Let's Be Honest

Let's be honest, who all stretches before a workout or even on a day that you don't workout? Stretching is key to doing everything, it is very important and must always be done, for healthy muscles, injury prevention, and also helps muscles grow.


  • 1dce
    1dce Posts: 238 Member
    You know I really do know this however I never do it lol. I'm gonna stretch right now :bigsmile:
  • SandySweats
    SandySweats Posts: 38 Member
    I stretch at the end of the workout. My warm up is the treadmill. I will often do light stretching between sets.. I am supposed to do a stretching routine on my off days but I am a slacker. I would love to learn some yoga,,,, but,,,,, :-)
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I warm up before exercising, which includes dynamic stretching. I static stretch and foam roll after my runs/playing sports. Static stretch only after weightlifting.
  • smallbutcurvy
    I do a little stretch after warm up, the odd stretch in between and extensive stretching at the end of workout.
  • Beckyann1971
    Absolutely! Always after, often in the middle of the day at different times, and sometimes before depending on what my workout is and how I'm feeling before I do it.
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    im kind of yoga obsessed, so strechin is my numero uno thing in the morning....and evening.

    i try to warm up and cool down that way after a workout too, but my morning and evening 15mins are a must :)
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    I stretch every day. I take yoga classes 5 to 6 days a week and take Muay Thai twice a week. At the end of every Muay Thai class they make you stay for stretching. Its amazing for the body!!!
  • darcyrees
    darcyrees Posts: 34 Member
    I stretch regularly after most of my workouts. In fact four times a week, my coach leads me in stretching after some of my workouts. If I stretch after my workouts, I'm not as sore the next day and my coach can make me work harder. In fact this summer, after 6-7 hour bike rides, I'd have to get into the pool and swim for 15-30 minutes to loosen up my legs...another form of stretching.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    not that often. I did some excersizes yesterday that resulted in hip pain all day from me so instead of working out today I did yoga. I started to do more working out last week and decided to start to stretch out more and start doing yoga again
  • pjammer10
    pjammer10 Posts: 38 Member
    Sadly never. I don't even warm up when I do cardio because I feel like it causes me to be able to not do as much, like it tires me out quicker. I would love to take a yoga class at my gym, but I've never had the nerve to go, and now my son who is 1 is going through separation anxiety and keeps getting kicked out of the daycare gym so I'm having to work my gym workouts around my husbands work schedule :-(
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Because most of my workouts programs actually incorporate it both in the beginning and ending ....I do it but it feels like a chore for me. I do know it helps prevents injury so I do it more out of obligation. Lol
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    For weight lifting it helps prevent injuries. As for cardio im not too sure but one day when I was doing some cardio back in Sept I added in a turn around/ swinging my youngest around and some how screwed up my ankle so I believe it had to do with that but for a cpl of weeks I couldnt do much so stretching it out constantly did help. So never again while im doing cardio im doing anything extra with my kiddo. After wards yea no problem
  • Kadoober
    Kadoober Posts: 289 Member
    I stretch everyday, whether I'm working out or not.
    I always stretch before working out, and having just recently paid the price for not stretching afterwards, I do that now too :)
  • Sheamousemom
    Never, I barely have time to work out after I finish the chores and get the kid to bed.
  • Zibberroo
    Zibberroo Posts: 31 Member
    I never stretch before, as there are studies that it may increase the risk of injuries. I have a five minute warm up leading into my routine. I always stretch afterwards though.
  • vero1997
    I don't take alot of time to stretch before my runs. I haven't had any injuries but I am really sore after my longer runs.