Saturday 9th December - 8th week weigh in

SW 88.5 kg
1W 87.5 kg
2W 87 kg
3W 86 kg
4W 85.8 kg
5W 85.8 kg
6W 84.3 kg
7W 84.3 kg
8W 84.1 kg

total loss 4.4kg/9.7 lbs - I soooo wanted to get 10 lbs in this week, so that I could say I was half way there!! Never mind there is always next week :wink:

Look forward to reading everyone else's losses later on today!


  • clearly a month ahead of myself, Sorry, have absolutely no idea how to change the heading to 9th November.......if anyone can do it for me or explain how I do it that would be great!:ohwell:
  • yorkieII
    yorkieII Posts: 93 Member
    mfp starting weight 217 (1/17/12)
    Christmas challenge
    starting week weight 145.6
    week 1 weight 143.2
    week 2 weight 141.3
    week 3 weight 141.4
    didnt weigh week 4 &5
    week 6 weight 142.0
    week 7 weight 140.8
    week 8 weight 139.6
    challenge goal weight 135.6
    ugw 125

    good luck everyone on your weight loss journey!!!
  • AnnaZimm70
    AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member
    Christmas Challenge start weight: 183.5
    Current weight: 172.6
    Lost this week: .6 lbs.
    Challenge total: 10.9 lbs.

    Not a big loss, but I'll take it. Also, at went out for dinner last night and went way over on my sodium, so I think I've got some extra water weight I am carrying around today.
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Week 1 - 181
    Week 2 - 185 (started a new work out and I am retaining water)
    Week 3 - 182.6
    Week 4 - 181.4
    Week 5 - 181.2
    Week 6 - 181.0
    Week 7 - 179.6
    Week 8 - 179.2

    Down 1.8 lbs from start of challenge.
  • hotmamatodd
    hotmamatodd Posts: 33 Member
    Finally feeling a bit better each day from this chest/sinus cold. Exercise has been minimal as I've been told not to push too hard as it could irritate my already infected areas. Horrible, horrible. But I'm determined to get back at it this week. Thankful for these little scale losses at this time. :-)

    Week 1 - 1.4lb loss
    Week 2 - 1.1lb loss
    Week 3 - 2.3lb loss
    Week 4 - 0.5lb loss
    Week 5 - 1.7lb loss
    Week 6 - 0.2lb loss
    Week 7 - 0.0lb loss
    Week 8 - 0.7lb loss

    Challenge weight loss total 7.9lbs
  • dantanjah
    dantanjah Posts: 100 Member
    Congrats to all for a great week.

    SW: 212.6
    Challenge goal: 192
    CW: 188.4
    Total loss: 24.2 pounds
  • AnnaZimm70
    AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member
    Congrats to all for a great week.

    SW: 212.6
    Challenge goal: 192
    CW: 188.4
    Total loss: 24.2 pounds

    Great job! Congratulations on being one of the first to have lost 20 lbs!
  • Congrats to everyone who had a great week!
    As I suspected, no loss for me this week, despite still having a deficit overall for the week. Last week was a big loss and hopefully next week will be, too.

    Sw: 184.2
    Week1: 181.3
    Week2: 180.4
    Week 3: 180.2
    Week 4: 179.8
    Week 5: 178
    Week 6: 177
    Week 7: 174.8
    Week 8: 175

    Gained .2
    Total lost 9.2
  • Congrats to all for a great week.

    SW: 212.6
    Challenge goal: 192
    CW: 188.4
    Total loss: 24.2 pounds

    Amazing dedication with great results!! A huge congrats to you!
  • SW 264.8
    CW 244.2
    Loss this week 2.2 pounds
    Total loss since beginning of challenge 20.6 pounds
    I made it to goal for this challenge now hopefully I can be down another 10-12 pounds by Christmas. My ultimate goal is 140.
  • meowlymary
    meowlymary Posts: 84 Member
    Great job everyone!!! Yorkie, you've done amazing this year! How did you do it? We have similar starts and goals so I am extra curious.

    Dantanjah- congrats on reaching this goal over a month early! Incredible! You too Siobhan!

    This week was special for me because I hit a new low- the lowest I can remember seeing on the scale since 2010, I think!

    HW: 200+
    MFP Starting weight: 189
    Challenge starting weight: 185
    Last week: 177 (which was up .5 lbs!)

    This week: 174.6! 2.4 lbs down from last week.

