Orange Team Week 4

BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
Hello orange Team!!! All of you did a great job last week! What are your goals for this week? My goal is the same yet again to lose 3 lbs. I just can't seem to get there for some reason. I have not gotten word of what the challenge will be yet and I missed last nights episode so I have no idea what it even could be. I will let ou all know when the challenge is posted in the official week 4 thread.


  • kaylikee
    kaylikee Posts: 68 Member
    You both posted about the same time lol and I had just been in and didn't see anything. then boom both posted lol anyway my goals for this week is to not eat after 9 pm, drink at least 72 oz if water a day and make sure I take all my vitamins and supplements. this challenge this week will be similar to what I do anyway. at least lately. I try to burn off a lot of the calories I eat. I think I did it yesterday. but it's not a certain food but I could try. I think I'll just wait and post a big one at the end of the week rather than post everyday. guess I'll see...
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Here is this weeks challenge!!!
    *******challenge summary**********
    1) Make sure you are recording everything you eat if you arent already
    2) Chose a food item or group of food items that you may like but may not be healthy
    3) keep track of each time you consume this and how many calories from it you ingested.
    4) complete a physical activity equivalent to that amount of calories consumed (ie one can of beer has 105 calories so you run a little over a mile until youve burned 100 calories)
    5) post in your team thread your items and activities broken down by day. While it would be most beneficial to do this each day to keep you on track, one final post with each day separated would be acceptable as well. You WILL NOT get credit for simply stating you completed the challenge this week - you need to show your teammates and coaches what you did
  • Veganmafia
    Veganmafia Posts: 54 Member
    do we post here?

    So far its birthday cake for today
    the day isn't over so I will edit in how many cals it was today
  • Veganmafia
    Veganmafia Posts: 54 Member
    do we post here?

    So far its birthday cake for today
    the day isn't over so I will edit in how many cals it was today

    Scratch the above^ I just read the challenge and lol I don't eat bday cake everyday, and its not a really issue. My thing that I want to stay away from is :heart: BREAD:heart: I love bread but my favorite bread (fresh baked sourdough and French bread ) makes me ill and I think im allergic to something in the fresh baked* (it makes my:ohwell: throat close and gives me headaches) so I need to not make myself suffer and abstain is the goal. :sad:

    No bread~
    Exercise today: 482 cals burned
  • kaylikee
    kaylikee Posts: 68 Member
    I may as well post since I'm here. my weakness is sugar and starches . there happens to be a box of donuts sitting on my table... so I ate one... 300 calories... gag... had my cleaning job today (clean someone's home every other week) and don't normally do as much at home on those days but today I did extra to make up for the lousy donut. I can't remember howmuch it was to cover it . I think around 90 minutes? Blah...
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    My goal for this week is to track every single bite. I already gave up candy & ice-cream. I got such a sweet tooth. I will be working off any sweet treat that I consume. I'll start tomorrow, since I saw this challenge late.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Goal this Week: Exercise 6 days

    I'll make sure that my calories burned covers any junk food (cake, cookies, candy, chips, ice cream, etc.) I eat this week.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    My goal is same as last week.. to see Onederland. have 1.01 lbs to go to be under 200. Like our coach, I just can't seem to break under that 200 mark.

    I would love to indulge on tempting foods, but being a very controlled diabetic. I just can't. It isn't worth the rise in my blood sugars. I will post daily what exercises I do, but I highly doubt I will eat anything I am not suppose to. (and I already list every single thing I eat on my food diary, even my seasonings I use on/in my foods)

    Today I walked my dog for 45 min for 226 calories per MFP.
    Did 5 sets of 25 squats (for a November challenge I am in). I used to see what calories I burned on the squats for 494 calories

    Total calories burned today, 720 calories.
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    This is going to be a hard one for me...I think since lately I've been stealing my sisters Halloween candy I'm going to try to cut that out completely.
  • kaylikee
    kaylikee Posts: 68 Member
    Ok today... toast at breakfast. two pieces with margerine-250. Taebo-278. Haven't done taebo in years. feels great! : )
  • Veganmafia
    Veganmafia Posts: 54 Member
    :flowerforyou: today: i ate bread (sunflower oat breadcrisps)
    total cal:90 ( 1 serving)
    :heart: total burned: 1100cals brisk walking and lifting
    goal for the rest of the week: leave my birthday cake alone:laugh:
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Weds: No Junk Food

    Thurs: Doritos 140 cals; Cals Burned 619-Running
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    :flowerforyou: today: i ate bread (sunflower oat breadcrisps)
    total cal:90 ( 1 serving)
    :heart: total burned: 1100cals brisk walking and lifting
    goal for the rest of the week: leave my birthday cake alone:laugh:

    Happy Belated Birthday!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Again today, I did not eat anything I should not of eaten.

    Today I walked my dog for 30 minutes, 150 calories per MFP.
    Did 4 sets of 25 squats with 3 lb dumbells (for a November challenge I am in) calories burned 479
    30 minutes of Kickboxing 456 calories per MFP

    Total calories burned today, 1085 calories.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    :flowerforyou: today: i ate bread (sunflower oat breadcrisps)
    total cal:90 ( 1 serving)
    :heart: total burned: 1100cals brisk walking and lifting
    goal for the rest of the week: leave my birthday cake alone:laugh:

    Happy Birthday to you :)
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    Not doing too well in the work out department. Hormones and TOM makes things out of whack! I have tracked all my food so far, but I'm so craving some sweet, but I'll pass since I'm not up to working out for the next few days.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    The other post (dated Nov. 8th is acutally for Nov. 7th)

    this is for Nov. 8th

    Again today, I did not eat anything I should not of eaten.

    Today I walked my dog for 30 minutes, 150 calories per MFP.
    Did 4 sets of 25 squats with 3 lb dumbells (for a November challenge I am in) calories burned 479

    total calories burned 629
  • kaylikee
    kaylikee Posts: 68 Member
    I think I did ok today. mostly... I ate McDonalds which isn't always bad but it was the worst of what I ate. it was 500 cals. I did extra cleaning and walking. I can't remember how many cals but it more than covered it
  • Veganmafia
    Veganmafia Posts: 54 Member
    :smile: Thanks for the bday wishes.
    I was so wrong:noway: me and my bday cake have been having a love affair since wednesday:yawn: needless to say, im ready for it to go bye bye.

    Today: 2pieces of vegan bday cake: 180calx2=360cals total
    workout: 1000+ cals burned by walking, lifting, cleaning etc...
    :ohwell: sugar gave major headaches and this week had heartburn:sad: why do i do this factor*
    :wink: so plan to flush my little system maybe a little detox to cut the cravings for sugar that may come and:drinker: get back on the boat after a nice restful day tomorrow ( oh and decrease caffiene over the weekend:heart: )
    :yawn: gotta start taking my vitamins again, didnt take any this week
  • Nida1982
    Nida1982 Posts: 16 Member
    yesterday i spend like 2 hours playing game at the pc and surfing for internet.
    So i did 15 min of steps extra: 145 kcal burned extra!!