Thread for my progress (gonna keep it all here)

athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
I have wanted to do this for a couple of weeks now. A good place to let it all out without creating multiple posts on the board. :) I began my EM2WL journey beginning of July when I started my reset. I ate at 2180 cals as that was what calculators told me my TDEE was. Quickly gained 10 lbs and thought I was stabilized and after 11 weeks went in at a 10% cut to 1950. Well, to my surprise I gained 5 more pounds and after 4 weeks at that I knew cutting more wasn't the answer so I bumped up my calories to 2100. That was a smart move on my part. I ate at that level for 4 weeks and noticed small changes, but then 2 weeks ago I upped my calories to 2200 (more than what I ate on "reset") and boy am I floored at how my body has changed! The scale has yet to move. I'm still 150# at 5' 4"....still feel kinda fat, but instead of focusing on that I'm looking to my measurement changes and pictures.

For comparison I'm going to go through my initial stats, 5 week stats, and today:


Weight: 150#
BF (from progress tab on spreadsheet average): 29%
LBM: 106.5#
Forearm: 8"
Neck: 14"
Waist 30"
Abdomen: 35"
Hips: 38"
Thigh: 24"
Calf 14:5"
Arm: 11.5"

Week 5:
Weight: 150#
Average BF: 29%
LBM: 106.5
Forearm: 8.75 (not sure why the big discrepancy in size here!)
Neck: 13
Waist: 30"
Abdomen: 35"
Hips 38"
Thigh: 23.5 (the ONLY thing to really change!!)
Calf: 14.5"
Arm: 11.5"

This week:
Weight: 150#
Average BF: 27%
LBM: 109.5
Wrist: 6"
Forearm: 7.75"
Neck: 13"
Waist: 29.75"
Abdomen 34"
Hips: 37.5"
Thigh: 21.75"
Calf: 14.5"
Arm: 11.5"

Arms, calf, wrists, and forearm pretty much stayed the same. My thigh decreased a total of 2.25" in 10 weeks and only changed AFTER I increased cals to 2200! I'm pleased with the progress, but keeping my optimism to a minimum just in case....

Anyway, here are the progress photos. Initial, Week 5, and this week.


I have 2 more weeks at 2200 and not sure if I'll hang out at this level for a bit longer or dare to increase again. I made adjustments to my Fitbit and it shows an average burn of 2500 calories a day, versus the 2100 it used to show. If anyone has suggestions I'm open to them. :)


  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Does ANYONE know what I'm doing wrong with my pictures????? I have them uploaded to Photobucket...I'm using the code bla bla bla....I even changed the settings of my folder to public from private....ugh!!!!

    *****Took me a few minutes to figure it out. What a PITA!!! lol*****
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Had to LOL re: pix!!! Your progress is awesome .....and pix prove it!!!

    I didn't realize that our stats were so similar--except weight...our measurements are almost identical! You're an inch shorter than me--yet I weigh +27 lbs!!!

    Your back and shoulders are looking amazing!!!
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    It's Sunday and that means measurement day!!!

    I made the mistake of weighing myself....154.5 lbs...TOM is also here too so I'm not taking too much stalk in my weight.


    Weight: 154.5
    BF%: 27%
    LBM: 112.4 (that went up by almost 3 lbs from last week to this)
    Wrist: 5.75" (down 0.25")
    Forearm: 8.25 (up 0.5"....not sure why such a change!)
    Neck: 12.75" (down 0.25")
    Waist: 30" (up 0.25")
    Abdomen: 34" (same)
    Hips: 37.5" (same)
    Thigh: 22.5" (up 0.75" from last week...not sure if I was dehydrated last time or I'm still swollen and sore from the workouts this week....either way as long as it stays smaller than the 24" I started with I'll be a happy camper!)
    Calf: 14" (down 0.5")
    Arm: 11.5" (same)

    I'm feeling pretty good where I'm at, the only thing I seem to be focusing on so much lately has been my lower body. It's HUGE. Compared to the rest of my body my legs and booty are like tree stumps. Upper body is changing so fast and I'm very happy with the progress. As for my legs, I totally see muscle where I never had any before, I just wish some of the fat I accumulated would go away so I could fit into my pants again....pants are so expensive. lol

  • abrnchood
    abrnchood Posts: 29 Member
    I think you are looking great. Look at the bf and lvm changes! Wow! I hear you about the weight change--it is just hard to ignore that. But you are looking trimmer and tighter. I am sure that your lower body is following suit, it is just easiest to detest your personal problem areas :)

    I am envious of your hip and thigh measurements--they look great to me!
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Definitely can tell that you are losing inches! You are toning up great!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Great results for great ability to stick to it.