    Officially halfway to goal- 10.4 lbs down. I think I can do this.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    Ha ha re the month note in the title, I didn't even notice until it was pointed out. :)

    W0: 160.3
    W1: 157.4
    W2: 155
    W3: 156
    W4: 150.4
    W5: 148.6
    W6: 147.2
    W7: 146.2
    W8: 144.8

    Total loss of 15.5

    Woo goo....5.5 to go in this challenge and 4.8 until goal. I was surprised because we went out last night and I though I would be up since is I didn't get much exercise yesterday.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Wow, you ladies are all killing it!

    Congrats to Dantanjah and Siobhan on hitting 20! Alisontheice - keep skating girl, you're almost there!

    After a gain last week, I had a huge drop this week...and my pants are falling off me (again). Seriously, this is the 3rd time in my journey this has happened to me, as I can get away with wearing my clothes through 2-3 sizes (super tight I'm a sausage, to fitting, to baggy).

    Week 0: 182.0
    Week 1: 182.8
    Week 2: 180.0
    Week 3: 176.4
    Week 4: 176.8
    Week 5: 176.0
    Week 6: 172.8
    Week 7: 175.4
    Week 8: 170.8

    Total lost during challenge: 11.2

    6 more weeks to go; I doubt I'll hit 20 as I'm closing in on goal, but will aim for to hit at least 15.

    GW: 159.8
  • Cowgal23
    Cowgal23 Posts: 106 Member
    Well I had yet another stressful week which ended with yet again another no loss for the second week in a row. So I'm still at 222.6 lbs. I need to step up the exercising but I've been so tired after work that I don't exercise. I've lost almost all my motivation for the last two weeks hopefully I can find it again soon so I can get back to losing before I end up gaining it all back again.

    Great job to everyone else!!! Your all doing awesome!!! Have a great week everyone.
  • MelonGG
    MelonGG Posts: 22 Member
    SW 173.5
    Week 8 171.0 :(

    Went up from last week, still incredibly slow, but my workouts have been minimal this week with my foot blisters and my husband away so no time away from the kidlets. investing in new shoes soon and hubby home tuesday so hopefully next week i will finally break 170...
  • AnnaZimm70
    AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member
    SW 264.8
    CW 244.2
    Loss this week 2.2 pounds
    Total loss since beginning of challenge 20.6 pounds
    I made it to goal for this challenge now hopefully I can be down another 10-12 pounds by Christmas. My ultimate goal is 140.

    Yeah, another member who reached the 20 lb. goal! Great job. You are in inspiration to us all :-)
  • Sapphire1812
    Sapphire1812 Posts: 107 Member
    Yay, finally half way there and for a change the scales have been really nice to me this week, so very pleased with that.

    Congratulations to everyone for the losses and especially to those that have already made 20lbs! Wow, that's awesome and a great motivator for the rest of us... let's keep going!! :drinker:

    SW: 183.7 lbs
    Wk1: 180.9 lbs (-2.8 lbs)
    Wk2: 179.7 lbs (-1.2 lbs)
    Wk3: 179.6 lbs (-0.6 lbs)
    Wk4: 178.8 lbs (-0.3 lbs)
    Wk5: 177.7 lbs (-1.1 lbs)
    Wk6: 176.8 lbs (-0.9 lbs)
    Wk7: 175.9 lbs (-0.9 lbs)
    Wk8: 173.4 lbs (-2.5 lbs)

    Total: -10.3 lbs

    9.7 lbs to go.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    Starting Weight: 174.2
    Week 1: 172.2
    Week 2 : No weigh in due to binging
    Week 3: 171.4
    Week 4: 172.2
    Week 5: 170.2
    Week 6: 169.8
    Week 7: 169.0
    Week 8 : 172.0

    Total lost in Challenge: 2.2lbs
    Goal Weight: 160

    Terrible binging on Halloween candy, this is especially discouraging since Halloween candy was what "caused" my initial weight gain. Now im just kind of spiraling off my diet and i dont know how to get back again, right now its a huge feat just to stay at maintenance calories.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    Congrats to all those who have reached the 20lb loss goal. How awesome is that and it must feel sooo good to be going into the holiday season already at a goal!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Week 0 - SW 186.6
    Week 1 184.8
    Week 2 185.8
    Week 3 185.6
    Week 4 184.4
    Week 5 Disaster week
    Week 6 186.2
    Week 7 188.2
    Week 8 186.2

    Well success this week I lost 2 lbs. I don't want to blow my own horn and jinx myself. I have been
    here before.:ohwell: Starting Monday I will try to not eat after dinner, a very bad habit I have. See if I
    see any results. I will have to slow down on my upper body weights, I have a knot in my left shoulder
    blade that is very painful right now. So this will not stop me, on to other things and keep tracking.

