November Whole30?



  • Kaelitr0n
    Kaelitr0n Posts: 151 Member
    I made *delicious* beef stew for dinner tonight. It's snowing for the first time this season tonight, so some serious comfort food was calling. I used rutabaga instead of potato and winged the recipe. Turned out amazing! Day 5, complete :D

  • ShannonKirton
    ShannonKirton Posts: 304 Member
    That looks amazing! I'll have to get my ingredients together and make one for myself this weekend with some sweet potato. I can't get rutabaga in Barbados :( But I'm excited to give mine a go. Thanks for the inspiration!! :)
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    I made *delicious* beef stew for dinner tonight. It's snowing for the first time this season tonight, so some serious comfort food was calling. I used rutabaga instead of potato and winged the recipe. Turned out amazing! Day 5, complete :D


    is there a recipe? :) I made some totally yummy chicken soup last night from homemade broth. used turnips instead of potatos and I can't quite jive with the brussel sprout flavor of rutabaga. :wink:
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    How is everybody doing? Yesterday I almost slipped because my preprogrammed oven didn't turn on, and instead of having a nice roasted ribs by the time I got home, I had nothing prepared. My husband had an evening dr appointment, and I had 45 minutes to make dinner and walk the dog alone with 2 small kids who were constantly fighting with each other. Luckily I had homemade larabars , eggplant dip and hardboiled eggs in the fridge, so that was dinner. Once my macadamias get here, I will make more larabars, because somehow the crazy never stop in my house.

    Anyway I noticed that in the last 5 days, I slept better and more than I usually do despite the fact that I kept my morning coffee.
    I usually guilty of watching a movie or spend 1-2 hr on the internet prior to sleep, or just my brain keep spinning and need an hr or two in order to able to sleep. Well on whole 30, I go to bed and i am out within 30 minutes. It is kind of strange, because I am not sleepy during the day. This is extremely important to me because my baby wakes me up a few times at night, and and this extra hr of sleep is a miracle.

    I also noticed I am eating 2-300 calories more than I used to. Since I am not supposed to count the calories if I want to eat, I just eat. I am still within maintenance, but definitely have less calorie deficit than before.
  • nickymaire
    nickymaire Posts: 138 Member
    Day 7 for me and everything is going really well (a part from a tummy bug i had for a few days). This is my second whole 30 and the last time I got to day 7-8 I was miserable, had lots of craving and was ready to give up.
  • ShannonKirton
    ShannonKirton Posts: 304 Member
    Today is day 4 for me and so far so good. I've also noticed changes in my eating and yes I'm still tracking for my sanity. My carbs are naturally going up but not in a bad way, my sleep too is better and I feel better than I did last week around this time when I was still fighting to go back to strict paleo. My only struggle comes when I'm finding things to eat and I am constantly going back to the same foods because in Barbados there are not quite as many options as in the larger countries, but I'm ok with sticking to my regulars and I'm just excited to see how this all turns out on day 30 :)
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    Day 5 - headaches seem to be gone. :) food is getting easier to prepare and remembering not to mindlessly grab something like soy sauce when cooking.
    Work sucks because there is always some kind of junkfood in the breakroom. chocolate chip muffins is the fare of the day today. . :( But I am resisting. :)
  • Kaelitr0n
    Kaelitr0n Posts: 151 Member
    is there a recipe? :) I made some totally yummy chicken soup last night from homemade broth. used turnips instead of potatos and I can't quite jive with the brussel sprout flavor of rutabaga. :wink:

    Yes, there is :) I'm contemplating starting a Paleo/Primal food blog, so I wrote everything down and took lots of pictures. For some reason, I feel like I'm not allowed to link it here, so I'll copy-pasta the method :}

    • 2 medium rutabagas, washed and cubed
    • 2 large carrots, roughly chopped
    • 1 small red onion, chopped
    • 1 small white onion, chopped
    • 4-5 cloves garlic, minced (it’s a lot, but did you know that garlic is wicked good for you?)
    • 1 lb grass-fed beef roast, cubed (hey, leave that fat alone—no trimming)
    • 1 quart organic broth (beef, chicken, veggie—whatever)
    • ½ tbsp organic coconut oil (or olive oil, just use a high quality fat)
    • Salt (I used Himalayan Pink Salt ‘cause it sounds fancy)
    • Cracked black pepper (fresh is always better!)
    • Spices—whatever you like (I used cayenne pepper, coriander, celery seed, and allspice)
    • Water

    Cube and chop your veggies, as stated (or, y’know, however you want) and put ‘em in a bowl to keep them corralled. All except for the garlic, ‘cause that’s going to go before the rest of the vegetables. Cube your meat at this point, too.

