I'm sleep deprived! Argh



  • CamillaHerold
    CamillaHerold Posts: 60 Member
    I use compounded progesterone too, every night. Great stuff, best help overall for me. But if that's not an option, there are other things to try. As far as pills, I've tried Benadryl and it works, but it leaves me feeling a little hung over and gives me a dry mouth. The generic form, diphenhydramine, is in lots of over the counter sleep products. I've also tried melatonin, which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Then there's valerian; it works, but oh my gosh it smells so bad, like a dirty tennis shoe!! It is an herb. One I haven't tried is L-tryptophan. I saw it called an "herb" on here and thought I should correct that:
    From WebMD:
    "L-tryptophan is an amino acid, a protein building block that can be found in many plant and animal proteins. L-tryptophan is called an “essential” amino acid because the body can’t make it. It must be acquired from food...L-tryptophan is used for insomnia, sleep apnea, depression, anxiety, facial pain, a severe form of premenstrual syndrome called premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), smoking cessation, grinding teeth during sleep (bruxism), attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Tourette's syndrome, and to improve athletic performance."

    It sounds like its worth trying, especially if it also helps athletic performance!

    My husband suggests Crown Royal. Hehehe. It helps him! But he sleeps like a rock anyway.

    Exercise helps me too, indirectly, especially if its done outside in the daylight. Getting outside in sunlight helps "reset" something in your brain through your eyes (optic nerve) response to sunlight. It helps you respond to the daylight/darkness cycle and get you ready to sleep when it gets dark. So the exercise is helping to tire you and then the darkness comes and you are naturally ready to go to sleep. This might work if nothing else is wrong... so would be good to rule out any other possible health problems.

    Best of luck to you in finding a solution!
  • melaniemccain1
    On a good night I might sleep 4 hours but good nights are a rarity....I've tried all the sleep aids the most effective combo for me is 1 unisom, 4 tablets of Valerian root and 40 mg of melatonin ....but night sweats and the insomnia are killing me, I just read an article that says Spinach has lots of trytophan so I thought I might try adding to a nighttime smoothie and see if that helps.
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 517 Member
    On a good night I might sleep 4 hours but good nights are a rarity....I've tried all the sleep aids the most effective combo for me is 1 unisom, 4 tablets of Valerian root and 40 mg of melatonin ....but night sweats and the insomnia are killing me, I just read an article that says Spinach has lots of trytophan so I thought I might try adding to a nighttime smoothie and see if that helps.

    I second the Valerian root... I just started drinking a herbal tea that has chamomile (which I'm convinced doesn't work for me), other herbs and Valerian. I have been sleeping like a rock through the night since starting that tea only a week ago.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    On a good night I might sleep 4 hours but good nights are a rarity....I've tried all the sleep aids the most effective combo for me is 1 unisom, 4 tablets of Valerian root and 40 mg of melatonin ....but night sweats and the insomnia are killing me, I just read an article that says Spinach has lots of trytophan so I thought I might try adding to a nighttime smoothie and see if that helps.

