

  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    Victory dance!! 100 lbs lost!! Dance dance!! Have a kiss for me today!! 1 Hershey kiss = 22 calories!! Let's celebrate!!
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    Grats Jesse you look amazing.
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member

    Ate: Junior Mints, .3 oz = 50 Calories
    Exercise: walked 15 minutes = 96 Calories


    Ate: Kisses Filled with Mint Truffle = 22 Calories
    Exercise: walked 25 minutes = 159 Calories


    Ate: Kissed Filled with Mint Truffle (x2) = 44 Calories
    Exercise: Ran 131 minutes = 9 miles = 2103 calories

    I am saving the card workout for Sunday night, as I need the space to do burpees and with wet weather it will need to be Sunday afterwork. I will use the break room for this workout.

    Thought I would share something with you guys...

    Had an interesting experience on my run... and my blog is kind of my constant letter, a healing place, where forgiveness is experienced for me. Last week on Biggest Loser there was revelation and Tammie shared her story.. so here is mine.

    So this is what I posted on facebook to my friends/family, and in being open and vulnerable I ask you read it with an open mind:

    "When you read this, know it's my heart, make whatever conclusions you would like about me, but know this, everything we do in life, everything we've been through helps define us, I'm not ashamed to say I've done wrong thing, I'm not shamed to say that in my life I have made mistakes, but I know without that wrong turns I have made, I could never become the whole, healthier me. So read... because today, today I was blessed with a bit of truth, that made me feel amazingly free. "
    Love that quote that you made. It hot me right in the face and that is what I needed this week, so thank you. You are awesome and we all make wrong choices in our lives, but the lead us forward. Have a great weekend!!:smile:
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    First of all ladies, let me say this has been extremely hard week for me. I have felt that everyone was hating me for my weight loss journey, I felt everything from guilt to hate and every emotion in between this week. It is hard for people to see you changing and face their own fears. I learned this week that I had to have more open communication with my loved ones and make some adjustments so they felt involved. UGH!!
    Jesse, you are awesome, and I loved your blog. It so hit home. Thank you for sharing.
    My vice this week has been pop tarts, yes pop tarts, I don't know why, other than they were in the cupboard, and I needed comfort food (bad idea), but anyway here we go.

    Thursday and Friday I ate a whole package of Frosted Raspberry Pop Tarts=400 calories
    Biked vigorously for at least 1/2 an hour= 527 calories

    I have been working out all week..I have put time into the elliptical, did a High intensity low impact aerobics class, spin class,circuit training, and then even at home I have been dancing, stationary bike, weight lifting, and core exercising.

    I am trying to get myself back into a rhythm because that is what works for me, but this week has been hard. Last week I was losing about 1/2 lb. a day, so far I am only down 1.4lbs. I know I have to get a handle on this, but it is difficult. I have always been a people pleaser. This is killing me. Sorry about the rambling.

    Have a great night. I love to see everyone's vices. Great job!!

    (your sad frustrated coach)
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    Oh man here I go again

    12oz Blue Moon Havest Pumpkin Ale 180

    Took a walk 220.

    It was worth it. :heart: :heart: Love to Pumpkin stuff:love:
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    Hershey kisse and junior mints 72 calories 15 minutes walking 94 I can't have any more candy for a few days I still have the shakes from last night lol sugar and I really don't agree anymore
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    I finally caught the flu that has been going through our house and I feel yucky!! I ate a snack size reese's peanut butter cup 80 calories and then i walked for 45 minutes. Going to try and get in Last chance Workout tomorrow. Have a great night.
  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member
    Sorry for not posting this weekend, my home computer hasn't been working very good. Just finished the Last Chance card workout and it was intense...especially the burpees!!

    Friday: no soda and no alcohol

    Saturday: no soda and no alcohol, but still walked the dogs for 30 minutes

    Sunday: no alcohol, but one coke (250 calories), I walked the dogs for 30 minutes (123 calories) and last chance workout (about 400 calories)
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Sorry for not posting this weekend, my home computer hasn't been working very good. Just finished the Last Chance card workout and it was intense...especially the burpees!!