    Settle your pot over medium-high heat and melt your coconut oil. Olive oil can be substituted here. Toss in your garlic and your meats, give it a good stir, sprinkle a decent amount of salt over top, and then leave it alone for a while.

    Listen to a song. A longish song. Listen to two songs! You want your meat to get a nice sear here. If you don’t leave it alone, it’s not going to do that. 5-7 minutes later, you can touch your meat (or can you go longer? Just don’t burn your meat). Go ahead and turn it over to brown the other side. Give that side another 4-5 minutes.

    Now, go ahead and toss in your vegetables. Give ‘em a good stir and toss a bit more salt over top; just don’t over-salt… you can always add salt later, but it’s hard to take it away. Pour in your quart of broth—I had vegetable on-hand. I like organic broths that have no extra additives (it’s surprising how many out there add sugar!). Add water until all your vegetables and meat are covered, just barely.

    Crank the heat! Once your soup comes to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer (this is more like medium-low on my tinker-toy stove) and cover.

    Let this bad boy simmer for, oh, about an hour. The longer you let this cook, the more delectable your meat is going to become. I wouldn’t leave it longer than an-hour-and-a-half, though.

    Sometime during that hour, give your soup broth a taste and spice it up however you please! Mine didn’t need much help, so I used ½ tsp or less of the spices mentioned in my ingredient list. Wait to add any remaining salt and pepper until the very end—these spices should only be used to liven up the flavors, so let those flavors develop first.

    And, SOUP!
  • Kaelitr0n
    Kaelitr0n Posts: 151 Member
    I finished Day 7 yesterday and am feeling wonderful! Days 3 and 4 were pretty miserable... low energy, a general feeling of malaise. I'm not used to eating breakfast, as I'd usually just take a bulletproof coffee and a mid/late morning snack. Since I'm too cheap to put up the cash for ghee for my coffee, I've been going without and experimenting with breakfast. I've discovered that a huge breakfast really works for me! Two eggs and 5 strips of side pork yesterday kept me going strong until lunch time at noon.

    I did have on slip up and drank some herbal tea without looking at the ingredient panel. It contained soy lecithin :\ The Whole9 forums said that to take it as a lesson learned (always look at your ingredient panels!) and keep on going with my Whole30. I'd have been really upset if I had to start over completely. It serves as a great reminder, though! Things which may appear harmless often times are not!

    I'm a little apprehensive about the weekend. I can't hide from my social life forever and the whole happy hour thing is probably too much temptation for me to resist. I'm not even sure what I'm going to do with my Friday if I can't curl up on the couch with a scary movie and a glass of wine. I miss wine. I *really* miss cheese.

    Not weighing has been really tough. I find myself staring longingly at my scale a couple of times each day (I was a 1-2x daily weigher). I'm not going to cheat. I'm going to make it the whole 30 days without weighing!

    I am also finding it hard to eat enough calories. I'm eating my three squares each day and usually one snack (a small handful of nuts or an avocado with a sprinkle of salt) and usually squeaking in around 1200 cals each day. As I committed to in the beginning, I'm not using my food log as a way to stay within certain parameters, but rather as a tool to collect data. If I'm hungry, I eat and if I'm not, I don't. My carb intake has also increased... mostly because all they have left at the Farmer's Market is root vegetables, heh. I'm curious to know how that will affect my results.
  • Day 10 for me and I am feeling great! I am 4 weeks post abdominoplasty - and was hoping another Whole 30 would help me regain some energy/strength. I am still very restricted as far as activity goes so I am focusing only on food - and so far so good.

    I have noticed a huge reduction in swelling across my abdomen and a significant increase in energy. I am guessing these results are a combination of Whole 30 benefits and a normal part of the recovery process.

    Anyway - feeling great and enjoying the journey!
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    is there a recipe? :) I made some totally yummy chicken soup last night from homemade broth. used turnips instead of potatos and I can't quite jive with the brussel sprout flavor of rutabaga. :wink:

    Yes, there is :) I'm contemplating starting a Paleo/Primal food blog, so I wrote everything down and took lots of pictures. For some reason, I feel like I'm not allowed to link it here, so I'll copy-pasta the method :}.....

    Thank you! :)
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    Day 6 and I am tired... someone else said that I am eating to many sweet things (fruit and sweet potato). :( this is going to be even harder now...
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi I started paleo this week not been on it 100% but trying hard. I am in if it's not too late to join. If anyone wants to add me that would be great going to need lots of support. I am intolerant to eggs, beef, dairy and gluten so I will really need to look at what I can eat. Now going to look at whole 30.
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Hey all! I did the whole30 earlier this year and was so happy with my results! I'm doing another, on Day 5 now. So, I guess that means I'm in for November too!! Good luck to everyone and if this is your first time, trust me, you won't be disappointed.
  • Kaelitr0n
    Kaelitr0n Posts: 151 Member
    Hi I started paleo this week not been on it 100% but trying hard. I am in if it's not too late to join. If anyone wants to add me that would be great going to need lots of support. I am intolerant to eggs, beef, dairy and gluten so I will really need to look at what I can eat. Now going to look at whole 30.
    Feel free to hop right in :) You can read about the Whole30 experience over on They have a lot of tools to help get you started and keep you on track. I personally signed up for the daily email thing they offer and it's been a wonderful resource!

    Sounds like everyone is doing amazing!
    I really struggled last night with what to do with myself. For some reason, sitting at home and catching up on TV shows seemed like a really lame Friday. Where has my social life gone? Everything revolves around eating and drinking, boo! I need to brainstorm some activities that focus on neither, but that are also fun so my friends won't give me the half-cocked-eyebrow look.
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Hey! How did you get a pic on here?
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Well, fell off the wagon today! Don't ask, I'm completely ashamed. Looks like day 1 for me tomorrow! Hope everyone else had a successful weekend.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I have been paleo for 4 days now and about 80% paleo for a week before that. Not sure if my experience is typical but for now I feel amazing. I have more energy, much less stress, feel euphorically happy the kind of LOL happy and for the first time ever in my life I have my appetite under control and am not craving. I am also losing weight and have a renewed interest in food, I had become bored with my usual foods. The only downside is my skin is terrible hoping this improves as I am a 42 year old with acne not cool. I am not whole 30 yet as still eating nakd bars (like Lara bars) but for me this is a huge improvement I have never eaten so any veggies. Looking forward to great results.
  • ShannonKirton
    ShannonKirton Posts: 304 Member
    Day 6 and I am tired... someone else said that I am eating to many sweet things (fruit and sweet potato). :( this is going to be even harder now...

    I am now enjoying my sweet potato and fruit. Why would you be eating too much? Is it causing you to become tired?

    I must admit that during this Whole30 even though it's only been 1 week for me so far, I have had to incorporate more things like sweet potato and fruits to keep my meals interesting and to keep me going. Like I'm used to eating my hubby's homemade bacon, but because he cures with organic brown sugar, that is a no no for me at this present time so I have to find alternate ways to fill my plate (and my tummy). I guess if the carbs are making you tired you can try to cut down and see if you notice a difference. I don't find that I'm any more tired than usual. Today will be a struggle for me because last night's sleep was awful but pretty sure my food won't do that to me.

    On another slice of Whole30, I was at my parents house yesterday and they had some friends over for tea. I was so tempted even just to have a cup with some milk and no sugar, but I was able to resist and had a glass of water and some sundried raisins instead. All the other goodies also stayed right there on the table where they belonged.

    Next weekend will be similar as we have family coming in and we are having another little get together, but I'm researching a recipe for paleo mealballs so I will make a Whole30 friendly version so at least I have something to eat!
  • Kaelitr0n
    Kaelitr0n Posts: 151 Member
    Hey! How did you get a pic on here?
    You use image tags. {img}imageurl.jpg{/img}, Replace { } with [ ].
    I have been paleo for 4 days now and about 80% paleo for a week before that. Not sure if my experience is typical but for now I feel amazing. I have more energy, much less stress, feel euphorically happy the kind of LOL happy and for the first time ever in my life I have my appetite under control and am not craving. I am also losing weight and have a renewed interest in food, I had become bored with my usual foods. The only downside is my skin is terrible hoping this improves as I am a 42 year old with acne not cool. I am not whole 30 yet as still eating nakd bars (like Lara bars) but for me this is a huge improvement I have never eaten so any veggies. Looking forward to great results.
    Taking the plunge into Paleo is hard and committing to the Whole30 is even harder! My first month, I was strict Paleo, but I had 3 pre-planned cheat days where I had already committed to social gatherings, where I knew I could not conform. I also ate a lot of paleo-ized treats (Laughing Giraffe Snakaroons, Coco-roons, paleo waffles, etc.), but still that first month was hard. After that, I did about 2 months of 90/10 Primal (allowed dairy back into my diet) with a few bad choices here and there. All of that leading up to my first ever Whole30 actually primed me for success this month.