    Good luck my everyone :drinker:
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    Checking in too! As of starting the challenge stats are:

    Sw-177 lbs
    Cw- 156 lbs
    Ugw- 130 lbs

    Total Loss: - 21 lbs
    Goal is already met for the challenge but, I will stick it out here to see how much further I can go by Christmas. Mfp has done wonders for my health and I can hardly believe my results. Congrats to everyone for another great week! See ya next week! :)
  • Amianne
    Amianne Posts: 76 Member
    WK 1 268
    WK 2 267.7
    WK 3 267
    WK 4 266
    WK 5 267
    WK 6 266
    WK 7 264.6
    WK 8 266
  • AnnaZimm70
    AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member
    Checking in too! As of starting the challenge stats are:

    Sw-177 lbs
    Cw- 156 lbs
    Ugw- 130 lbs

    Total Loss: - 21 lbs
    Goal is already met for the challenge but, I will stick it out here to see how much further I can go by Christmas. Mfp has done wonders for my health and I can hardly believe my results. Congrats to everyone for another great week! See ya next week! :)

    Congratulations on meeting the Challenge goal! Great job!
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    Week 0 SW- 179
    Week 1 - 178
    Week 2- 177
    Week 3 - 176
    Week 4 - 174.4
    Week 5 - 174
    Week 6 - 172
    Week 7- 170
    Week 8 - 170
    Total loss - 9lbs
    Christmas GW- 159
  • Serious, well-earned kudos to the three who have already met goal! That is amazing!
    Great work!
  • takerbrat
    takerbrat Posts: 81 Member
    Week 0 weigh-in 177.0
    Week 1 weigh-in 176.8 . . . 0.2 lb loss. Alas, the plateau continues . . . kind of . . .
    Week 2 weigh-in 173.0 . . . 3.8 lb loss. Take that plateau!
    Week 3 weigh-in 171.2 . . . 1.8 lb loss. Just about made my goal of 2 lbs/week.
    Week 4 weigh-in 171.2 . . . no loss this week, no excuses, next week will be different . . .
    Week 5 weigh-in 170.6 . . . 0.8 lb loss. Last week wasn't that much different, some nights I swear I hear that Nutella jar calling my name and I never even liked the damn stuff before I started to lose weight! Maybe it's hormonal?
    Week 6 weigh-in 166.6 . . . 4 lb loss, yup it was hormonal! So glad to be back in the 60s
    Week 7 weigh-in 166.0 . . . 0.6 lb loss. How do you eat an elephant . . . one bite at a time! .6 lb by .6 lb I WILL get there!
    Week 8 weigh-in 164.6 . . . 1.4 lb loss. Have added kickboxing to my weekly routine, fantastic cardio and aggressive enough to be quite therapeutic! Bonus!!

    total loss this challenge - 12.4 lbs . . . average loss/week 1.55 lbs
    total loss since starting the challenge with my son July 1st* - 37.8 lbs . . . average loss/week 1.99 lbs (19 weeks)

    * to read about the challenge I have with my son checkout my blog entitled A Mom, Her Son & One Life Changing Wager (
  • takerbrat
    takerbrat Posts: 81 Member
    Serious, well-earned kudos to the three who have already met goal! That is amazing!
    Great work!
    Hear! Hear! To the ones that have met their goal of 20 lbs congratulations!! What an inspiration to the rest of us! So honoured to count you among my support group, especially Lharri0209 who always has an encouraging word!
  • meowlymary
    meowlymary Posts: 84 Member
    * to read about the challenge I have with my son checkout my blog entitled A Mom, Her Son & One Life Changing Wager (

    Hah, that challenge is intense! I am cheering you on- you're almost there!
  • HSokol
    HSokol Posts: 67 Member
    I'm sorry that I am so behind on checking in. Everything is as follows:

    9/17/13 SW: 159.5
    9/21/13 WK1: 158.2
    9/30/13 WK2: 157
    10/5/13 WK3: 157.5
    10/12/13 WK 4: 155.8
    10/19/13 WK 5: 155.8
    10/25/13 WK 5: 155
    11/1/13 WK 6: 155
    11/8/13 WK 7: 156
  • lesaw01
    lesaw01 Posts: 207 Member
    Didn't post last week but I didn't have any change, stayed at 212. This week I was up 1 lb. to 213. We are vacationing this week but we are doing a lot of walking and hiking. Hopefully if I don't loose anything I will stay the same.