    Friday: no soda and no alcohol

    Saturday: no soda and no alcohol, but still walked the dogs for 30 minutes

    Sunday: no alcohol, but one coke (250 calories), I walked the dogs for 30 minutes (123 calories) and last chance workout (about 400 calories)
    Nice job!!:happy:
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Good evening Ladies:
    Got back on track today after a horrible week. Won't go into the details, but it was one of those weeks that made you look inside to see what you are made of. Anyway here is what I got in today: First thing T25-245 calories, circuit training (last chance workout), I did all 52 cards: 505 calories, and then finished up with an hour walk/jog: 320 calories for a total of 1070 calories burned. My weakness today was a snack size hershey's milk chocolate bar=63 calories. Total calories earned today is 1063.
    Here is what my draw of the cards looked like:
    1.) 6 clubs=squats x6 27.) 5 diamonds= jumping jacks x5
    2.) A hearts= push ups x10 28.) 7 spades= burpees x 7
    3.) 9 diamonds= jumping jacks x9 29.) 2 clubs= squats x 2
    4.) Q spades= burpees (squat thrusts) x 10 30.) J spades= burpees x 10
    5.) K spades=burpees x 10 31.) 3 hearts= push ups x 3
    6.) 6 spades=burpees x 6 32.) J diamonds= jumping jacks x 10
    7.) Q diamonds= jumping jacks x 10 33.) A clubs= squats x 10
    8.) 6 diamonds= jumping jacks x 6 34.) 8 clubs= squats X8
    9.) 4 diamonds= jumping jacks x 4 35.) 8 diamonds= jumping jacks x 8
    10.) 9 spades= burpees x 9 36.) 4 hearts= push ups x 4
    11.) 5 hearts= push ups x 5 37.) 4 clubs= squats x 4
    12.) 5 spades= burpees x5 38.) 4 spades= burpees x 4
    13.) 5 clubs= squats x5 39.) 10 clubs= squats x 10
    14.) K clubs= squats x10 40.) 10 spades= burpees x 10
    15.) 6 hearts= pushups X 6 41.) A diamonds= jumping jacks x 10
    16.) 8 spades= burpees x 8 42.) A spades= burpees x 10
    17.) 8 hearts= push ups x 8 43.) 10 diamonds= jumping jacks x 10
    18.) 3 diamonds= jumping jacks x 3 44.) 10 hearts= push ups x 10
    19.) 2 spades= burpees x 2 45.) 3 spades= burpees x 3
    20.) Q clubs= squats x 10 46.) J clubs= squats x 10
    21.) K diamonds= jumping jacks x 10 47.) 9 clubs= squats x 9
    22.) 7 diamonds= jumping jacks x 7 48.) K hearts= push ups x 10
    23.) 7 clubs= squats x 7 49.) 3 clubs= squats x 3
    24.) Q hearts= push ups x 10 50.) 9 hearts= push ups x 9
    25.) 7 hearts= push ups x 7 51.) J hearts= push ups x 10
    26.) 2 hearts= push ups x 2 52.) 2 diamonds= jumping jacks x 2

    Phew what a workout, I didn't think I was going to make it through. I asked John," How many more?" He replied, "It doesn't matter just keep pushing." Sometimes that is all we have to think is to get through it ..keep pushing. Have a great night everyone. Please do no forget weigh in tomorrow. I would like to have all weights into me by 9 pm. Thanks. KEEP ROCKING IT!!

    GO GREEN TEAM GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jfea
    jfea Posts: 31 Member
    Okay I had a couple of total eye openers this weekend. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I kept on track no treats. Friday night the parents all took their daughters to Dairy Queen after their basketball game and I thought, well how bad could a Buster Bar be - I'll have that. 440 calories I discovered after the fact - it took my 1 hour and 15 minutes to walk that off!!! Apparently, I do NOT learn anything as Saturday I had a McDonald's Pralines and Cream McFlurry (I know, I know, it isn't even real ice cream pretty much just frozen oil). That would be an incredible 680 calories, really what was I thinking!! I had to split my walk up into 2 different times in order to burn off all those calories! So this was actually a good activity for me to think through the consequences of making some of those high calorie choices!! Today I was totally on track - didn't veer off at all.
  • jfea
    jfea Posts: 31 Member
    And I have to add: Tammie you are seriously a machine - that is an amazing workout - 1063 calories burned!!!!!!!!!!! Very inspiring! You must feel really really great about that!
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    tonight had 6 junior mints for 42 calories however burned 486 calroies on my 2 mile run this morning, will do my last chance workout in the morning.

    today began day one of my new routine, i started my workouts before work, 630 comes early but I know its very important to adapt so I can continue my losses...
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    Beginning of week 257.4
    TODAY: 251.8
    Total Loss: 5.6 lbs

    Last Chance workout this morning was a 3.1 mile run, .6 mile walk and about half a deck of cards. Not bad for me. Challenege complete. Don't think I will be eating extra candy again for a while. The challenge was interesting but not worth it for my body. I eat the occassional piece of candy but treating daily doesn't feel right anymore. I really don't like how it makes me feel. Can't wait to see how everyone else did!
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Okay I had a couple of total eye openers this weekend. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I kept on track no treats. Friday night the parents all took their daughters to Dairy Queen after their basketball game and I thought, well how bad could a Buster Bar be - I'll have that. 440 calories I discovered after the fact - it took my 1 hour and 15 minutes to walk that off!!! Apparently, I do NOT learn anything as Saturday I had a McDonald's Pralines and Cream McFlurry (I know, I know, it isn't even real ice cream pretty much just frozen oil). That would be an incredible 680 calories, really what was I thinking!! I had to split my walk up into 2 different times in order to burn off all those calories! So this was actually a good activity for me to think through the consequences of making some of those high calorie choices!! Today I was totally on track - didn't veer off at all.

    Sometimes we have to live to learn that is why I liked this week's challenge. This is also why I tell everyone that I work with to journal whether it be on here or in a notebook until you really see the calories you are putting into you body, you can't change it. Great job on following through.

  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. For all of you that have already weighed in, THANK YOU. For everyone else, please try to get them into before 9pm tonight. Also I am missing seeing any challenge posts from zzzzia, southerngirlstarving, and xoemmytee..if you posted somewhere else, please let me know, so I can see them and check you off as completed. To any veterans out there, Happy Veteran's Day and thank you for all of your service. My husband is a vet, who served in Desert Storm, so this is his day. Also if the next couple of Last Chance Workouts look military in style, you can blame him. He loved the deck of cards idea, and built upon that..uh oh!!
    Today I ate a fun size Reese's peanut butter cup 80 calories. I burned 1645 calories by going for a 60 minute 3.5 mph walk, 65 minutes on the elliptical, and 90 minutes of raking leaves. Net calories=1565.
    I am glad to see the great weight losses this week. Have a great night everyone!!

    (Your coach still trying to screw her head on straight)
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    Good evening Team green.

    I found the challenge this week interesting a nice eye opener.

    Start of the week 181
    Ending 179.8

    ::sigh:: I was hoping for more but with ToM I'm a little blotted. Sounds like a lot of us had fun with the challange this week. As usual Tammy you are crazy and an inspiration.
  • This week has been a whirl wind. I have had to keep track of my food/treats on paper *old school* since i haven't really had time to log on.

    My weakness is cake... chocolate in particular. I wasn't too worried since I keep it out of the house. Unfortunately Friday was my husbands birthday and I had the smallest piece of chocolate cake which was still 230 calories. Luckily I stayed below my calorie goal for the day by restricting myself to a dressing free salad for dinner. I ran 2.58 miles for a total calorie burn of 262 calories. Soooo not worth it.

    Unfortunately I had no weight loss this week and feel like I have plateaued. I am going to hit it hard this week and limit carbs and really focus on a new workout.
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    This week has been a whirl wind. I have had to keep track of my food/treats on paper *old school* since i haven't really had time to log on.

    My weakness is cake... chocolate in particular. I wasn't too worried since I keep it out of the house. Unfortunately Friday was my husbands birthday and I had the smallest piece of chocolate cake which was still 230 calories. Luckily I stayed below my calorie goal for the day by restricting myself to a dressing free salad for dinner. I ran 2.58 miles for a total calorie burn of 262 calories. Soooo not worth it.

    Unfortunately I had no weight loss this week and feel like I have plateaued. I am going to hit it hard this week and limit carbs and really focus on a new workout.
    Keep pushing through, you had a big weight loss in the last couple of weeks, so your body is trying to adjust. You have this, stay strong, stay focused!! I love cake too. Good for you for only having a small piece!!

  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Good Morning Everyone:
    I am missing 2 weigh ins- Tolsoy26 and zzzzia, if anyone sees them one, please remind them to get their weights to me A.S.A.P. Thanks. My weigh was previous: 186.9 current: 186.4 -2.5lbs. I'll take it at this stage and with the week I had. I do know that I will not be indulging every day though again. This could have easily been a 4-5 lb weight loss without the vices. Have a great day everyone!!

    (Your crazy coach)