
Today is Day 1 for me :) My name is Crystal, I'm eternally 29 yrs old (33 really), 5'8 and will get my starting weight tomorrow morning. I think it's 283 :(

Look forward to being a part of this group!



  • bmg1412
    Hey, I intended to start today...it hasn't been bad but it hasn't been completely clean so I'll start tomorrow! How has your day one been? I have all my meals ready for tomorrow so fingers crossed!
  • flabulousme
    It's going good so far but I am def feeling some hunger pains even though I'm eating regularly. Will just take some time to adjust lol. I can tell my body is craving my diet coke and stuff but other then that I think it's ok. Just have to take it day by day.
  • xopanda288
    Hi Ladies!

    First let me introduce myself. My names Amanda I am a busy mother of two beautiful girls (6 years old and 2 months old!) I have a loving boyfriend (hopefully soon to be hubby!) I currently weigh 166lbs I have lost 2 lbs since I first weighed in 3 weeks ago. I have started a "biggest loser challenge" with a few friends and family and I am hoping that doing this challenge will help me win the other challenge! :P

    Congrats on everyone starting today!!! I will be starting tomorrow with the workouts and meal planning with have to start next week as I will definitely have to do a fridge/cupboard clean out and grocery shop! Also I am going on a family trip to a wedding this weekend! Its going to be tough to stay away from all those horribly good foods lol.
  • flabulousme
    Wishing you lots of luck! Your weight is my GOAL weight! lol, Ok well 160 :)
  • OliviaDavis15
    OliviaDavis15 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Olivia. 22 years old. Nursing student. Currently weigh about 205. Need to get down to 130! I"m going to start tomorrow as my day one. So excited to do this!
  • bmg1412
    Welcome :) hope day one goes well for you!
  • laurzishot
    Hey everybody, feeling keen to start the challenge. Today is a preparation day, making a healthy shopping list and gonna go buy some new protein powder and jog bra etc! Getting serious about my fitness! Will be trying to start tomorrow once I get everything sorted today. Goal is to lose about 15kg. Can't wait to start:)
  • flabulousme
    Welcome girlies! And I hope your day goes awesome today!