    I'll bet your forearms are going up because they are the weak link in the exercises. But as they get stronger, they should allow the target muscles to get worked more, for the pulling stuff anyway.

    Have you pulling lifts increased decently?
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Thanks guys. :) As for my pulling lifts...if I understand correctly what you mean, my deadlift has increased quite a bit. I'm also doing inverted rows right now as well. The only thing I haven't really progressed on is my overhead shoulders seem to be my weak link. lol
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thanks guys. :) As for my pulling lifts...if I understand correctly what you mean, my deadlift has increased quite a bit. I'm also doing inverted rows right now as well. The only thing I haven't really progressed on is my overhead shoulders seem to be my weak link. lol

    There ya go, pulling lifts require grip, which must increase for that heavy weight. Great work.

    OHP is always hard, smallish muscle.
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    What a day I've had. As of today, I need a break. Mentally, I just need a break. So, I know it isn't quite Sunday yet, but starting tomorrow I'm going to just eat. I'm going to increase my fat again (yay bulletproof coffee is back on the menu!) and not try to focus on "getting the right amount of carbs" in the day. Which, coming from an extremely low carb background was kind of needed. I will make sure to focus on getting some carb dense foods each day, but I'm not going to focus on a certain gram. I'm going to make damn sure that I keep up my calories. I do not want to fall into old habits. :)

    I went to the chiropractor today because my jaw was knocked out of alignment. Well....I didn't expect to hear what I did today. I have never "officially" been to the chiro. I had a friend in FL who did it, but I never had to have x-rays or anything. She worked out of her house and was cheap and awesome. Today I had to have x-rays and the first words out of his mouth were "have you ever been in an accident?" I was. When I was 19. I never went to the doctor or anything because I was fine, or so I thought. According to him I have the beginnings of degenerative disk disease, a bone spur, and because my neck is SO out of alignment I'm starting to build up calcification where the bone is trying to grow out to where it's supposed to be. Funny because I have never really had any issues with my neck. Thankfully it's all fixable, so for the next month I'm going to be at the chiro for 3 times a week, then once a week for a while, then down to once a month. I'm glad to find this out now before it causes any serious issues. That would SUCK!

    I guess because of this news, and the fact that I wasn't able to get in my workout today and probably won't tomorrow I'm just in a funk. I have two more workouts until I finish Beautiful Badass and I NEED TO GET IT DONE! lol I have been very faithful and missed a total of 2 workouts until today. Just gotta get 'er done.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    What a day I've had. As of today, I need a break. Mentally, I just need a break. So, I know it isn't quite Sunday yet, but starting tomorrow I'm going to just eat. I'm going to increase my fat again (yay bulletproof coffee is back on the menu!) and not try to focus on "getting the right amount of carbs" in the day. Which, coming from an extremely low carb background was kind of needed. I will make sure to focus on getting some carb dense foods each day, but I'm not going to focus on a certain gram. I'm going to make damn sure that I keep up my calories. I do not want to fall into old habits. :)

    I went to the chiropractor today because my jaw was knocked out of alignment. Well....I didn't expect to hear what I did today. I have never "officially" been to the chiro. I had a friend in FL who did it, but I never had to have x-rays or anything. She worked out of her house and was cheap and awesome. Today I had to have x-rays and the first words out of his mouth were "have you ever been in an accident?" I was. When I was 19. I never went to the doctor or anything because I was fine, or so I thought. According to him I have the beginnings of degenerative disk disease, a bone spur, and because my neck is SO out of alignment I'm starting to build up calcification where the bone is trying to grow out to where it's supposed to be. Funny because I have never really had any issues with my neck. Thankfully it's all fixable, so for the next month I'm going to be at the chiro for 3 times a week, then once a week for a while, then down to once a month. I'm glad to find this out now before it causes any serious issues. That would SUCK!

    I guess because of this news, and the fact that I wasn't able to get in my workout today and probably won't tomorrow I'm just in a funk. I have two more workouts until I finish Beautiful Badass and I NEED TO GET IT DONE! lol I have been very faithful and missed a total of 2 workouts until today. Just gotta get 'er done.