    I second the Valerian root... I just started drinking a herbal tea that has chamomile (which I'm convinced doesn't work for me), other herbs and Valerian. I have been sleeping like a rock through the night since starting that tea only a week ago.
    The tea has Valerian? what is it? I just took an alertil and am having some chamomile tea...
  • KariD1114
    KariD1114 Posts: 1,215 Member
    I started taking vitamin D drops and 1 Holy Basil capsule right before bed - so far that's helping me out quite a bit.
  • terlyn20
    terlyn20 Posts: 142 Member
    i am taking Thyroid Energy made by NOW and after learning i was vit D deficient ( # 22 ) i started taking prescription D2 and supplement with D3 - new D level is # 56 - after one month of supplementing. Energy very good and sleep is much better. i do go to bed early around 8: 8:30 and get up at 4:45. Supplemented with 150,000 units a week of vit D. to get my level up. The difference in my over all well being is awesome.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    i am taking Thyroid Energy made by NOW and after learning i was vit D deficient ( # 22 ) i started taking prescription D2 and supplement with D3 - new D level is # 56 - after one month of supplementing. Energy very good and sleep is much better. i do go to bed early around 8: 8:30 and get up at 4:45. Supplemented with 150,000 units a week of vit D. to get my level up. The difference in my over all well being is awesome.
    I had "unrecordable" vit D levels a few years ago. The new epidemic. I did high dose supplements, and now do 1000 mg a day and have been able to keep mine up! Hasn't helped my sleep, or who knows maybe it would have been even worse!
  • primal7
    primal7 Posts: 151 Member
    I use Melatonin which helps me sleep.
    I will have to try the Valerian root.
    I appreciate everyone sharing!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I use Melatonin which helps me sleep.
    I will have to try the Valerian root.
    I appreciate everyone sharing!
    Maybe try Alteril. It has melatonin, valerian, and tryptophan. Helps me GET to sleep, but not stay asleep, but I'm hoping I can re-train my brain.
  • stacey0561
    stacey0561 Posts: 5 Member
    I am a good 4 years post menopausal. I chose not to take hormone therapy during menopause and my biggest issue was and still is sleeping. I can fall alseep just fine and I go to bed at 10PM. I will wake up feeling like I got a full nights sleep and it is time to get ready for work ~ I look at the clock and it is only midnight. I will get up, drink some water, go to the bathroom and go back to sleep. I wake up again anywhere between 2AM and 3AM. But when the alarm goes off at 5:30AM I keep hitting snooze and do not want to get up. I have talked to my doctor about this and all he says is "as we age ~ we do not need that much sleep".
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I am a good 4 years post menopausal. I chose not to take hormone therapy during menopause and my biggest issue was and still is sleeping. I can fall alseep just fine and I go to bed at 10PM. I will wake up feeling like I got a full nights sleep and it is time to get ready for work ~ I look at the clock and it is only midnight. I will get up, drink some water, go to the bathroom and go back to sleep. I wake up again anywhere between 2AM and 3AM. But when the alarm goes off at 5:30AM I keep hitting snooze and do not want to get up. I have talked to my doctor about this and all he says is "as we age ~ we do not need that much sleep".

    I know that's true for my residents in the nursing home who are in their 80's and 90's, partially because they don't get much, if any activity.
    But for us, still out working, exercising etc. I would think we still need the rest.
    You hear about sleep cycles, REM sleep and needing this to feel rested.
    I seriously doubt waking up several times during the night lends to restfful, restorative sleep.
    I know I'm sleep-deprived and walking around like a zombie half the time.:yawn:
    But do you think I can sleep at night even being bone-tired...?? :noway:
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 517 Member
    I know that's true for my residents in the nursing home who are in their 80's and 90's, partially because they don't get much, if any activity.
    But for us, still out working, exercising etc. I would think we still need the rest.
    You hear about sleep cycles, REM sleep and needing this to feel rested.
    I seriously doubt waking up several times during the night lends to restfful, restorative sleep.
    I know I'm sleep-deprived and walking around like a zombie half the time.:yawn:
    But do you think I can sleep at night even being bone-tired...?? :noway:

    Sleep is also a challenge for me (perimenopausal)...I noticed that I was waking every night around three a.m. Got a Fitbit, which also measures activity when sleeping, plus how many times I wake in the night. Even though I was going to bed at 8:30 and waking at 5:30, it was still showing that I was only sleeping uninterrupted (without tossing and turning) for about four to five hours in a night. The first night with the Fitbit, it recorded that I awoke 23 times (which meant I was moving around a lot). I now aim for getting three sleep cycles a night of 1 and 1/2 hours each based on research that says they are necessary for rest, and try to stay under 10 times of tossing or turning in the night.

    Each night, I drink a Sleepy Time tea with valerian root in it, and I add in a dropper full of the liquid Valerian tincture. I take D3 daily (I was deficient at one point), and make sure to get my exercise each day. I've also added Magnesium supplements, which relax the muscles.

    I even put in earplugs and take half a sleeping tablet if there have been a number of four hour sleep nights... so far, I've "trained" myself to get up to two 1 and 1/2 hour sleep cycles in on most nights, but am still waking, or tossing and turning between two a.m. and four a.m. Very frustrating! Like another poster said, I later struggle to get up when the alarm goes off at 5:30 (in fact, I'm usually dreaming when it goes off).

    Read some new research that suggests melatonin may not be as effective as once thought, so slacked off on taking it. Might as well finish the bottle just in case.

    Looking forward to more solutions for truly restorative sleep. I highly recommend getting some kind of monitor to find out exactly where the trouble spots of sleeplessness are!
  • helpmeet2day
    helpmeet2day Posts: 33 Member
    Breaking it up to four hours at night and 2 in the day helped me alot!

    Progesterone cream over the counter, too.

    Exercise is essential, especially since at this point in life if you stop doing it you may not be able to go back to it.

    I was always tired to death by 7 pm but never able to sleep

    Very depressing. ..

    Google the seven dwarves of menopause. It's hysterical!!

    Also check out Minnie Pause website. They have a bunch of funny meno stories.

    After I found these I was able to begin to laugh at my situation and get through it. Hope this helps.

    It's a lonely, miserable road we women must travel, and I feel for you!
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 517 Member
    On a good night I might sleep 4 hours but good nights are a rarity....I've tried all the sleep aids the most effective combo for me is 1 unisom, 4 tablets of Valerian root and 40 mg of melatonin ....but night sweats and the insomnia are killing me, I just read an article that says Spinach has lots of trytophan so I thought I might try adding to a nighttime smoothie and see if that helps.

    I second the Valerian root... I just started drinking a herbal tea that has chamomile (which I'm convinced doesn't work for me), other herbs and Valerian. I have been sleeping like a rock through the night since starting that tea only a week ago.
    The tea has Valerian? what is it? I just took an alertil and am having some chamomile tea...

    Celestial Seasons Sleepy Time tea has valerian in it (but I buy the tincture and add a bit more). Lots of other brands have it as well... just check the labels! :)
  • TammyS327
    TammyS327 Posts: 134 Member
    I can't even remember the last time I slept all night. I wake up several times a night, and wake up early every morning exhausted. My doctor put me on Estradiol. He says it will help with hot flashes and the sleep problems. The problem is I can't remember to take it. It is the ONLY medication I have to take daily and I just cant remember. Also I am not sure I want to take hormones. I am sure I want to sleep and I want my weight lose to get back on track. I havent seen the scales move since September!
  • Kathryn41057
    Kathryn41057 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm going to add my 2 cents worth. I have nooooo problem getting to sleep... it's the staying there that gets me. My pharmacist recommended that I use Gravol. He told me not to waste my money on Z-Quill, or Tylenol night, Advil nighttime, because they had the same ingredients that Gravol does, but you're paying for the name. So, that's what I use. Some nights are better than others. I can't remember when I slept more than 5-6 hrs. at one time... I'd like to wish this on my husband..:bigsmile:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm going to add my 2 cents worth. I have nooooo problem getting to sleep... it's the staying there that gets me. My pharmacist recommended that I use Gravol. He told me not to waste my money on Z-Quill, or Tylenol night, Advil nighttime, because they had the same ingredients that Gravol does, but you're paying for the name. So, that's what I use. Some nights are better than others. I can't remember when I slept more than 5-6 hrs. at one time... I'd like to wish this on my husband..:bigsmile:
    When I use something like that I buy the generic benadryl at costco. You're right, there's no need to pay for the name. (We don't have Gravol here, but I have used it)
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    I'd already had issues with insomnia (falling asleep) for about 10 years before becoming peri-menopausal, so I knew I was in for a worse time of it. I already had the occasional night when I wouldn't sleep AT ALL.

    I practice all the recommended "sleep hygiene" tips -- sticking to a regular sleep routine, winding down before bedtime, not having TV or electronics in the bedroom, TWO white noise machines to block out external sound, complete darkness, no caffeine -- to no avail. At various times I've tried melatonin and valerian -- useless. I really don't care for the taste of most herbal teas, so that's out... besides, that would probably add an extra pee break during the night, lol.

    To top it off, my SO falls alseep at the drop of a hat (the lucky bugger) and starts snoring immediately, which just adds a new layer of challenge. And he snores in any position -- can't even sleep on his back due to back issues.

    My menopause symptoms come and go, so I use a topical estrogen gel when they flare up. It hasn't helped my sleep at all. My uterus was removed when I was 33 so apparently I have no need for progesterone supplementation.

    My work requires a high degree of mental alertness so I eventually resorted to pills. Took Gravol periodically for a number of years. Recently convinced my GP that my insomnia was way beyond the "drink warm milk" stage (insert eye roll) and got a prescription for zopiclone, which has been an absolute lifesaver. Once you get past the totally vile taste, that is. I fall asleep quickly, stay asleep unless I really need a pee, and wake up more alert than if I'd slept naturally.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    To top it off, my SO falls alseep at the drop of a hat (the lucky bugger) and starts snoring immediately, which just adds a new layer of challenge. And he snores in any position -- can't even sleep on his back due to back issues.

    Mine too.
    I swear he's narcoleptic... :grumble:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    To top it off, my SO falls alseep at the drop of a hat (the lucky bugger) and starts snoring immediately, which just adds a new layer of challenge. And he snores in any position -- can't even sleep on his back due to back issues.

    Mine too.
    I swear he's narcoleptic... :grumble: