Season 4 - Ep. 5 - "Internment" - 11/10/13

This thread serves as a place to discuss speculation, and then reaction to the 11/10/13 episode


AMC Sneak Peek:


  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    YouTube Trailer:
    You may want to check this link …. it brought up a katy Perry video…..???
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I just tried and it took me to the correct video. Just in case I'll remove it. Thanks for the heads up!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    The YouTube link worked for me as well.

  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    That was nuts y'all. I was certain Hershel was a goner halfway through this episode just based on signs through the start of the episode what with moments between him and Maggie but yay, he lived!

    Weird little girl came in handy too, she helped keep Glen from becoming walker chow with more of her weirdness.

    Oh boy, the Governor playing peek-a-boo in the woods. Next week should be interesting.
  • xbeth77x
    xbeth77x Posts: 80 Member
    Crazy episode! How did Rick and Carl stop more walkers from coming in after they killed off that big group? Did they rebuild the fence? If they showed anything like that, I guess I didn't catch it?
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    See I KNEW that they didn't have enough booby traps and contraptions around the outside of the fence. If Morgan could have fortified a whole area by his crazy self, Rick and Co. could have done a heck of a lot more.
    I was surprised that Rick and Carl took out that many zombies by themselves. If it were that easy, why didn't the group take out more of these zombies earlier with the automatic weapons?

    I guess Hershel had a real growth opportunity in tonight's episode. It was almost like he lost his innocence in a way having to "kill" a zombie.

    Governor in the bushes...Niiice! He was probably directing the zombies to go to the prison...

    xbeth77x - No, they didn't show any rebuilding of the fence. I don't know how they don't have more Walkers coming in since I think the fence is still down.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    That was an intense episode. It started rather slow and I wasn't sure how it would end up but wow....that was nuts! The governor is clearly doing something to attract the walkers to the prison....not sure how..but it probably wouldn't take much to lead them there. That HUGE horde we saw a couple episodes ago might be the next one to arrive.

    I thought talking dead made an interesting comparison to how Carol is and how she's just on the verge of ending up like the governor. What makes you go from YOU to snapping and becoming like him...because the gov was once a regular, ok guy too. Seeing that transformation happen to Carol is interesting. Lets hope she can bounce back.

    I was thinking either Hershel OR Glenn were done in last night. It's been awhile since we've lost a favorite..and I was afraid it was time. Lets hope it doesn't happen soon!!
  • back2happy2005
    back2happy2005 Posts: 108 Member
    That was a great episode! I thought Hershel was done for also.

    It is killing me that they have not said anything about the huge horde or whoever was feeding the rats to the walkers! It made me so mad that Rick put off telling Daryl about Carol. I wonder what his reaction is going to be?

    I also wonder what happened to the 2 guys that took off with the Governor. In the clips they only showed him by himself. So excited to see what happens next week. I can not wait!
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    OMG such an awesome episode! I thought for sure we were going to lose a main character, but thankfully they all made it. I had to rewind it when Herschel was fighting with the one walker, I thought it bit him on the arm, I'll admit I was kinda freaking out about that lol, he's already lost a leg after all. Glad he was ok. And I loved the growth to his character in this episode. I've always liked him, but now he's definitely moved up my list of favorites.

    Haven't had a chance to watch Talking Dead yet, but it looked like a good one. Can't wait to see what everyone thought of the episode!
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    WOWZA!! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time and shouting "OH ****"!! (the hubby laughed at me). I thought Rick and Carl handled them walkers with a warm welcoming lol nothing says HI like a shot in the head. Anyway, it was great that Lizzy pulled the walker away from Glenn but I wasn't to worried because it still had the airbag in its mouth. Kinda hard to bite someone with a tube in there. Still, it was crazy stuff!

    I was waiting the whole time for Daryl to find out that Carol was not there and go completely off on Rick but I guess there was enough drama for the night. *wipes brow*

    Can't wait until next week!!!

    p.s. Glenn lives! Herschel lives!! And, OMG the Governor hiding in the bushes!! WOW!
  • KurtK1970
    KurtK1970 Posts: 50 Member
    Am I the only one who thinks that The Governor might not be a totally bad guy when he comes back? I mean, they actually managed to redeem Merle to the point where I was kinda rooting for him, which I never thought in a million years I would do. But then, I'm a sucker for redemption stories, so maybe I just am hoping for it.
    Either way, I'm glad to see him back!!!
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    i wonder if the gov was the one that hacked off that girls leg off when they were out getting supplies? she was being eaten quite a distance from the leg so i doubt the zombies did it
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    I don't think the Governor can be redeemed lol, at least IMHO. There is no way Daryl or Michonne are ever going to forgive him for killing Merle and Andrea (and pretty much all of the "soldiers" he recruited from Woodbury for the assault on the prison). I just want to know where Martinez and the other guy that went off with the Governor are. All the preview clips only showed the Governor.
  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    I guess Hershel had a real growth opportunity in tonight's episode. It was almost like he lost his innocence in a way having to "kill" a zombie.

    I don't think Hershel had any innocence to lose by killing walkers. He was gunning 'em down with his shotgun left and right on the farm, not to mention the living bandit(s) he had to shoot the day they first came in to contact with Randall.

    I think he broke down at the end of this episode because he's losing his faith. He was determined to save the sick but most of them ended up dying, including his doctor friend.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Here are my thoughts on the episode:
    I developed some serious love for Herschel in this episode. He definitely earned some bad *kitten* credit. He wanted to save everyone which I think goes back to how he had a barn full of walkers and thought that he could save them too.

    I think I spent most of the episode yelling "please don't kill Glenn!!" He's one of my favorite characters and I'm glad that Herschel was able to save him. I thought it was gross that Herschel pulled the tube out of the zombie's mouth and put it into Glenn's but if I remember correctly I think he doused it with alcohol before to sanitize it as much as possible.

    I'm still completely weirded out by Lizzie. The fact that she was playing with Glenn's blood at the end of the episode was completely bizarre. Also when she was leading the zombie away where did she think she was going to take it?? I'm glad that it ended up falling on her...that way she see's that they aren't the harmless pets she seems to think that they are.

    I also developed some serious respect for Carl in this episode. Although it bothers me that he always seems to eager to get in the mix with the adults, he was there when Rick needed him and did what had to be done. There was a moment when Rick looked and him and seemed to be thinking that he hated putting Carl in situations like that but was glad that Carl was able to pull through.

    I think there has to be someone on the inside feeding the Governor information. How would he be able to be that close to the prison without being detected. Granted they were otherwise occupied but I definitely think he's got a guy on the inside. In the previews the Governor seems much more sinister since he doesn't have a group of people that he has to pretend to be normal with. I'm curious to see if his two goons will still be alive also.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Am I the only one who thinks that The Governor might not be a totally bad guy when he comes back? I mean, they actually managed to redeem Merle to the point where I was kinda rooting for him, which I never thought in a million years I would do. But then, I'm a sucker for redemption stories, so maybe I just am hoping for it.
    Either way, I'm glad to see him back!!!

    I think it's the exact opposite. I think losing Woodbury, his daughter, getting his *kitten* handed to him at the prison and then having everyone revolt against him has made him even worse. I think when he was in Woodbury he had to at least put up a front of being normal and sociable. Now that he's been in the woods by himself (or possibly just with his two goons) it's just making him even crazier. Which will of course make for an even better plot line.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    I just want to know where Martinez and the other guy that went off with the Governor are. All the preview clips only showed the Governor.

    Martinez sighting in the AMC Sneak Peek AnaNotBanana posted in the next episode's thread.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Also I forgot about the dogs eating the zombie at the beginning of the episode!! I wonder if that is going to tie in somehow with the virus changing.
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    All I have to say is...

    That weird little girl has to go. I can't stand her, and I wish that zombie had eaten her. LOL
  • back2happy2005
    back2happy2005 Posts: 108 Member
    I think I remember in the first season when Rick was in the city before Glen found him they showed dogs eating someone also? For some reason that sticks out in my memory but maybe I am wrong.