    I like chiro's too and use them, when things aren't moving as they should.
    Had a couple very honest chiro's who described and confirmed my thinking that except for a few structures, things don't go "out". They should move, in and out.
    Muscle gets tight, stuff gets locked out. Nerves not usually in long term contact with new placement make the muscles make it worse.

    I'm curious how adjustments will take care of bone spur, and calcification for that matter, or did he get in to that.
    My great distrust of most of them came after years of various chiros doing the standard hold legs up, program one is longer, and say the hip is out. I always wondered how me getting off the table didn't put everything right back where it was, and it did many times - we'd both hear the pops, and they'd lay me right back down again, eventually giving up.
    But a physical therapist for my ankle doing normal assessment, just off-handed remarked, you've got unequal legs.
    Huh? Chiros always said one was short and moved my hips around.
    She said no, it's below your knee difference, one bone appears to be curved more than the other.
    I research unequal leg length to death, and chiros never discovered that, or at least never said why, always adjusting the hips, when it was literally the part they were holding up to compare.
    And low and behold from the research, that caused hip problems, exactly opposite to what they tried to "pop back in" each time, and all the way up to upper back.
    Lifts in all the shoes and I'm good, couple remaining muscle imbalances that resulted from always being that way, but other than that, good to go.

    I only get in to that to say - be skeptical. I had one chiro do the standard (very standard) 3 x weekly for months routine.
    Had me doing physical things on both side equally, never even addressed the muscle imbalances that will pull their adjustments right back out. Or rather, keep things from moving as they should anyway.

    Just encourage you to do some extra research on your own. I've got a couple of honest chiro's, and I always fear they'll go out of business because from many friends that use them, they rarely do more than a weeks visits to calm something down.

    Ask if there's any results based guarantee, like let you see the xray before and after, and if still spurs and disc issues, half your money back. I read that somewhere years ago to tell the difference between chiro's.
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member

    I like chiro's too and use them, when things aren't moving as they should.
    Had a couple very honest chiro's who described and confirmed my thinking that except for a few structures, things don't go "out". They should move, in and out.
    Muscle gets tight, stuff gets locked out. Nerves not usually in long term contact with new placement make the muscles make it worse.

    I'm curious how adjustments will take care of bone spur, and calcification for that matter, or did he get in to that.
    My great distrust of most of them came after years of various chiros doing the standard hold legs up, program one is longer, and say the hip is out. I always wondered how me getting off the table didn't put everything right back where it was, and it did many times - we'd both hear the pops, and they'd lay me right back down again, eventually giving up.
    But a physical therapist for my ankle doing normal assessment, just off-handed remarked, you've got unequal legs.
    Huh? Chiros always said one was short and moved my hips around.
    She said no, it's below your knee difference, one bone appears to be curved more than the other.
    I research unequal leg length to death, and chiros never discovered that, or at least never said why, always adjusting the hips, when it was literally the part they were holding up to compare.
    And low and behold from the research, that caused hip problems, exactly opposite to what they tried to "pop back in" each time, and all the way up to upper back.
    Lifts in all the shoes and I'm good, couple remaining muscle imbalances that resulted from always being that way, but other than that, good to go.

    I only get in to that to say - be skeptical. I had one chiro do the standard (very standard) 3 x weekly for months routine.
    Had me doing physical things on both side equally, never even addressed the muscle imbalances that will pull their adjustments right back out. Or rather, keep things from moving as they should anyway.

    Just encourage you to do some extra research on your own. I've got a couple of honest chiro's, and I always fear they'll go out of business because from many friends that use them, they rarely do more than a weeks visits to calm something down.

    Ask if there's any results based guarantee, like let you see the xray before and after, and if still spurs and disc issues, half your money back. I read that somewhere years ago to tell the difference between chiro's.

    Thanks Heybales. I was quite shell shocked yesterday, didn't really know what to ask. I tried, but I must not have been as clear as I wanted. I do have a list of questions for him when I go back today. I certainly want to get the best regarding this though. As it is, for the budget it's going to be a stretch and I certainly don't want to waste our money as our insurance does not cover chiropractic care.

    I do remember him saying that I'd have to buy a cervical thingy....not sure what it was...will find out for sure today as well as what actions we can take for the muscle. Because it's been this way for 12 years....I'm sure that the muscles have reworked themselves around the alignment of my bones.

    As for the bone spurs, I don't think they have ever really affected me. Never really got headaches. Sometimes I would get a stiff sore neck, but that isn't anything too terrible. I don't want I'm thinking I'll just suck it up until such a time where surgery might be my only option.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    I'm not a fan of LIFE chiropractics. I do, however, LOVE my chiropractor. He not only uses kinesiology (Not just x-ray) to test me for specific issues, but gives me specific exercises to strengthen the muscles around an affected area. And he only wants to see me when I feel like I need to--unless of course there is an injury that requires more follow up.

    I too would be skeptical of of anyone who has a 3x/week plan unless you have an injury like makes me angry that there are practitioners out there that know you don't have insurance--and still prescribe this very common over-treatment!
  • perky12415
    Your progress is definitely noticeable in the hips and quads area. They are much smoother!
  • perky12415
    I'm not a fan of LIFE chiropractics. I do, however, LOVE my chiropractor. He not only uses kinesiology (Not just x-ray) to test me for specific issues, but gives me specific exercises to strengthen the muscles around an affected area. And he only wants to see me when I feel like I need to--unless of course there is an injury that requires more follow up.

    I too would be skeptical of of anyone who has a 3x/week plan unless you have an injury like makes me angry that there are practitioners out there that know you don't have insurance--and still prescribe this very common over-treatment!

    I definitely agree with the point here about over-treatment....
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    I don't think they are LIFE chiropractics. I did talk with him today and I'm feeling much better about this whole thing. I brought up how most times muscles have shifted and changed, will we be addressing that issue as well and he said after 3 more sessions we will start with that therapy as well. So it's more comprehensive than just getting cracked into place. As for my jaw, found out that it's TMJ...I have NEVER had issues with my jaw until these past few days where it just hurt and was so out of alignment. Kinda sucks! I was invincible....hahahahahahahaha.

    I can say without a doubt I have never been cracked as much as I have the last 2 days. Wow! I always get this fear that he's going to crack my neck and I"m going to be paralyzed...irrational I'm sure.

    As for the 3x a week, perky, I was in a car crash when I was 19 and because of that my neck and spine were WAY out of alignment. He wants to try and fix that before it starts causing issues down the road. Already have some degeneration going on in there...that's why he is doing the 3x a week. If only I had a brain then and gone to the doctor...I might not be where I am today.
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    I haven't logged food for the past 3 or so days and it has felt great! My body DEFINITELY knows when it needs the food! lol!!!! Made that mistake today since I didn't feel hungry at the time I just took my daughter to swim practice. Normally I bring a snack, but not today because I felt fine. Well....not 20 minutes later I feel like I'm going to DIE my stomach is rumbling so bad! Definitely made dinner taste that much better. Now I know for next time...bring a snack. ;)

    I finished my workout program from the Beautiful Badass series today and I feel great! I took my measurements a couple days later than my normal Sunday...just wasn't feeling it this week for some reason. I'm surprised by the changes. I haven't been feeling all to good about myself, but the numbers today definitely surprised me.

    Weight: 154 (I think)
    AVG body fat: 27%
    LBM: 112.4
    Wrist: 6"
    Forearm: 8.5" (up 0.25" from last week)
    Waist: 31" (up an inch from last week)
    Abdomen: 33.5" (down 0.5" from last week)
    Hips: 37.5" (same)
    Thighs: 22" (down 0.5" from last week)

    Calf and arm stayed the same 14 and 11.5 respectively.

    From the beginning of this program 12 weeks ago I have not lost a single pound, in fact, may have gained a few, but thighs went down 2", abdomen went down 1.5", hips went down 0.5". That's really the only places where I see a difference as far as numbers go. :)
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    I can't comment on everything. But your progress is amazing! And yayyyy for finishing your program! Keep up the awesome work, you inspire me!!!!
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Update! Last Friday (11/8) I went into the Wellness Center on base and hopped in the BodPod (SCORE! They have one!). Not the numbers I wanted or expected, but they are what they are.

    Weight: 153.6 lbs
    Body fat %: 35.7%
    Fat mass: 54.987 lbs
    Fat free mass (LBM): 98.707
    Body volume: 68.370 L
    Body density: 1.0191 kg/L

    I'm not sure how to use those last 2 figures, but they're here. I figured my Katch BMR based on my body fat % and my BMR is 1332.

    With this information, I have decided that weight loss must be my #1 focus right now. I absolutely LOOOOVED the gains I made in the gym the past few months, but this needs to be done first. So, funny thing is I had actually started a cut 2 days before the BodPod. I cut my calories from 2200 to 2000. I've been STARVING. I just want to eat the food! lol I find that as long as I time my meals and snacks just right that I haven't been as hungry the last couple of days. I'm going to take this level maybe one more week before I cut down to 1900. According to Heybales spreadsheet, my TDEE is somewhere around 2270. Which is where I have eaten at and have maintained at for the past month. TDEG is 1821 and so I think I wil slowly make my way down to that level and see if things start changing.

    I started a new program and so far I love it. I have also added in "cardio" on 2 of my "off" days. My current workout routine is MWF, I'm take Tues and Thurs to do sprints and here soon once my son stops his preschool I'll be taking him on some hikes with me since the weather has finally cooled down. Funny, huh? It's NOVEMBER and it's FINALLY cooling down! lol I realize that this increases my moving and possibly my TDEE, and I have already accounted for it in the spreadsheet. :)
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Update! Last Friday (11/8) I went into the Wellness Center on base and hopped in the BodPod (SCORE! They have one!). Not the numbers I wanted or expected, but they are what they are.

    Weight: 153.6 lbs
    Body fat %: 35.7%
    Fat mass: 54.987 lbs
    Fat free mass (LBM): 98.707
    Body volume: 68.370 L
    Body density: 1.0191 kg/L

    I'm not sure how to use those last 2 figures, but they're here. I figured my Katch BMR based on my body fat % and my BMR is 1332.

    With this information, I have decided that weight loss must be my #1 focus right now. I absolutely LOOOOVED the gains I made in the gym the past few months, but this needs to be done first. So, funny thing is I had actually started a cut 2 days before the BodPod. I cut my calories from 2200 to 2000. I've been STARVING. I just want to eat the food! lol I find that as long as I time my meals and snacks just right that I haven't been as hungry the last couple of days. I'm going to take this level maybe one more week before I cut down to 1900. According to Heybales spreadsheet, my TDEE is somewhere around 2270. Which is where I have eaten at and have maintained at for the past month. TDEG is 1821 and so I think I wil slowly make my way down to that level and see if things start changing.

    I started a new program and so far I love it. I have also added in "cardio" on 2 of my "off" days. My current workout routine is MWF, I'm take Tues and Thurs to do sprints and here soon once my son stops his preschool I'll be taking him on some hikes with me since the weather has finally cooled down. Funny, huh? It's NOVEMBER and it's FINALLY cooling down! lol I realize that this increases my moving and possibly my TDEE, and I have already accounted for it in the spreadsheet. :)
    Thanks for the update! Looking forward to your cut. I hope you continue to keep us up dated.
    What program are you doing?
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Update! Last Friday (11/8) I went into the Wellness Center on base and hopped in the BodPod (SCORE! They have one!). Not the numbers I wanted or expected, but they are what they are.

    Weight: 153.6 lbs
    Body fat %: 35.7%
    Fat mass: 54.987 lbs
    Fat free mass (LBM): 98.707
    Body volume: 68.370 L
    Body density: 1.0191 kg/L

    I'm not sure how to use those last 2 figures, but they're here. I figured my Katch BMR based on my body fat % and my BMR is 1332.

    With this information, I have decided that weight loss must be my #1 focus right now. I absolutely LOOOOVED the gains I made in the gym the past few months, but this needs to be done first. So, funny thing is I had actually started a cut 2 days before the BodPod. I cut my calories from 2200 to 2000. I've been STARVING. I just want to eat the food! lol I find that as long as I time my meals and snacks just right that I haven't been as hungry the last couple of days. I'm going to take this level maybe one more week before I cut down to 1900. According to Heybales spreadsheet, my TDEE is somewhere around 2270. Which is where I have eaten at and have maintained at for the past month. TDEG is 1821 and so I think I wil slowly make my way down to that level and see if things start changing.

    I started a new program and so far I love it. I have also added in "cardio" on 2 of my "off" days. My current workout routine is MWF, I'm take Tues and Thurs to do sprints and here soon once my son stops his preschool I'll be taking him on some hikes with me since the weather has finally cooled down. Funny, huh? It's NOVEMBER and it's FINALLY cooling down! lol I realize that this increases my moving and possibly my TDEE, and I have already accounted for it in the spreadsheet. :)
    Thanks for the update! Looking forward to your cut. I hope you continue to keep us up dated.
    What program are you doing?

    I'm doing Nia Shanks' "Train To Be Awesome." It's awesome. ;)