Thread for my progress (gonna keep it all here)



  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Update! Last Friday (11/8) I went into the Wellness Center on base and hopped in the BodPod (SCORE! They have one!). Not the numbers I wanted or expected, but they are what they are.

    Weight: 153.6 lbs
    Body fat %: 35.7%
    Fat mass: 54.987 lbs
    Fat free mass (LBM): 98.707
    Body volume: 68.370 L
    Body density: 1.0191 kg/L

    I'm not sure how to use those last 2 figures, but they're here. I figured my Katch BMR based on my body fat % and my BMR is 1332.

    With this information, I have decided that weight loss must be my #1 focus right now. I absolutely LOOOOVED the gains I made in the gym the past few months, but this needs to be done first. So, funny thing is I had actually started a cut 2 days before the BodPod. I cut my calories from 2200 to 2000. I've been STARVING. I just want to eat the food! lol I find that as long as I time my meals and snacks just right that I haven't been as hungry the last couple of days. I'm going to take this level maybe one more week before I cut down to 1900. According to Heybales spreadsheet, my TDEE is somewhere around 2270. Which is where I have eaten at and have maintained at for the past month. TDEG is 1821 and so I think I wil slowly make my way down to that level and see if things start changing.

    I started a new program and so far I love it. I have also added in "cardio" on 2 of my "off" days. My current workout routine is MWF, I'm take Tues and Thurs to do sprints and here soon once my son stops his preschool I'll be taking him on some hikes with me since the weather has finally cooled down. Funny, huh? It's NOVEMBER and it's FINALLY cooling down! lol I realize that this increases my moving and possibly my TDEE, and I have already accounted for it in the spreadsheet. :)
    Thanks for the update! Looking forward to your cut. I hope you continue to keep us up dated.
    What program are you doing?

    I'm doing Nia Shanks' "Train To Be Awesome." It's awesome. ;)
    Oh Yes! good choice! Nia Shanks has awesome programs! Cant wait to see your progress.
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Oh Yes! good choice! Nia Shanks has awesome programs! Cant wait to see your progress.

    I am a bit obsessed with Nia at the moment. lol I just got done doing her Simple Strength program from the Beautiful Badass series. I was going to start (s)hero, but this came up and I figured why not. lol I ALSO have her Muscle Sculpting program so I'll have plenty to do for the next year at least! lol
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Update! Last Friday (11/8) I went into the Wellness Center on base and hopped in the BodPod (SCORE! They have one!). Not the numbers I wanted or expected, but they are what they are.

    Weight: 153.6 lbs
    Body fat %: 35.7%
    Fat mass: 54.987 lbs
    Fat free mass (LBM): 98.707
    Body volume: 68.370 L
    Body density: 1.0191 kg/L

    I'm not sure how to use those last 2 figures, but they're here. I figured my Katch BMR based on my body fat % and my BMR is 1332.

    It's a bummer when your body wants to make some improvements and you aren't going to let it. Don't worry, it'll start partitioning your food better for repair since there will be less of it.
    And now if just plain starving, you know how high you could eat and still be in deficit.
    And it may take longer for repair/recovery than prior, since truly in deficit now.

    Those 2 figures they included are the basis of how they come up with BF%.
    Here's your volume.
    Here's your weight per volume.
    And for that to be possible, this % of you must therefore be fat.
    Then of course, total minus fat is LBM, get your %, wuala!

    That's what the hydrostatic test does to, despite the incorrectly termed underwater weighing. They use the water to get a volume figure, same math for the rest, because you weigh outside the tank.
    Measurement method doing same thing, calculating volume based on circumference.

    To that last point, you should get your measurements in the spreadsheet for today hopefully. If I haven't mentioned this, for down the road you'll want this, unless you can keep getting Bodpod measured frequently.
    Then take tested BF% / calculated BF% = correction factor.

    Then a month later, when you have new measurements showing many lost inches, take the calculated x correction factor = almost tested BF%.

    Very useful.

    Congrats on make such great progress, and maintaining for that matter.
  • Update! Last Friday (11/8) I went into the Wellness Center on base and hopped in the BodPod (SCORE! They have one!). Not the numbers I wanted or expected, but they are what they are.

    Weight: 153.6 lbs
    Body fat %: 35.7%
    Fat mass: 54.987 lbs
    Fat free mass (LBM): 98.707
    Body volume: 68.370 L
    Body density: 1.0191 kg/L

    I'm not sure how to use those last 2 figures, but they're here. I figured my Katch BMR based on my body fat % and my BMR is 1332.

    With this information, I have decided that weight loss must be my #1 focus right now. I absolutely LOOOOVED the gains I made in the gym the past few months, but this needs to be done first. So, funny thing is I had actually started a cut 2 days before the BodPod. I cut my calories from 2200 to 2000. I've been STARVING. I just want to eat the food! lol I find that as long as I time my meals and snacks just right that I haven't been as hungry the last couple of days. I'm going to take this level maybe one more week before I cut down to 1900. According to Heybales spreadsheet, my TDEE is somewhere around 2270. Which is where I have eaten at and have maintained at for the past month. TDEG is 1821 and so I think I wil slowly make my way down to that level and see if things start changing.

