.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,509 Member
    I can do pole dance tricks my instructor can't even do. :bigsmile:
  • sarah2002
    sarah2002 Posts: 77 Member
    I had always heard that you either have cellulite or you don't...doesn't matter what type of shape you are in. I had always had cellulite, even when I was a really skinny teenager. Well, mine disappeared when I started doing NROLFW. I'll have to admit, when I realized it was gone, I couldn't stop staring at my legs for a couple of weeks. :laugh:
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Never knew how much I would LOVE the feeling of being sore! Makes me realize how hard I worked, and makes me feel like I accomplished something. Also, my body is really changing a lot, for the better, since I started this book. Bootie's a little higher, arms more defined, and tummy looking flatter. Lost 1 and 1/2 inches in my tummy already. :wink: :happy:
  • MrsK20141004
    MrsK20141004 Posts: 489 Member
    Saving for later for inspiration!
  • DesireeNL
    DesireeNL Posts: 220 Member
    This all sounds very good :-)
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,509 Member
    I had always heard that you either have cellulite or you don't...doesn't matter what type of shape you are in. I had always had cellulite, even when I was a really skinny teenager. Well, mine disappeared when I started doing NROLFW. I'll have to admit, when I realized it was gone, I couldn't stop staring at my legs for a couple of weeks. :laugh:

    This, too! I'm almost 40 and I have NO cellulite on my thighs anymore! My legs look better than they did when I was 20! :drinker:
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Another one for me:

    I'm well on my way to not caring about the number on the scale. I care a lot more about the numbers of, and the numbers on the plates that I add to the barbell during my workouts.

    Every time I hear that stereotypical female self-talk in my head telling me "you weigh too much, you need to lose a few more pounds, you eat too much" b.s., I can respond, "Shut up, b*tch, I deadlift 205!"

    Weights have helped me to eliminate the desire to obtain the unobtainable female body that is pervasive in all forms of media, and have also helped me to get over the inadequacy I always felt about looking strong instead of frail and feminine.
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    Every time I hear that stereotypical female self-talk in my head telling me "you weigh too much, you need to lose a few more pounds, you eat too much" b.s., I can respond, "Shut up, b*tch, I deadlift 205!"

    ^^^THIS IS PERFECT.^^^

    I didn't expect my weight to fluctuate so much. I'm so used to seeing it all over the place that the number on the scale is losing its meaning because it's so inconsistent.

    I didn't expect to be able to SEE so much of a difference so quickly. Progress pics are the new scale.

    I didn't expect to be so hungry. Although now that I've cut out a lot of cardio, the hunger has backed down a little.

    I didn't expect the crazy disconnect with what I saw in the mirror and what my measurements said. I have way more definition now, and I LOOK smaller in some places, but the measuring tape tells me I've gained inches in a few places. I'm super alright with that, though- no more flat butt!
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Didn't expect to get to my goal BF% so quickly. It is now 11/2, and I did my BF analysis this morning at the gym. Since 10/10, I've gone from 27%, to 23%! Also lost 7lb's of body fat, and gained 4lb's of muscle!!! I just think this is amazing! I haven't had this much change in such a short amount of time since I first started to lose weight at 210lb's! (now 145, btw). :happy:
  • firedupfriend
    firedupfriend Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks......from a newbie
  • phizzylizzy
    phizzylizzy Posts: 94 Member
    Awesome thread!

    I've found a lot of what everyone else said to be totally true - better at running, opening jars and bottles with ease, walking confidently in heels (this was a BIG one for me!!), and reducing cellulite. Also, boosting confidence, big time. It's improved my yoga practice in some ways (and made it harder in others - something I'm working on). After a workout, I sleep so well. Working out with my partner has been a real bonding experience. And I LOVE wearing my workout clothes. Feel like my lycra/spandex is my best outfit :)