
Welcome to our Holiday Challenge Group!!

Say Hello and tell us a little bit about you! Also - what do you struggle most with during the holidays??


  • efarester
    My name is Erika. I am a new mama and I work from home as a grant writer and team beachbody coach. I am also working on my PhD. My struggles right now (holiday or not) are fruits and veggies and sugar!!
  • mom2BandD
    mom2BandD Posts: 101 Member
    Hi my name is Fiona. I am a mom to 2 very energetic boys. I work full time outside the home and I am a beachbody coach as well. I have a thyroid problem that messes with my energy levels. My struggles are with sugars (I am a sugar fiend) and getting moving (see energy issues).
  • KimberlyAnn327
    I'm Kim. I'm 29 and mom to 7 crazy kids, ranging in ages from 12.5 all the way down to 21 month old twins. I'm also a full time student, going to get my associate degree for ultrasound. My struggle is mostly with the salty, savory foods. Sugar isn't usually a problem for me unless it's chocolate. Things go pretty bad with all the Halloween candy sitting around. I've been doing a lot better with that lately. Thanks for the invite to the group!