    I started a new program and so far I love it. I have also added in "cardio" on 2 of my "off" days. My current workout routine is MWF, I'm take Tues and Thurs to do sprints and here soon once my son stops his preschool I'll be taking him on some hikes with me since the weather has finally cooled down. Funny, huh? It's NOVEMBER and it's FINALLY cooling down! lol I realize that this increases my moving and possibly my TDEE, and I have already accounted for it in the spreadsheet. :)

    Sounds like you have an amazing plan in place! I'm enjoying your journey (hopefully you are too!). :)
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Update! Last Friday (11/8) I went into the Wellness Center on base and hopped in the BodPod (SCORE! They have one!). Not the numbers I wanted or expected, but they are what they are.

    Weight: 153.6 lbs
    Body fat %: 35.7%
    Fat mass: 54.987 lbs
    Fat free mass (LBM): 98.707
    Body volume: 68.370 L
    Body density: 1.0191 kg/L

    I'm not sure how to use those last 2 figures, but they're here. I figured my Katch BMR based on my body fat % and my BMR is 1332.

    It's a bummer when your body wants to make some improvements and you aren't going to let it. Don't worry, it'll start partitioning your food better for repair since there will be less of it.
    And now if just plain starving, you know how high you could eat and still be in deficit.
    And it may take longer for repair/recovery than prior, since truly in deficit now.

    Those 2 figures they included are the basis of how they come up with BF%.
    Here's your volume.
    Here's your weight per volume.
    And for that to be possible, this % of you must therefore be fat.
    Then of course, total minus fat is LBM, get your %, wuala!

    That's what the hydrostatic test does to, despite the incorrectly termed underwater weighing. They use the water to get a volume figure, same math for the rest, because you weigh outside the tank.
    Measurement method doing same thing, calculating volume based on circumference.

    To that last point, you should get your measurements in the spreadsheet for today hopefully. If I haven't mentioned this, for down the road you'll want this, unless you can keep getting Bodpod measured frequently.
    Then take tested BF% / calculated BF% = correction factor.

    Then a month later, when you have new measurements showing many lost inches, take the calculated x correction factor = almost tested BF%.

    Very useful.

    Congrats on make such great progress, and maintaining for that matter.

    Thanks for the explanation thought I get the feeling you don't think I should be going into a cut. I have been sitting here for a while now reading the spreadsheet. On the TDEE deficit page, there is an option to do calorie cycling. Rest days I'd eat 1589, higher fat, and workout days I'd eat 2043 focusing on carbs. I'm thinking that makes more sense to me as I do still focus on the lifting and would help me not be so hangry on workout days and might be the kick in the pants to change the way my body is responding. What do you think?

    Also, yes, I have access to this BodPod for free and I plan on going back in 4 weeks and doing it again. And keep on doing it. lol :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thanks for the explanation thought I get the feeling you don't think I should be going into a cut. I have been sitting here for a while now reading the spreadsheet. On the TDEE deficit page, there is an option to do calorie cycling. Rest days I'd eat 1589, higher fat, and workout days I'd eat 2043 focusing on carbs. I'm thinking that makes more sense to me as I do still focus on the lifting and would help me not be so hangry on workout days and might be the kick in the pants to change the way my body is responding. What do you think?

    Also, yes, I have access to this BodPod for free and I plan on going back in 4 weeks and doing it again. And keep on doing it. lol :)

    Oh, I'm not sure why I would have sounded like you should stay at TDEE, unless it sounded like your goal focus was lifting performance and body recomp.

    That is cool the Bodpod is free, awesome, way to really get to see results too, and adjust as needed.

    Indeed, if level TDEE eating so far left you hungry on workout days, then that method can be mighty useful with calorie cycling.

    Just confirm you follow the advice to do the reset day however often suggested for hormone reset.

    Also, you'll need to get your protein to that 1 gram per lb of LBM, when you set your goal to the lower amount.

    Also, found a better way of getting the reset day in there. Instead of creating a workout call reset with the stated calories, to cause your eating goal to go up, create a food item called Rest day, with negative calories, but no macro info.
    You pre-add that food item to whatever day the refeed should be, calorie goal goes up to TDEE, but macros stay the same, you'll obviously be over on all of them, but you decide which.

    There are several in the SL5x5 group following or did follow that method. I've noticed they usually get close to goal weight, and then start disliking the impact a big deficit has on performance, so they adjust the TDEG up and accept slower weight off the body, but higher weight on the bar then.
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Thought I'd pop in and update. I've been fairly sparse around MFP busy with all the holiday stuff going on. I purchased Eat To Perform's "Met Flex for Fat Loss" and have since implemented it. Along the same lines as the calorie cycling I mentioned above, only this I'm eating more carbs. I'm so thankful I found this! I like it a lot so far. Two weeks in. My macros are ironically 40/30/30. I swore that would never work for me but so far so good. I'm eating WAY more protein than before and I think this is going to be a good thing. :)
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Excellent! I saw your newsfeed....glad to hear it is working for you!!!!