Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member


  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    Dolphins rising to the top once again :)

    Thank you Sheri for another week of beasting ourselves.... You rock!

    Well done to everyone still in at this point...

    Bring it on!!
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    Wasn't my flexibility goal but my squatting has improved quite a lot since starting this challenge. Every time I speak to a pupil in my class I squat, I now keep my heels to the floor.
    With the flexibility I can now get my legs wider and lean slightly closer to my knee.
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    Another great week everyone - and well done to those Dolphins!

    However, although Sharks may have slipped down a little further on the team placings this week, we did have FIVE Sharks in the Top Ten and no drop-outs :happy: THAT is something to shout out! PROUD TO BE A SHARK! :bigsmile:

    Thanks for another week that will push us Sheri :flowerforyou:
  • lostgurl55
    lostgurl55 Posts: 155 Member
    Since starting this challenge my knees don't hurt as much. My legs and knees hurt from the being diabetic. My knees swell and hurt some days so bad I can't but hobbly around...The stretching has helped the pain and the stiffness 100%.
    Thank you Sheri, for giving of your self to help this miss placed toy..LOL
    Very Grateful:flowerforyou:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Since I started this challenge and doing all the stretching I feel like all my joints seam to be moving a little more smoothly. My knees haven't been hurting too much any more either.
  • lobstergirl
    lobstergirl Posts: 176 Member
    All my stretch training is coming back to me - I've remembered how to breathe into a stretch and how to relax into a stretch. I can almost get me face to the floor now - just need to work on my posture and form.
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 295 Member
    I used to get tendinitis all the time running... I bought myself a foam roller but did not use it up to this challenge.
    It was hard (core wise) to use it in all the different routine positions, I can get through the stretching routine now, and I started running again, very slow and progressive, but so far so good!
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    I can hold crane for 7 seconds (I couldn't get up into it and never have been able to) also my down dog looks awesome, my heels are nearly to the floor - I'm unsure if this will ever happen just with my height / torso - but I noticed that my shoulders hold this a lot stronger than before and I can stay in it for a lot longer!

    and to the two new wolverines

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    YAY DOLPHINS!!!!! We swim AND we conquer!!! FANTASTIC week to my teamates hypallage & tabbydog for being the top "losers" and also to the eight others who worked hard to earn their spots!!! GOOD JOB!:drinker: :drinker:

    Welcome GrandmaJackie & AprilStar480 to the DOLPHINS!

    I have found that stretching (3x per day) has really helped my back & hips!!!
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    I can now get my fingertips on the ground which is amazing since my hamstring pull is acting up again.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,294 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: keep up the smoking burns!

  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    I'm working on forward fold and seated wide-angle. To be honest, I haven't seen much improvement in the seated wide-angle, but I can definitely fold further down with my legs straighter...
    I'll keep trying!
  • khadijaasafi
    khadijaasafi Posts: 49 Member
    Dear Wolverines- I am so happy to be part of your team now; although I miss my Gecko friends:( Could someone please send me the link to the Wolverine page. I tried to find it, but I couldn't post a comment.
  • khadijaasafi
    khadijaasafi Posts: 49 Member
    oh and a note about stretching...I am slowly getting where I want to be. It was hard for me to touch my toes without bending my knees, but now I can; YAY for me:) now for the rest of the challenge I am challenging myself to see if I can start touching more that my fingers to the ground...a challenge within a challenge:blushing:
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 796 Member
    Since starting the challenge, I notice my hips aren't hurting as much. I'm working on my hamstring flexibility, but in doing so, I've been loosening up my entire lower body, which I'm loving! My heels are getting closer to the ground during downward dog and I know I'll make that goal before the end of the challenge.
  • khadijaasafi
    khadijaasafi Posts: 49 Member
    Is HIIT optional this week?
  • Merrychrissmith
    Merrychrissmith Posts: 238 Member
    I have succeded in touching my toes with my knees locked!!!!! (Feet about 18" apart). I work with in an office of women who can do this easily...but now I can do it too!!!! I am working on narrower stance and touching floor with an extended fist. I have a weighted bar I use to help stretch. Feels good!!!!!
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Noooo sorry...the HIIT isn't optional...it is part of the weeks challenge...

    I'm loving all these Stretching successes!!! Some of you guys have really made some BIG progress!!! That's So Cool!! as for mine...I can tell I'm getting my legs quite a bit further apart in the straddle...but I'm still working on lowering my chest towards the floor - I feel a little bit of success but no where near where I want just yet....still plugging away at it!!
  • mahastidance
    so far im doing pretty good with my stretching, im able to reach my feet and grab it with one hand and really close to grab it with the other hand, I just got to keep working on it and the challenges r making me get to my goal little by little, thanks sherie your the best...:wink:
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    I've noticed a significant increase in the flexibility of my knees and hamstrings. Great news on the knees, as the left is still a little stiffer after the surgery. I'm really pleased with the progress. Slow but steady... :)