    Your skin will definitely improve when you commit to the strict Whole30. Once it clears up, you can start adding little things back in to see what in your diet causes those flare ups--I think most skin related issues are soy or gluten caused, but this is pure speculation on my part.

    Everyone is doing so well! Even those of us who have messed up--owning up to that and starting over takes courage!

    I really notice my clothes fitting quite differently. I'm anxious to see how far the scale has budged, but I have so very long to wait and see. I also had my first dream about food last night, lol. I was trying to convince myself that this nougat-y, delicious looking, nut laden thing was Whole30 compliant, even though it was oozing with honey. I woke up before I convinced myself either way XD
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    How everybody is doing? I personally do not feel anything. I am not better or worse than prior the whole 30. I expected some major breakthrough or epiphany, but it is nothing. I am not tired neither energized. It is the 11th day. . Yesterday I had my monthly big baking , and I did not eat a single piece. It was hard not because of craving, but because we baked together as a family. My 5 yrs old was so proud of the result and it was hard to say to him that mommy not even going to taste what he baked with such excitement.
    Other than that no withdrawal symptom neither sudden awesome feeling.
  • nickymaire
    nickymaire Posts: 138 Member
    I went out for dinner last night one a whim. I had spent the day swimming in a river and bush walking and the weather was so amazing and then it was suddenly 8:30pm. My friends then decided to do dinner out and seen as they were my ride home I had to follow them. I was was so hungry and thinking I wouldn't be able to eat anything there but the waitress and chef were so kind and they made me my own special whole 30 compliant meal :) and it was delish.
  • I would never want to do a Whole30 over Thanksgiving!!! #blasphemy lol
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I would never want to do a Whole30 over Thanksgiving!!! #blasphemy lol
    Well, I am Canadian, so our thanksgiving was in October...
  • I'm not doing a Whole 30 but am strongly considering it in January. Just wanted to say you all rock! Keep up the great work and best of everything in your journey through W30. :bigsmile:
  • Kaelitr0n
    Kaelitr0n Posts: 151 Member
    I would never want to do a Whole30 over Thanksgiving!!! #blasphemy lol
    I plan to kosher and eat an entire duck for Thanksgiving. There shall be no regrets!
  • ShannonKirton
    ShannonKirton Posts: 304 Member
    Yesterday I had a company lunch and I was worried that where we were going wouldn't have anything that I could eat. Luckily I was able to get a great piece of fish that was amazingly seasoned and some lovely fresh organic veggies!! Today I have my own lunch and I can't wait!! Lamb stew, yummmmm!

    Otherwise, feeling awesome and keeping at it!
  • Kaelitr0n
    Kaelitr0n Posts: 151 Member
    I dreamed about cheese last night. Delicious, creamy, wonderful cheese. Does anyone else dream about food? heh

    I'm primed and ready for Day 12.

    Day 11 was a bit of a disaster. I had a way hurried breakfast as I was running out the door, then got stuck at the salon until after 1, after which I had to rush to work. The stew I brought for lunch opened and spilled in my bag, so I had no lunch to eat. Luckily, I also packed an avocado, so I ate that with a spoon at my desk and felt a little bit weird about it.

    Despite everything, I didn't skip my workout! I have some new accountabili-buddies at work and we're really focusing on getting each other to the gym. I have two days to make up for from last week, so I have to work out pretty much every day this week, to achieve my Day 0 goals for the month.
  • I dreamed about cheese last night. Delicious, creamy, wonderful cheese. Does anyone else dream about food? heh

    I'm primed and ready for Day 12.

    Day 11 was a bit of a disaster. I had a way hurried breakfast as I was running out the door, then got stuck at the salon until after 1, after which I had to rush to work. The stew I brought for lunch opened and spilled in my bag, so I had no lunch to eat. Luckily, I also packed an avocado, so I ate that with a spoon at my desk and felt a little bit weird about it.

    Despite everything, I didn't skip my workout! I have some new accountabili-buddies at work and we're really focusing on getting each other to the gym. I have two days to make up for from last week, so I have to work out pretty much every day this week, to achieve my Day 0 goals for the month.
    Funny,this is very common on a whole 30.
    I remember when I did my first one that I dreamed I had cheated with sugar and woke up feeling super guilty.
    I was very pleased to realise it was just a dream.
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Yes! On my first Whole30 I dreamed I cheated and was devastated. I think I was on Day 21 and was so relieved when I woke up. I think it is common, but funny.

    Good job to everyone keeping in line!!