Friendship & Intro Thread



  • Carolyn1136
    Carolyn1136 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello All - I had my thyroid removed some 20 years ago. Since then I have been on Synthroid with dosage amount varying between 150 mg and 175 mg. I don't have any major complaints; and for the most part; feel good all the time. My only frustration is associated with trying to loose weight - I just can't seem too. I've seen a lot of talk about low carb being a good option but I am not that familiar with the low carb regimen. What is the max daily carb intake I should be tracking?

    And do I also need to track fat intake? If so, what would be daily max?

    I should add that I am 56 years; activity level is low - I do walk 1-2 miles every day around the neighborhood but I don't break any speed records.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    Hiya everyone :)
    Im Jenn , I live in rural Ohio about 1 1/2 From Clevland/Cbus area. I just found out that i have Hypothyroidism, and it kinda werid for me . I found out because i thought i was having a heart attack because my chest was doing theese werid palpatation thing . So i left work and went to the ER . Not only did i find out about my thyroid being off my sugars were so high ..SO its going to be a definite struggle to reign everything in , but im commited :)

    Hope to make many a freinds :) HUGGS!!!
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    my name is Amanda but most people call me Mia. I am 26 years old and live in the great state of Texas. Today I was diagnosed wtih Hashimoto's diseas, which results in Hypothyroidism. I know this seems silly but I feel this almost overwhelming emotional response. Like finally there is an answer to why all these things have been happening. I have a wonderful OB/GYN who showed concern for issues I was having and found a wonderful doctor who sat and listened, reviewed my different blood draws, and sonogrammed my Thyroid. She started me on Synthroid, set up a blood draw in 6 weeks from now and a follow-up visit along with a biopsy for some nodules that were found on my thyroid. I discovered that many of the health issues in my family could be a result of untreated Hashimoto's (since it is hereditary) and that by treating now I can help avoid those issues. I feel relief in knowledge coupled with fear and slight anxiety in knowing that I will have to deal with this for the rest of my life but at least now I have answer and direction.

    I look forward to seeking support and providing support for others with Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism and I am so glad that there is a group on here for us! Finally a place where I won't be bombarded with "20% below TDEE!!! IT'S SCIENCE!!!" lol.
  • calliekitten9
    calliekitten9 Posts: 148 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    my name is Amanda but most people call me Mia. I am 26 years old and live in the great state of Texas. Today I was diagnosed wtih Hashimoto's diseas, which results in Hypothyroidism. I know this seems silly but I feel this almost overwhelming emotional response. Like finally there is an answer to why all these things have been happening. I have a wonderful OB/GYN who showed concern for issues I was having and found a wonderful doctor who sat and listened, reviewed my different blood draws, and sonogrammed my Thyroid. She started me on Synthroid, set up a blood draw in 6 weeks from now and a follow-up visit along with a biopsy for some nodules that were found on my thyroid. I discovered that many of the health issues in my family could be a result of untreated Hashimoto's (since it is hereditary) and that by treating now I can help avoid those issues. I feel relief in knowledge coupled with fear and slight anxiety in knowing that I will have to deal with this for the rest of my life but at least now I have answer and direction.

    I look forward to seeking support and providing support for others with Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism and I am so glad that there is a group on here for us! Finally a place where I won't be bombarded with "20% below TDEE!!! IT'S SCIENCE!!!" lol.

    Welcome! :) I was diagnosed 2 years ago....both my parents have Hypothyroidism. I was surprised to find out that I had a very small goiter...thankfully that is now gone. I've had 2 needle biopsys because my endo wasn't sure whether I had cancer....but I'm all clear now. Don't be surprised if it takes a bit before you stabilize on Synthroid. It took over a year for my Dr. to get me on the right dozage.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    my name is Amanda but most people call me Mia. I am 26 years old and live in the great state of Texas. Today I was diagnosed wtih Hashimoto's diseas, which results in Hypothyroidism. I know this seems silly but I feel this almost overwhelming emotional response. Like finally there is an answer to why all these things have been happening. I have a wonderful OB/GYN who showed concern for issues I was having and found a wonderful doctor who sat and listened, reviewed my different blood draws, and sonogrammed my Thyroid. She started me on Synthroid, set up a blood draw in 6 weeks from now and a follow-up visit along with a biopsy for some nodules that were found on my thyroid. I discovered that many of the health issues in my family could be a result of untreated Hashimoto's (since it is hereditary) and that by treating now I can help avoid those issues. I feel relief in knowledge coupled with fear and slight anxiety in knowing that I will have to deal with this for the rest of my life but at least now I have answer and direction.

    I look forward to seeking support and providing support for others with Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism and I am so glad that there is a group on here for us! Finally a place where I won't be bombarded with "20% below TDEE!!! IT'S SCIENCE!!!" lol.

    Welcome! :) I was diagnosed 2 years ago....both my parents have Hypothyroidism. I was surprised to find out that I had a very small goiter...thankfully that is now gone. I've had 2 needle biopsys because my endo wasn't sure whether I had cancer....but I'm all clear now. Don't be surprised if it takes a bit before you stabilize on Synthroid. It took over a year for my Dr. to get me on the right dozage.

    Thank you so much for sharing that. I don't know anyone else with this and I'm the first in my family to even have my thyroid checked so I'm not entirely sure what the expect. Luckily my doctor gave me samples so I don't have to pay for the medication as we try and adjust the dosage. Right now I am at 50mcg but she did say it will take time and many blood tests to see what will work. She said the nodules are probably no cancerous but she is concerned about them because of blood flow and calcium build-up. All I know is that I am so thankful for having caring and informed doctor's otherwise I would never have even thought to check my thyroid!
  • Hello all! I live in Japan and was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's. As my dad likes to point out, it was like I "moved to Japan and caught a Japanese disease"... however, turns out it was for the best, as I am in Kyoto, which houses one of the foremost clinics on thyroids in the world... so, I'm in good hands and they caught it early (just inflammation to 250% normal size, no bumps, no biopsy needed). But, now that I'm on medication I don't know the English name for (100mg a day), my thyroid is back in the normal range and I'm focusing more on losing all of the extra weight I've been fighting for years.

    Coupled with my thyroid trouble has been an overactive gall bladder (presenting as extreme pain in the right lower ribs and right shoulder aches), so I have to be really careful what I eat.

    My doctor told me not to diet, just to exercise more, so I've started a C25K program. I'm interested in connecting with just about anyone, and want to help motivate others. I find that the more people that are in your circle that know your goals, the more accountable you hold yourself, so it's all win-win for me!

    Hoping to get to know a lot of you better. Thanks!
  • arcana7609
    arcana7609 Posts: 212 Member
    Hiya everyone :)
    Im Jenn , I live in rural Ohio about 1 1/2 From Clevland/Cbus area. I just found out that i have Hypothyroidism, and it kinda werid for me . I found out because i thought i was having a heart attack because my chest was doing theese werid palpatation thing . So i left work and went to the ER . Not only did i find out about my thyroid being off my sugars were so high ..SO its going to be a definite struggle to reign everything in , but im commited :)

    Hope to make many a freinds :) HUGGS!!!

    Hi Jenn,

    I live in a little town called Pleasant Hill Illinois. I use to live in Columbus Ohio. I had the exact thing which the doctors called Lone-atrial fib. I asked them to check my thyroid numerous times because my paternal grandma had the same heart racing issue and her thyroid had to be removed, but her thyroid always showed up normal on blood tests. My paternal aunt had thyroid cancer. My maternal aunt has hypothyroidism and her 4 kids have hypothrydoisism and the youngest is hyperthyroid.

    With all this family history you would think they would do a little more testing my my thyroid....nope. Most of the time I got an attitude that I was trying to make excuses for being fat by having a "thyroid" issue.

    Anyone else get that from your doctor?

    Anyway, I dealt with the constant random a-fib from 1998 until the month a doctor finally diagnosed me hypothryoid and put me on synthroid. That was in 2011. I haven't had an a-fib attack since. My endo diagnosed me with Hashimotos and told me I've probably had it my entire life.

    It makes me furious that I dealt with this heart issue and went through all these tests on my heart, which is normal, because no one would do a more indepth test of my thyroid. My bp is normal 112-128-64-78.

    I mean seriously i have no outside eyebrows, my hair is thin, I weigh 405 lbs and I am FREEZING all the time. My skin is dry pretty much every sympton. I have a goiter. etc.

    42 years old before they diagnosed me.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Most of the time I got an attitude that I was trying to make excuses for being fat by having a "thyroid" issue.

    Anyone else get that from your doctor?
    My endo told me that since my blood tests are within the normal range (thanks to 88mcg Synthroid), none of my symptoms have anything to do with my Hashimoto's. (I'm currently looking for a new doctor who a. listens to his or her patients, and b. treats based on symptoms as well as on blood tests.)
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I started drinking a full glass of water with the pill (plus waiting a full hour before eating) and my energy level rose considerably.
    I'm good about waiting an hour to eat after taking Synthroid (I set a timer on my phone), but I really need to work on drinking a lot of water with it. Thanks for the reminder; I'm making an early resolution.

    Edited to add that since it's almost New Year's resolution time, I thought I'd mention It's gamification of healthy habits. The guy from whom I heard about Health Month played to get in the habit of flossing. In January, I'm going to make my bed, list things I'm grateful for (such as this group), and drink a full glass of water with my Synthroid.

    I find it's easier to build healthy habits when they're tied to something else (such as playing the game). For example, I make the bed while the shower heats up. (And I get impatient waiting for things, so it's a win-win.) And Health Month is fun.

    YMMV, of course, but I recommend starting easy, with the "take medication" rule (there's a space to customize the rule, so I added the part about water & waiting), and maybe 1 or 2 more rules. The first month is free, and 3 or fewer public rules are always free.
  • Hi, my name is Bernice and I also have Graves' disease on med's. I lost a lot of weight by counting calories in 2011-2012 then was diagnosed and put on med's. Can't handle the mood swings and weight gain.....
  • Hey y'all! Im Sheree. Ive been a member of Fitness Pal on and off now for about 2 years. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 4 years ago and prescribes Levothyroxine. I try to stay pretty active, do cardio 3 times a week and watch what I eat and drink plenty of water. I just got a juicer for Christmas and was so excited to try it out but when I started reading certain websites, realized that a lot of the greens that I would normally put in the juice, I shouldnt be eating to begin with. It would have been nice for my dr. to explain that I shouldnt eat certain things like soy, broccoli and spinach (which are 2 of my all time favorite veggies). No wonder I cant seem to lose the weight. Not that Im obese, but I could stand to lose about 30 lbs. which i have not been able to do! Does anyone have any good recipes for juicing with a thyroid condition???
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    It would have been nice for my dr. to explain that I shouldnt eat certain things like soy, broccoli and spinach (which are 2 of my all time favorite veggies). No wonder I cant seem to lose the weight. Not that Im obese, but I could stand to lose about 30 lbs. which i have not been able to do! Does anyone have any good recipes for juicing with a thyroid condition???
    I eat all the veggies (except maybe canned baby corn), and I lost 20 lbs.
  • kcvance
    kcvance Posts: 103 Member
    Almonds/Almond milk made my nodules flare up. That would have been really nice to know...
  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    I have been on Synthroid for about 18 years now following hemi-thyroidectomy. I have been on Mfp since 1 1/2 year and have lost 175 pounds so far. Still 20 to go. Message of hope for everyone!
  • Hi everyone! My name is Amy, I am 37 and joined today! When I was a teenager I was diagnosed with Grave's hyperthyroidism, When I was 20 years old I had RAI which turned my thyroid into mush, no I have no thyroid and I am considered hypothyroid for life. I am 37 years old now, I managed my weight pretty well up until I had my daughter 7 years ago which my weight shot up to 255 pounds. I struggle with this daily. I have done numerous diets, joined gyms, etc. I know there is a way to lose weight. I just haven't found it yet, or I am just impatient. I can use friends who understand what this disease does to you. BTW I also have endometriosis! Fun fun! So I am looking for friends who understand my struggle, and buddies that we can cheer each other on! This is my year I can feel it! I am so determined to get my body healthy again I am not interested in being a stick, I like my curves, I want to be healthy and comfortable in my own skin and be a positive role model for my daughter who also has hypothyroidism! Happy New year!
  • eabernst
    eabernst Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! I'm Emily, been on MFP for a bit but just found out about the thyroid issues group. Anyway, about this time ten years ago (when I was 23) I noticed a lump on my neck....turned out to be papillary carcinoma. 2 surgeries, some radiation, and a bunch of thyroid meds later, I'm doing pretty ok, though my weight has fluctuated 20 lbs +/- my pre-cancer weight of about 135. I've mostly been at the higher end of that range the past few years but I'd like to get down to where I was before to better run and triathlon (my newish hobbies of the past few years).

    I've always had a good appetite but since the cancer (my endocrinologist keeps me slightly hyperthyroid) my appetite has been INSANE (the working out a lot doesn't help in that department). Although I eat pretty well, I struggle with reasonable and appropriate portion sizes. My endo actually lowered my dosage a bit to help curtail the appetite. Currently, I'm taking 150 micrograms of Synthroid 8 times a week (comes to about 172 micrograms a day), though I had been on Levoxyl before the recall. Can't wait for Levoxyl to be back because I don't do as well on Synthroid (was on Synthroid first, then switched to Levoxyl because my dosage kept needing to change).

    If there are any other athletes with thyroid issues, I'd love to buddy up!
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    I just re-joined and am looking for friends with similar health issues, goals, stuff like that. I have Hashimoto's.
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Hi, I found out I have hashimotos about 8 months ago, and in the mean time lost a lot of weight. Kind of made complete sense. Actually, I always thought I had hypothyroidism, but didn't want to blame my weight on something other than myself. They're still adjusting my synthroid, but I'm on 112 atm. My hair has been falling out again, and Im so tired, so Im hoping they'll put it back up to 125 at my next draw. I've probably had it for at least 10 years, so it would have been fabulous if they'd found it sooner ;). Does anyone else have a Anti-TPO that's really really high? Mine was over 5000, but I haven't even been able to find anyone else thats even close??? Does it even matter?
  • Fit_Natasha
    Fit_Natasha Posts: 83 Member
    Almonds/Almond milk made my nodules flare up. That would have been really nice to know...

    It is good to know. How did you find this information? I cut off regular milk from my diet more than a year ago and almond milk was a reasonable substitute (I don't drink it a lot, may be one or twice a week). But I did noticed that almonds make my throat swelling a little bit.
  • mustangsue
    mustangsue Posts: 4 Member
    So sorry you're going through this too. It is more common then not. The other tests besides TSH are the ones they should be paying attention to, for sure. And treating you according to how you feel. Hope you can find a good Dr. :drinker: